Are We Still A Friendly Community ?

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May 12, 2003
Whats going on ?

When i joined the GP32 community over a year ago EVERYONE was damn friendly and helpful...........

So Whats happened ?

Although there still are lots of helpfull sorts its seems that there are more and more
people who seem to float around the boards with nothing to say other than flame people for stupid crap like bad grammer,spelling,posting in wrong forum etc etc etc

Since when did we start acting like gameboy owners ?
lol, I AM a gameboy owner :D and I think I'm not the only one ;)

seriously though, I agree with you a for a bit, but on the other hand, if I'd get a flame for not using the search function, I'd deserve it :/ the thing is, you join here, you see lots of sticky posts with "important" on them, you read them first... if you don't read them and get yelled at, it's your own fault imho :/
Still though, I like the community when I first joined, it had much less members and the ones that were there, didn't mind answering all my silly n00b questions.
GPJosh posted on May 22 2004 at 12:07 PM said:
Still though, I like the community when I first joined, it had much less members and the ones that were there, didn't mind answering all my silly n00b questions.
me too - just seem to have picked up a lot of moaning gits along the way

You know who you are
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i would hate to be a noob in the community now, but when i joined everyone was helpful, one of the main reasons im gettin a gp is cause of the community.
As i newbie (got my gp only 2 days ago now!), i'd like to say for the most part the helpfullness from this community has been good (espcially from those on the GP32 MiRc channels).

Maybe the minute i ask a REALLY stupid question i'll feel the wrath!! :lol:
but for info this site really is excellent.
Maybe there should be a newbie forum section that doesn't appear on the front page where you can ask anything and you're guaranteed not to get flamed, just a helpful response or link to another thread, so people who flame can just not bother to go in there, just people who don't mind a few stupid questions ;)
It's fine at the moment I think. Just the odd couple of flamers, and people who think they can run the forum with no status at all. Little nagging threads like this don't tend to help the atmosphere (and pls don't take offence to that :ph34r:). It's just my oppinion.
Dozer posted on May 22 2004 at 12:23 PM said:
It's fine at the moment I think. Just the odd couple of flamers, and people who think they can run the forum with no status at all. Little nagging threads like this don't tend to help the atmosphere (and pls don't take offence to that :ph34r:). It's just my oppinion.
I`m not gonna take offense for you expressing you opinion m8, but it doesnt change the fact that this place is a damn site less friendly than it used to be
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A lot of new board members don't read the sticky's/FAQ, which would probably answer their questions instead of them making a new post. Same goes for the search function.

It does get tiresome seeing posts on the same topic week after week from noobs when the answers are already on this board. Same goes for forum posting, it doesn't take much effort to look over the forum names and post in the correct one.

I think everyone's done the above on some forums at some point though, and probably got flamed for it too ;) All it needs is one person to reply, either with an answer, or directing the noob to the FAQ, etc. Doesn't need multiple replies in such threads, most of which are flames to the original poster.

As for spelling, etc, well, you can *usually* understand what the poster is trying to say, certainly not something to moan/flame about. The more members we have in the community the better, even if English isn't their first language.

All the flame-type replies that many threads get just wastes the sites bandwidth and storage.

:wub:'s GP32x
To be honest, this is a subject that is close to my heart, and something that has really got to me in the last few months. The community as a whole HAS picked up more moaners, who seem to make it their place to constantly criticise others for pathetic, pedantic reasons. I'vew posted about this before, and infact, we had a sticky about it a while back, which seemed to calm people down somewhat.

I think the time has come to ask people to calm down again in this respect.

YES - some people ask annoying, frequently duplicated questions


It's even MORE annoying when you come on and post a reply to such questions just whinging about the question and not providing any sort of constructive input.


Everyone was new once, including myself. Yes, the FAQ is there, and YES, the search function is there, but it is human nature for people to look for the easiest way out of a problem. To some, reading the FAQs and doing searches may be that very thing, but to others, the tempatation to post is unbearable.

If you get a post asking a question which is answered in the FAQ, just post saying so. If you want to do a search and link to a few threads about it, then so be it. You can then tag on a friendly reminder to the end of the post to ask them to use the search function and the FAQ next time. This way, you've demonstrated the usefulness of one or the other in a direct way without making yourself seem like some grumpy git who cant be bothered to give people the time of day.

It makes for a better community all round.

Of course, persistantly annoying offenders (on both sides) WILL get warned by mods. We CAN suspend your accounts or even put all your posts on moderator review so they have to be checked before they are allowed. This would be annoying for all involved, and shoudn't really be necessary.

PLEASE - for gawd's sake... (and I say it again...!)


I love this community, and have given a lot of my time to help upkeep it, as have all the other mods. We're not infallible, and many things will slip through. BUT - everyone helping to keep it frienddly in the first plae will make our lives easier, as well as stoping the other communities, and new people to this one, tarring us all with the same sticky, "can't be arsed to help" brush.

Please help to keep this community what it has been up until now - one of the friendliest on the web.

Cheers, thanks for listening, and you can go now :)
:huh: every ones been nice to me, though some other newbies have been posting "crap all" posts nothing to do with gp32. I like this place but there do seem to be some board people who find spamming a great passtime. there should be some rules that should be on the first page. :unsure:
well i feel guilty for flameing askanswer guy, and i want to say sorry, i just couldnt resist, he made my blood boil.

so, sorry, ill never flame again.
I think the best thing to do is when people sign-up to a email is sent out with them giving them a basic info on rules and the most basic questions

kinda like a F.A.Q before they get to the forum it should keep most of the questions newbies ask to rest :)

just an idea

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finty101 posted on May 22 2004 at 12:44 PM said:
well i feel guilty for flameing askanswer guy, and i want to say sorry, i just couldnt resist, he made my blood boil.

so, sorry, ill never flame again.

I dont like to flame but that guy REALLY deserved it - About his topics and attitude - but digging at his crappy was a bit low.

Which is kinda the point of this post
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thats a pretty damn sweet idea. i like.

but digging at his crappy was a bit low.

i didnt touch no crap :lol:

he got flamed for his grammer cause half of his posts were unreadable.
off topic but wanted to say yipee cos this is 1st post of mine thats been pinned,I feel giddy and warm in the pants department(lol)

Oh yeah........Yipee
btw: I think we ARE a friendly community :P don't get me wrong :)
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