The Chinese Schedule?

Bosbeetle said:
I knew it shouldnt have made this topic in the first place next time I should listen and learn to resist pressing new topic
OMGOMGOMG the pressure, tension, stress and yield stress. The plasticity limit!
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If you were that bothered you'd be in China picking up the boxes and taking them to Craig's place.

As it is be patient enough to get a proper job done and a proper courier delivery when it's properly finished.

Sitting whining about schedules ain't gonna change shit.
gibberish said:
kingoddball said:
peca said:
kingoddball said:
How can they meet 22nd delivery date when pickup is not until 23rd? I'm lost with that one....
Nohow. IIRC 22nd was deadline for moulding and finishing finish. It was done and awaiting for pick-up for transport. :-)

I'm sure they said the will ARRIVE in UK on the 22nd.

I will try and see if I can find post.

Edit: This is from OP Blog
March 18th: Production of 1000 cases is finished and will be shipped to UK.
March 22nd: 1000 cases will arrive in UK and will be inspected. If all is well, the next 3000 will go into production.
March 22th - March 26th: 500 populated and tested boards and all parts will be shipped to UK.
Approx. April 1st: Assembly will start.

Somehow I don't imagine the cases arriving on Monday. We've not even had any word that they've finished making them.
Give it another couple of weeks to a month imo.

You replied to post #64. Are you sure you have read any of the other 63? Or at least the one which is from Craigix?
You do not have to imagine they won't be in the UK by Monday as he said they will get picked up IN China on the 23rd. That MAY BE the 22nd in the UK time zone however, they won't be delivered to the UK on the same day.
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gp32rich said:
If you were that bothered you'd be in China picking up the boxes and taking them to Craig's place.

That is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever seen written on these forums.
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mali said:
Sit tight folks, just one more week.
WOW, that's your sickest avatar yet. Pipy is crazy scary! LOL :P

I was under the original impresion that the 22nd was the deadline for the cases to arrive in the UK, but bases on some of the recent statements from the team, maybe the 22nd became the finish day in china, as that would put us closer to the 1st for assembly.

Another date goes topsy turvy, maybe it will be explained, maybe it won't. I'm still looking foward to the 1st, which is right around the corner. I hope if that date isn't going to be met, the team will say so now, versus later! <_<

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Amigo Bandito Crujiente said:
Excluding only that post.

He was being facetious, and he has an excellent point.

What are you talking about? If he was being facetious how on earth can he have an excellent point?
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If you were that bothered you'd be in China picking up the boxes and taking them to Craig's place.
What does Craig need boxes for? I thought we wait for the cases...
^ Believe me, it fits very well ;) I'm on the way out, but I'll still support my community. Lurking when not posting. I'll have a keen eye on our Messiah, as he turns out to be more of an ass than I thought. Back in the days, when the Community Blog was started, I talked to a friend about the future and what's necessary. My predictions weren't off, I think. This community is just great :)