Playstation 2 Online


Oct 31, 2003
Hertfordshire in England
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With the PS 2 price drop in the UK recently I've been considering getting a nice spangly silver PS 2. I understand online play on the PS2 is free (unlike my Xbox), and I'm curious how it compares to Xbox Live. Are there many online enabled games that are any good? I like stealthy FPS so SOCOM sounds good and the thought of a Final Fantasy online game make me go all hot and sweaty. What do you actually need to get it online? The network adapter and a HD? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)
Memnoch posted on Sep 4 2004 at 07:37 AM said:
With the PS 2 price drop in the UK recently I've been considering getting a nice spangly silver PS 2. I understand online play on the PS2 is free (unlike my Xbox), and I'm curious how it compares to Xbox Live. Are there many online enabled games that are any good? I like stealthy FPS so SOCOM sounds good and the thought of a Final Fantasy online game make me go all hot and sweaty. What do you actually need to get it online? The network adapter and a HD? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

Never tried online on either but the graphics aren't as good on the PS2.
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DaveC posted on Sep 4 2004 at 07:51 AM said:
Memnoch posted on Sep 4 2004 at 07:37 AM said:
With the PS 2 price drop in the UK recently I've been considering getting a nice spangly silver PS 2.  I understand online play on the PS2 is free (unlike my Xbox), and I'm curious how it compares to Xbox Live.  Are there many online enabled games that are any good?  I like stealthy FPS so SOCOM sounds good and the thought of a Final Fantasy online game make me go all hot and sweaty.  What do you actually need to get it online?  The network adapter and a HD?  Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  :)

Never tried online on either but the graphics aren't as good on the PS2.

Well, The online part of PS2 would rock if.

1. There enought people playing each onlinegame supported.

2. There where more games supported.

I've got everquest online, but how fun is an everquest if there's around 100 ppl in the whole world....

Or the tank game, pretty fun game. only that my thoughts was shared by 3 other people.

It's working flawlessly, but the inactivity destroys it.
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DaveC posted on Sep 4 2004 at 07:51 AM said:
Memnoch posted on Sep 4 2004 at 07:37 AM said:
With the PS 2 price drop in the UK recently I've been considering getting a nice spangly silver PS 2. I understand online play on the PS2 is free (unlike my Xbox), and I'm curious how it compares to Xbox Live. Are there many online enabled games that are any good? I like stealthy FPS so SOCOM sounds good and the thought of a Final Fantasy online game make me go all hot and sweaty. What do you actually need to get it online? The network adapter and a HD? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

Never tried online on either but the graphics aren't as good on the PS2.
There's always an argument against a statement like that. The ps2 co-processors mean that it can make the background much more alive.

Online is pretty good, although I havn't really used it too much as I run almost all my games from the harddisk and they need patching before I can play them online.

When I do go online though, it's fun but I've never tried live so I can't compare.

I'm aware of at least one game (everquest) that you do need to pay a subscription for to go online. Nothing else I'm aware of though....
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Very few online gamers on PS2 then? That suprises me as there's a zillion units out there. :blink:


Please don't turn this into a PS2 vs Xbox war! Both are superb systems, which is why I'm considering getting a PS2 as well. I'm just curious about PS2 and it's online capability. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Xbox as a comparison.
You say you might buy a ps2 as playing online is free but then a ps2 costs what £100? Xbox live for a year with a headset is £30 at Amazon and you already own a xbox so surely thats cheaper and more people use it from what ive heard. I presume ps2 probably needs broadband as well so again not a deciding factor. I only own one game for my xbox, project gotham racing 2 and its great online with all my friends that own it. I can be downloading like mad on the pc and listening to mp3 radio and it still has no lag unlike with useless PC games that ive given up with now as they are so slow considering the hardware. Wish I had bought a console earlier.
Ok I can comment directly on this as I have a PS2 with an online adapter, Firstly I would definitly get a silver PS2 they look great, much better than the original black IMO.

Secondly check out the network gaming section of there are a couple of links on that page about supported games - the folks above who say there are not many network games are correct, but there are a couple of titles out there which you wouldnt expect net support on that actually do have it the likes of SSX3.

SocomII is the best selling network shooter fot the timebeing, that should all change though with thte launch of Killzone (google for it) hopefully this will be the game that launches the PS2 network capabilities as it looks great and apparently plays just as well.

As to the games not looking as good as XBOX the PS2 still holds its own against that console even when you consider it was released well before it.
the thing that annoys me most about my xbox is that its hardware is so pathetically slow, ie 733mhz and 64meg geforce 3.5 ish and yet games run much better than my 3200+ pc with its 128meg gf4ti4200 grr. Consoles so much easier, turn on and it works, no hassle or tweaking etc!
Thanks for the info mallrat37. I'll check that link out when I get home from work (it's blocked here grr).

I already have my Xbox online storm and I agree it's superb. I'm just rather ignorant on the PS2 and was hoping it had a similar online following. I want to have my finger in both cookie jars (or something).
Hmm...I've actually got a network adaptor which I bought to use with my HDD. Does this mean I could play online games for free (if they're not running from the HDD, obviously)?

EDIT: After more research, it would appear that my USB modem is not compatable with the PS2's network adaptor without buying extra hardware. Seriously can't be arsed.
Huxley posted on Sep 4 2004 at 12:32 PM said:
Hmm...I've actually got a network adaptor which I bought to use with my HDD. Does this mean I could play online games for free (if they're not running from the HDD, obviously)?

If you have a 512 broadband connection... yes you can
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Memnoch posted on Sep 4 2004 at 09:10 AM said:
Very few online gamers on PS2 then? That suprises me as there's a zillion units out there. :blink:


Please don't turn this into a PS2 vs Xbox war! Both are superb systems, which is why I'm considering getting a PS2 as well. I'm just curious about PS2 and it's online capability. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned Xbox as a comparison.
Who said there aren't many online games? Before I even got the network adapter I have a few games in my collection ready for online play.
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Memnoch posted on Sep 4 2004 at 08:27 PM said:
I said gamers not games. That's what the posts above seem to be saying anyway. :(
Sorry, I'm blind. My dad said it would happen if I kept watching "those" videos :(. But I agree there aren't tons of online gamers from what I've seen. But then I play older online games like tony hawk 3 and twisted metal black.
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Don't get socom 1, the fuckers shut down the servers.

PS2 online rocks, really, and with Killzone and StarWars Battlefront coming, only a fool would refuse! (I am aware of SW: BF being xbox too).

Also Battlefield is coming!
Well the misses went halves with me so I got my shiney new silver PS2 now. I got a copy of Soul Calibre II and a 3rd party pad with it for £99 (£50 really as the misses helped). The fans alot quieter than the PS2 I had when they first came out which is a relief. When I have some spare cash I'll probably get the network adaptor and Socom II as suggested.
when i chip my xbox im going to change the main fan and the one on the gfx chip to make it quieter as I will use it to replace my lounge pc for divx viewing etc
Not if football games bore the shit out of you.

I think I will pick up and XBOX somewhere, but I'm not going to pay to play online, then again Halo 2 is coming out...