Ed's Upcoming Blog Post

How do you guys feel about this new blog post ?

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I'm feeling very Optimistic, but I also dabbled with some hearb earlier today, take that as you will. :p

Anyway, I think Ed is going to announce the cases just left the mould factory today, and may arrive friday , but probably early next week. The PCB's will be there any day now, along with everything else. The team will plan to get together on wed next week, and start assembly. Then he will say more boards are being done ASAP with the new part, so all is well from Teaxs(500 arriving each week).

No predictions for the mould factory, because I don't even think GOD knows what those guys are up to, am I right? LOL

Yotsuba and I voted.
I can't get in the OP homepage, this normally happens to me when there's a blog update, *fingers crossed*
Budgie said:
I can't get in the OP homepage, this normally happens to me when there's a blog update, *fingers crossed*

thought it was my internet for a while..
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While I do like blog posts, I hope EvilDragon won't be making one right now. It's two in the morning where he lives.

Though he could make a good batman.
Vlynndar said:
While I do like blog posts, I hope EvilDragon won't be making one right now. It's two in the morning where he lives.

Naaah, still too early right now :)
But it will come in a few hours ;)

Though he could make a good batman.

Damn, how did you find out? :eek:
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Alerino said:

I'm prepared to say...July crying... in that picture, above me.

The team has much to prepare for the next weeks and ED has a lot of typing to do for the upcoming blog post so give him a day or two. :)



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That might just be the pizzas that we were going to send to the village hall. I forgot to freeze them.

(Seriously, though, I am similarly optimistic. :) I've got a holiday coming up, and I'm hopeful that I'll have mine for the trip. :D)