Sufficient Activity Nowadays to start a Pandora focused Blog?

FWIW, I'm okay with bringing ROT back; I jhad hoped it coudl continue without my pressuring folks, but I think it was not popular enough to have its own steam, and needed folks driving it with a whipe to keep it going :) (and I was about to have babies in the family, so got completely derailed.. still am :o )
Sounds interesting, think I missed that first time around.
I for one, won't use a PND-executable-only form; its rediculous.
I understand that Beef wanted a "disc-mag". My goal when I started the web version was to create a bastardised browser that "disc-mag"'d the website. Yeah, every exposure you can get has to be the best route IMO
Ask pmprog for the list of people who contributed or promised-to there, and then ask them if they'd do something ..
The Wiki lists people who previously contributed - That's also visible from the two issues on my website. I haven't retained lists from people that said they would then didn't or from the "3rd issue" - I told them to just send stuff to Beef when he started releasing the PND version. That's basically where I left (my) Inside The Box.

Hey Jeff, we all know that ITB was created to view ITB on original pandoras firstly and for openpandora's users, so its not surpise that it comes in pnd format. Other than you know and I know that open markup / open ideas are not the problem from your side.
Maybe, or maybe not. However, a couple of the potential contributors to my ITB issue 3 didn't like that you had no formatting options - and that you would override their formatting anyway.

Anyway, I would be willing to contribute to something - whether it be a blog or a zine or something - but not regularly; at least this year.
Don't read more into ot than i said--

I (me, others can make up their own minds*) will write for everyone; why limit? Post in forum, blog, ezine, whatever. If I'm going to bother writing at all, wider audience

But pnd exclusive sure is the oppsite of open :)


* excepting notaz mind control
Not to divert from the blog topic - but as there are people with different interest, and not everyone who wants to contribute is interested in blogging: The wiki over at really could need a few people to weed out old articles with incorrect info and add new stuff to others.
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So yeah, I am really confused now...

Who besides DREDD thinks it's worth to revive PandoraPress?

Or what's the plan now?
I don't care whether something old is revived or something new is started, but it would be nice to have an active Pandora blog with reviews, news, rumors, interviews, etc.

I think the best plan is to give an account to anyone who wants to write something and let them write!
No, sadly the admin interface seems to be shut down (it redirects to his personal site). *sigh* I contacted atomicthumbs about this, we will see how it goes.
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Well it looks like ekianjo's project will be delayed, so you can count me in on Pandorapress. I'll probably end up writing for both :)

Foxblock, once you hear back from atomicthumbs why not start a new Pandorapress thread? We're kinda hijacking ekianjo's thread here :)
I'd be interested in writing some reviews for the Pandorapress. I'd be writing them from an 'entry-level' view, while I do have some tech knowledge I am relatively new to the open source scene. As I'm also currently in school and involved in three clubs I could commit myself to one article every week or two (give me some time to try out what I want to review and figure out how to get it running)
I think this would be quite fun to be part of and would help me find new ways to use my Pandora.

My original quesion to atomicthumbs:

I noticed you shut down the Wordpress admin inteface. Is there a way to get it back up and the blog operational?

His response:

Unfortunately, not easily. I had to remove Wordpress because I needed the server for something else and there hadn't been activity on the site for a loooooooooong time.


I still have the domain, but I'm not able to host a site right now. The domain was supposed to redirect to a static archive of Pandorapress, but that might not work.


I'm not sure how to transfer the domain, but I'd be happy to give it and a backup of the Pandorapress database to anyone who wants to use it.

I asked him to comment in this thread as well, maybe he will still do this with details on how to contact him about the domain move.

Until then I guess we need to decide who will take over hosting of the blog, if anybody thinks this is a worthwhile endeavour.


I personally don't mind having the blog moved over to someone else's hosting, it makes sense, because the new blog team would have direct admin access (something we always needed to contact AT for before).
This is, as long as the old blog posts remain accessible in some way, would be a shame if this part of the history of the Pandora was lost.

You may also change the style as the current one is rather outdated and could be a tad wider in general.
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Don't read more into ot than i said--

I (me, others can make up their own minds*) will write for everyone; why limit? Post in forum, blog, ezine, whatever. If I'm going to bother writing at all, wider audience

But pnd exclusive sure is the oppsite of open :)


* excepting notaz mind control
I agree with Jeff. Forums are a great way of communicating a product. 

I would like to see a news ticker on the page which is allocated a special forum and a posting rank (to prevent spam and idiots from posting). The ticker could tick the last 10 news posts from members / staff?
I personally don't mind having the blog moved over to someone else's hosting, it makes sense, because the new blog team would have direct admin access

I am keen and able to host the pandora-press blog.  Can give shell access to some people, and replicate it off-site.  I would like to continue with the current style, but we can tweak it or look at alternatives.  Want to keep the existing content in the newly hosted blog.  I PM'd atomicthumbs about it just now.
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Hey, just to come back on the topic. My project will be ready to launch pretty soon. Hopefully within a week from now. Quartercast is already joining, and we welcome other writers as well. Let me know by PM if you are interested.