SuperZaxxon v1.55 released!

The XFCE settings apps remaining do seem a bit of a blind spot to me.  There's one or two things in there that are useful, but most of the time all you need is in the pandora settings.  It's always seemed obvious to me to not fiddle with things in there I know the devs have spent a while getting just so, but then I've been following this project for a while now, so I'm not a representative case for the lowest common denominator user.

Unfortunately, the XFCE power app does control the appearance of the power widget, amongst the more dangerous settings, so I don't think it can simply be obliterated without limiting functionality.  It may make sense to pursue the option of getting wake from suspend to reinit the wifi properly, but I don't know the ins and outs of that.
I think people should not shun that part of the configuration, although most find it just too much work, there is much to gain in personalizing it (and writing down what you did for when you need it again after you reflash)

TIP: I always go to the Desktop settings (menu->Settings->Desktop->Desktop).

There in the icons tab, I set the iconsize to 46. This gives me 6 icons in a row (instead of 5), giving me 3 more icons in total.
^Firmware releases are not stored on the repo.. only PNDs.

Also you can upgrade your OS by just going to Menu->System->Upgrade Pandora OS
i've just launched the "upgrade pandora os".

after things have been downloaded, the terminal stops at a line

"collected errors:

* resolve_conffiles: existing conffile /etc/pandora/conf/cpu.conf is different from the conffile in the new package. the new conffile will be placed at /etc/pandora/conf/cpu.conf-opkg."

and nothing else is happening.

what should i do? the terminal is still opened.
Actually I'm pretty sure it's actually finished at that point as it normally doesn't announce "collected errors" like that until everything else is done.  (and that particular error just means that it's not going to automatically kill your custom CPU speed settings)

In my case when I closed the window, it reported successful completion.  It's not clear why the process apparently got stuck at that point though.

- Neelix
Any news on suspend? As far as I know, suspend uses less power than standby (low power mode) and it might be nice to have it working with WiFi. _jr_ suspects that is not executed after waking up from suspend. Shouldn't that be an easy thing to fix?
Ignore what I said :) does the complete standby cycle. It doesn't have to be called after waking, it has to be executed instead of whatever it is doing to cause standby.
^Firmware releases are not stored on the repo.. only PNDs.

Also you can upgrade your OS by just going to Menu->System->Upgrade Pandora OS
I just tried that and ran into a problem I posted here:

SuperZaxxon Incremental Updates


note; I put uImage kernel 3.2.30 back and got the touchscreen and pnds working again. See other post and tell me what I missed! This is an SD install that has problems.
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My Pandora started acting up. It was treating SD cards as read-only after running update Pandora OS. So I decided to format my boot SD card and start over. 

That's when I figured out I had been running off the onboard flash, not the SD card, which might explain some of the weirdness (among other path-related problems). 

So I went ahead and tried to re-flash it back to default and re-install v1.55 which doesn't. It produces the attached error log. 

Help? I just want to reset it with the most recent software. To be clear: I have no interest in preserving the data of my old build. Clean start.


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It looks like you forgot to copy rootfs.md5 to your SD card (yeah the updater could be smarter, detect this and display a nice message, but ohwell).
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Well, the installer's wrong about that. All the files are on the card (boot.scr, bootf.tgz, README.TXT, rootfs.img, rootfs.md5). I'm going to try a different build and see if that works. 

Update: that didn't work. 
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That was it. The only difference between the cards is the one that worked is an old 8gb SD card where the non-booting card is a new 8gb SDHC card. Can you not use SDHC cards for boot?

If so, got any leads on a 16 gb SD card? I want to try Super Zaxxon1.55 16GB SDImage + working Flashplugin.
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I use a SDHC to boot, SD cards can be finicky sometimes.
Alright, I'll get to work on a nice, fat 64 gig boot setup next. 

So for the SD card that I did get working I installed pandora-rootfs.tar.bz2 from the official firmware page ( and everything works pretty well except that the CPU speed runs from 500 Mhz to 800 Mhz. I have a Ghz Pandora. What's up there? 

Should I be using a different source for pandora-rootfs.tar.bz2?
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Just got an original first batch Pandora and I have installed superzaxxon v1.55 everything is running really well , do I need to install hot fix or is this not needed , any other tips for a noob would be great.

Cheers for any info , the Pandora is a fantastic system , looking forward to getting into the scene :-)


By the way I'm using a komputer bay 64gb sdxc card to upgrade firmware and store all my data and it works very well.
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