Not that I think much about it anyway. I was just following on your Volodomir quote. My point was that it was silly of Volodomir to discover today that the USA (or any country, more or less) can seize assets, raise tariffs or go on embargoes.
The fact that it happened now doesn't mean it could happen always.
Investing requires a probabilistic mindset.
Yes, and political interference with certain investments is a never null probability (nor should it be).
Park your cash where you expect the highest returns. I suspect you don't have much (cash) otherwise you would have considered dollar denominated securities, their pros and cons.
I wasn't speaking nor want to speak about my finances or any financial advice. I wasn't even speaking against your advice.
I say if you invest in the USA it is because you trust USA government and society, and you say one should invest in the USA because it is the best country and their society has appetite for risk.
You say one shouldn't invest in the EU because EU sux. So you are kind of confirming what I said, that one should invest in countries one trusts.
Volodomir apparently says otherwise, but says it like it was news.
USA is still the best country to start a business.
What you and I say is compatible, I don't confirm nor deny whether USA is a good place for investments, just that investing in the USA requires trust in the USA, which, you add, you have.
I don't need to say whether I agree to that in order for me to note that if Russia is afraid of being bombed by the USA and their allies, which they say are creeping ever nearer, then they should be more afraid of the USA
or allies seizing assets, raising tariffs, divesting, waging public opinion against Russia, etc. because that may not be everyday business but it's always likelier than nuking Russia.
So it's surprising that Volodomir acts now surprised.
EU is a joke. No innovation there, no capital either. And no appetite for risk. EU sux.
I guess one can come to similar conclusions from different arguments. EU might suck a little more this evening, let's hope it doesn't. It's a risk I don't have any appetite for.
Is it just me, or have Russians been attacking ED’s server lately?
I found some access shortages this weekend, yes. But I don't think Putin would dare. A two months war here would drain his resources.