i was playing Chrono Trigger for a while, with version 0.37a, without any major glitches. But only until i reached the part "the guru on mt. woe". As i entered this area my screen just looked like this:
bigger size
When i tried it on ZSNES it looked like this:
bigger size
I tried some different versions of Squidgesnes DR2, 0.37, with and without fast sprites/transhack, always the same effect.
It would be cool if someone could figure out what´s causing this bug, and maybe fixing it
I really love squidgesnes, but sometimes its just anoying to start a rpg game and on some point u cant play further cuz some glitche occurs
To try this out on your own here´s a savegame
The Chrono Trigger rom is not included for sure, and cuz it´s small size of 8kb i didnt zipped it
Load the 3rd save slot, walk to the right in to the cave, then on the left side all up and then use the chain..
i hope i didn´t choosed the wrong place for a "bug" report