The ending totally blew, not at all what i was expecting and is actually kinda disappointing. The whole point of the game was completely left out of the ending. just thought i'd share.
no, buy it, it's a great game, but just don't get your hopes up on an ending. I think i've been spoiled from Final Fantasy endings, but still, you'd think the ending would have more in it regarding the actual storyline of the game than it did.
I totally agree. i blew through the game in 33hours missing loads of the side quests but the ending is such a let down after a story which hooked me in. kinda disappointing but i have to say it was one of the best games ive played in a while. totally worth buying.
But I think that the entire story was FAR too complicated and there were too many twists. The character development was well done, voice acting was great, but that story... I was completely lost the majority of the game.
I appreciate a complex story, but I think they went overboard. And yes, the ending was a let down.
depends on what you want to do. You can blow through it like Gane did in 33 hours, i did a few side questes and finished it in 45 hours, but if you want to do everything there is to do, i could imagine it being around 70hours, i think 80 is pushing it.
Yeah the 80 hours is an overestimation. i started a new game using my finished file and it think the 80 hours come from doing it a second time using the time that u finished the games as the time that u started. That saying there are quite a few big side quests like giving the dogs all new with collette and getting the dark weapons. Anyone hear tried Baten Kaitos and is it any good cause im tempted to get it but want a first hand experience to make up my mind.