Perhaps you don't want to hear it but it has to be said perhaps .. and in the most friendly terms, I assure you! -- if there is a lot of drama around someone, usually that person is half the source of it; it doesn't spontaneously appear around the same person, all the time
So don't be so quick to dismiss it all as Dunny or other people (I've not followed any of those nasty threads, so I am lacking context) .. you do tend to stick your foot in it, and do definately perform your share of stirring it up

It does seem liek Dunny was being unusually prickly, but you shoudl be mindful of your own behaviour as well.
(This applies to me as well.. the 1.5 years of total sleepdep I've been living with has made me less the considerate person I used to be; I'm trying not to be harsh on people lately, as a few times I was a bit snarky in recent memory

Also, in RL, I've decided to smile more; I've always been easy going and chilled out, one of the hardest people to rile up anywhere anytime.. but the last year, too many kids, used me up! I've recvognized this, trying to return to a place of calm
Listen...I don't really like the idea of someone attempting to psychoanalyze me when I can't see their credentials, okay?
I say this not to be mean or start a fight...but you must understand the culture that surrounds mental illness in the United States.
Suggesting to an American that they need therapy...is generally a very insulting thing to say...because of the stigma which surrounds mental illness in this country. I do not know if this stigma exists in other cultures.
Still, though...was it REALLY necessary for someone to drive another person to the level I was driven to...all for "teh lulz" I mean, really. Folks should try to practice being a little bit nicer, sometimes. It doesn't hurt, you know...to be nice instead of mean, nasty and sarcastic.
IT is, I know, hard to remember sometimes...that over the Net...you're still talking to a real person, who has real feelings that can be hurt.
Sometimes, it might be best if everyone were to take a moment before pushing "send" on something they think is really clever...and say to themselves..."would I like it if someone talked to me in that way?"
But all water under the bridge now.