Pandorapress needs writers!

Gruso, It might work best if you got 7 people, and each of them had a specific day to post on,

It would introduce more writing, and higher quality(You're not stretching a person out every day), if you ask my opinion.

I would happily volunteer for such a position.
I can't write daily, I'm afraid, but I'm willing to write every so often on an assignment if you have anything in mind.
No one has written a thing. I know not everyone who signed up was going to do daily news, and that's ok, but the idea was that at least a couple of people would. I haven't even heard from anyone. I've set up author forums to help run the blog and it's only myself, foxblock and atomicthumbs visiting them. I'm wondering if I farted or something.

:) Sorry about that. I had the lousiest month in I don't know how may years, healthwise. I've had all the flus that go around, I think, at least once, with common colds inbetween, kids sick with the same things, and topping it off with a bit of calici virus - What in sweden is known under the descriptive name "Winter Vomiting disease" :D So it is only basically since Sunday or so that I've been feeling well at all. I'm attempting to get things back on track job-wise (funny how noone else steps in and grades my students exercises while I'm at home coughing my lungs out), but I'm getting there, and it is still my intention to start writing, once I've got that sorted.

Oh, and if you go around and ask yourself this question: "When is the perfect time to get the 'I'm going to throw up. NOW!'-feeling", trust me on this: The perfect time, whenever it is, is NOT in the checkout line of your local convenience store. Not. You can skip that and try something else. :wacko: :D
Mop and bucket to aisle three!

That's cool guys, I know you signed up with more occasional 'feature' articles in mind, not daily news. I'm starting to wonder if it's fair to expect anyone to do daily posts to be honest! Kloplop's suggestion is an interesting one, I'll keep that idea on the table.

The main motivation for wanting to get the blog more active, is more exposure for software releases. We've got a very healthy, active dev scene but nobody outside the forums & file archives can see it. So we're talking about adding a sidebar feed for new uploads, something I've tried in the past but we're going to do properly now. Then every single release will get fed to the 'outer circle' of the scene.
Is anyone still having trouble accessing Pandorapress? I assumed it was just down/under maintenance for everyone, but yesterday I noticed the pandora stalker was reporting on new articles there, and now I google their title, it seems Google can see them.

Originally it reported that the site was undergoing maintenance and would be back (IIRC) sometime last Sunday. Then on Sunday it changed to just say 'check back soon'.

I wondered if maybe Atomicthumbs had done the move to a different provider and it was a DNS propogation issue, but the public DNS resolver services seem to resolve to the same IP address I get. I'm getting a 'hostgator' maintenance message by the way, in case that means anything.
Is anyone still having trouble accessing Pandorapress? I assumed it was just down/under maintenance for everyone, but yesterday I noticed the pandora stalker was reporting on new articles there, and now I google their title, it seems Google can see them.

Originally it reported that the site was undergoing maintenance and would be back (IIRC) sometime last Sunday. Then on Sunday it changed to just say 'check back soon'.

I wondered if maybe Atomicthumbs had done the move to a different provider and it was a DNS propogation issue, but the public DNS resolver services seem to resolve to the same IP address I get. I'm getting a 'hostgator' maintenance message by the way, in case that means anything.

Works fine for me.
Is anyone still having trouble accessing Pandorapress? I assumed it was just down/under maintenance for everyone, but yesterday I noticed the pandora stalker was reporting on new articles there, and now I google their title, it seems Google can see them.

Originally it reported that the site was undergoing maintenance and would be back (IIRC) sometime last Sunday. Then on Sunday it changed to just say 'check back soon'.

I wondered if maybe Atomicthumbs had done the move to a different provider and it was a DNS propogation issue, but the public DNS resolver services seem to resolve to the same IP address I get. I'm getting a 'hostgator' maintenance message by the way, in case that means anything.
Perhaps the page is cached? Try pressing CTRL+F5 while on
Hmm, I didn't think so - going to the URLs of the new stories via the stalker gives me the same page. Ctrl-F5 as you suggest shows me the same page, although I can't be sure the traffic's coming from outside my machine, the maintenance page is so small that it doesn't show up amongst the other traffic. I've just tried wgetting the home page, and it comes back with the maintenance page, so it's not specific to my browser.

Hmm, I've just tried it on my phone, connecting to the same router my computer's connected to, and that comes though fine (including showing all the new stories), so it does seem to be specific to my machine.

Looks like it is DNS - wget (and presumably my browser, though I can't tell) is talking to a different IP address than I get when I nslookup, even though both tools were run from the same shell.

Oh well, never mind then. Sorry for semi-hijacking the thread.

Edit: Damn! Just remembered I'd added to my hosts file last time they changed IPs and it was taking a long time to propagate. I've removed it and it now works.
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Hmm, I didn't think so - going to the URLs of the new stories via the stalker gives me the same page. Ctrl-F5 as you suggest shows me the same page, although I can't be sure the traffic's coming from outside my machine, the maintenance page is so small that it doesn't show up amongst the other traffic. I've just tried wgetting the home page, and it comes back with the maintenance page, so it's not specific to my browser.

Hmm, I've just tried it on my phone, connecting to the same router my computer's connected to, and that comes though fine (including showing all the new stories), so it does seem to be specific to my machine.

Looks like it is DNS - wget (and presumably my browser, though I can't tell) is talking to a different IP address than I get when I nslookup, even though both tools were run from the same shell.

Oh well, never mind then. Sorry for semi-hijacking the thread.

Sounds like a DNS issue relating to the server move. If it's still epicfailing try:

OSX: dscacheutil -flushcache

Windows: iponfig /flushdns

Linux: /etc/init.d/nscd restart
Cheers, didn't see your post. Turned out to be /etc/hosts in the end though. The clue was that wget and ping were getting a non-working address, while nslookup (and the more modern host tool, surprisingly) both got a different (presumably correct) address.
Cheers, didn't see your post. Turned out to be /etc/hosts in the end though. The clue was that wget and ping were getting a non-working address, while nslookup (and the more modern host tool, surprisingly) both got a different (presumably correct) address.
I have a ip in my local hosts file. Cant't recall why I would have added that. I would have been a work-around for an access issue.
Yeah sorry about that, we have been very busy otherwise lately.

The posts will be auto-closed after 7 days to counter spam and putting flamewars to rest which usually rise after some time in most news posts.

I might PM a few more members in the next time, so please give me a update in case you are still interested to write for the blog, but have not been messaged yet.
Latest update from me: Currently at hospital with the smallest kid, who has been put on a drip to counter dehydration from stomach flu. This really, really has been a silly winter :/