The biggest computer/gaming mistake you have ever made.

Brought sonic 4 ep 2 today, a very dubious purchase even for me and I have virtually all the sonic games...
At least I like the graphics in Sonic 4 from what I've seen so far. If I could do it, I would make 2D Jump'n Run graphics exactly like this. ^^"" Afaik this Game is available for PC so I should give it a try.

There hasn't been a 10 out 10 Sonic game since Sonic Adventure.
Somehow I never liked the Sonic Adventure games that much, maybe because it was 3D maybe because of another reason, no clue actualy. ^^" But I prefer the classical 2D Jump'n Run feeling. It seems, they have managed this pretty well in the new Sonic Generations, at least for the "pseudo" 2D Levels. :)
Oh god yes the 2D games are superior in my extremely biased opinion, I love them, the 2D act 1's in Generations were my favorite parts, I enjoyed the game up until the modern era stages, whilst good, just weren't designed as well.
I'm pretty sure Blizzard are regretting letting Diablo III into the wild without ensuring they had an infrastructure that could support it. :P
im quite sure the 3.5 million sold on day one(fastest selling pc game ever and most preorderd game on amazon) lets them not give a shit
Hey, I just thought of something! My biggest computer/gaming mistake ever was making Bowser's Last Stand in Game Maker. Because now, I can't port it to the Pandora or even play it on GNU/Linux on a regular desktop PC. (Well, I can use Wine on a regular PC, but sound doesn't work.) It matters because this is an extremely fun and addicting game.
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My university had a great deal on laptops, so I spent nearly $3k on a specced out... Gateway. The warranty was the single best deal I ever got. In 4 years, it went through 3 motherboards, 6 hard drives, two power connectors, and a video card.

The first harddrive crash took the 10 best photos I've ever taken.

I still have it sitting in a closet, because it and I have just been through too much to get rid of it. Believe it or not, though, it'll still run if I plug it in.
My university had a great deal on laptops, so I spent nearly $3k on a specced out... Gateway. The warranty was the single best deal I ever got. In 4 years, it went through 3 motherboards, 6 hard drives, two power connectors, and a video card.

The first harddrive crash took the 10 best photos I've ever taken.

I still have it sitting in a closet, because it and I have just been through too much to get rid of it. Believe it or not, though, it'll still run if I plug it in.

So the hd crash was the mistake?
Begged my parents to buy me an imported NeoGeo MVS system for my birthday while i could not even afford to buy the games (i was 12 or something).

I ended up trading it in for a snes with a bunch of games.
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Biggest computer/gaming mistake I made was getting involved in all this all those years ago, over the years

it must have cost me a fortune :)
Only thing I regret PC wise was years ago I had the choice of 2x 512k chips to install in my gfx card to get it upto two Meg or buy an early accelerator card with 4 Meg. I went for the accelerator card, big mistake. It was only compatible with about 8 games and I only had one of them.
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I bought a breadbin C64 off of ebay for $200 from a guy that claimed that it was in "working condition" because "the red light comes on". When I got it, the poor C64 was in absolutely horrible condition. Rust all over the main board, stripped screws, corroded connections, missing RF shielding, cracked case, and it didn't work. Along with that C64, I also got an original 1541 drive, which I guess was the best part of this buy. I sent the C64 to a guy in Tennessee, and he fixed it by replacing a faulty RAM chip.

A few months later, the video RAM began failing, so I said "screw it", and bought a C128 from for a super-cheap price of $50, because it had extreme yellowing of the case (not that I care :P ).
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Best Fifa game was '97 on the MegaDrive!
amazing game, deffo the best fifa loved playing the indoor mode.

As soon as pro evo came out it was game over for fifa, for me. if you like unrealistic arcade football play fifa, if you want a game where the players have an iq higher than 2 year old play pro evo
I paid 50 us $ for a brand new copy of the wii sequel of nights into dreams just expected more from sonic team :(
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Everytime, I bought a Vic-20 game with my pocket-money and hoped the graphics would be like the fantastic game cover art...

Only a few games lived up to their cover-art. JetPac, Perils of Willy and Choplifter.

Though all of them look and play terribly when I forget my rose-tinted spectacles...
I once mixed up jazz drives and ended up low level formating one with tons of my dear work :(

You guys remember the jazz drive from iomega right?
I once mixed up jazz drives and ended up low level formating one with tons of my dear work :(

You guys remember the jazz drive from iomega right?

Yeah they were the newer fancier version of the regular Zip drives I had to suffer with.
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