Any Phandy News?


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2004
Hey, was just wondering... haven't heard a peep regarding Phandy in the longest time, since the last version, which is near perfect... Is this emu considered 'done' or is there still any work being done on it? Hoping to get a version with perfect sound some day :D Anyone know what's up?
yep...i'm checking tuskenraider's site every day, because it's the emulator i play most since the last releases....maybe he is busy with university stuff...
Yeah this emu was so close, it would be a shame to abandon it now. Hopefully it will be worked on someday again. If the sound was full speed it would be the best.

This emulator is awesome. Thanks Tuskenraider :)
I'm quite busy in real life, but I had an idea last week and today I could implement it :-) It seemed to remove the flickering, but..
You have to remember, tuskenraider2k, that Gp32 developers are not allowed to have a real life, and must work 24/7 on there projects until which point they are deemed complete (by the community, not yourself). At that point, the community will give you another project to do ;) :D
Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
You have to remember, tuskenraider2k, that Gp32 developers are not allowed to have a real life, and must work 24/7 on there projects until which point they are deemed complete (by the community, not yourself). At that point, the community will give you another project to do ;) :D

Reesy posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:59 AM said:
:), so true


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Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
You have to remember, tuskenraider2k, that Gp32 developers are not allowed to have a real life, and must work 24/7 on there projects until which point they are deemed complete (by the community, not yourself). At that point, the community will give you another project to do ;)  :D

Ohh OUCH! that one hurts :P

I don't think we expect 24/7 though, 60 hours per week would do :D j/k

Yeah we can be a pain sometimes. I hope you guys don't take some of us in the community too seriously :)
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Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:58 AM said:
You have to remember, tuskenraider2k, that Gp32 developers are not allowed to have a real life, and must work 24/7 on there projects until which point they are deemed complete (by the community, not yourself). At that point, the community will give you another project to do ;) :D

Thats right, and I don't think we're being unreasonable either :D
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Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 07:58 AM said:
You have to remember, tuskenraider2k, that Gp32 developers are not allowed to have a real life, and must work 24/7 on there projects until which point they are deemed complete (by the community, not yourself). At that point, the community will give you another project to do ;) :D

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Horscht posted on Apr 18 2005 at 10:45 PM said:
What is this "Real Life" thingy everyone's talking about? where can I download it?

aaahhh, i dont think its released yet... only the better testers have it i think.... not too sure though. ;)

i hope it will be downloadable soon.... What can this new emu do??? INFO please would be nice!!!!
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All I can say about real life 1.0 at the minute, is that it incorporates the latest release of "girlfriend".
Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:00 PM said:
All I can say about real life 1.0 at the minute, is that it incorporates the latest release of "girlfriend".

I heard that "girlfriend" is a bit buggy though. Everything will be going fine and then BAM! everything crashes un-expectedly ;) I guess it could be a problem with the firmware :P Oh well if that happens and you can't have girlfriend there is always the emulator :)
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DaveC posted on Apr 19 2005 at 12:09 AM said:
Squidge posted on Apr 18 2005 at 11:00 PM said:
All I can say about real life 1.0 at the minute, is that it incorporates the latest release of "girlfriend".

I heard that "gilfriend" is a bit buggy though. Everything will be going fine and then BAM! everything crashes un-expectedly ;) I guess it could be a problem with the firmware :P

Or underware. :lol:

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tuskenraider2k posted on Apr 19 2005 at 12:55 AM said:
yeah yeah, real life ;) quite buggy :o) thanks for these messages , they cheered me up :)

Thanks for the awesome emulator, it cheers me up :) The Lynx was one of my favorite systems back then.
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