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Perhaps you don't want to hear it but it has to be said perhaps .. and in the most friendly terms, I assure you! -- if there is a lot of drama around someone, usually that person is half the source of it; it doesn't spontaneously appear around the same person, all the time :)

So don't be so quick to dismiss it all as Dunny or other people (I've not followed any of those nasty threads, so I am lacking context) .. you do tend to stick your foot in it, and do definately perform your share of stirring it up :) It does seem liek Dunny was being unusually prickly, but you shoudl be mindful of your own behaviour as well.

(This applies to me as well.. the 1.5 years of total sleepdep I've been living with has made me less the considerate person I used to be; I'm trying not to be harsh on people lately, as a few times I was a bit snarky in recent memory :eek: )

Also, in RL, I've decided to smile more; I've always been easy going and chilled out, one of the hardest people to rile up anywhere anytime.. but the last year, too many kids, used me up! I've recvognized this, trying to return to a place of calm :)


+1 for your courage Kumaki in this high testosterone community  :D
Well, enjoying gaming...the testosterone sorta comes with the territory.

But there are times it can get a bit overwhelming.  And those are the times where I tend to go off on tangents.

I was going to mention something that was behind the more recent one...which really has to do with me, personally, but I don't want to risk bringing that topic back...but there is a personal reason for some of the strong opinions I hold.
reached my quota :-(

Perhaps you don't want to hear it but it has to be said perhaps .. and in the most friendly terms, I assure you! -- if there is a lot of drama around someone, usually that person is half the source of it; it doesn't spontaneously appear around the same person, all the time :)

So don't be so quick to dismiss it all as Dunny or other people (I've not followed any of those nasty threads, so I am lacking context) .. you do tend to stick your foot in it, and do definately perform your share of stirring it up :) It does seem liek Dunny was being unusually prickly, but you shoudl be mindful of your own behaviour as well.

(This applies to me as well.. the 1.5 years of total sleepdep I've been living with has made me less the considerate person I used to be; I'm trying not to be harsh on people lately, as a few times I was a bit snarky in recent memory :eek: )

Also, in RL, I've decided to smile more; I've always been easy going and chilled out, one of the hardest people to rile up anywhere anytime.. but the last year, too many kids, used me up! I've recvognized this, trying to return to a place of calm :)



Listen...I don't really like the idea of someone attempting to psychoanalyze me when I can't see their credentials, okay?

I say this not to be mean or start a fight...but you must understand the culture that surrounds mental illness in the United States.

Suggesting to an American that they need generally a very insulting thing to say...because of the stigma which surrounds mental illness in this country.  I do not know if this stigma exists in other cultures.

Still, though...was it REALLY necessary for someone to drive another person to the level I was driven to...all for "teh lulz"  I mean, really.  Folks should try to practice being a little bit nicer, sometimes.  It doesn't hurt, you be nice instead of mean, nasty and sarcastic.

IT is, I know, hard to remember sometimes...that over the're still talking to a real person, who has real feelings that can be hurt.

Sometimes, it might be best if everyone were to take a moment before pushing "send" on something they think is really clever...and say to themselves..."would I like it if someone talked to me in that way?"

But all water under the bridge now.
Hey, we love ya, skeezix is cool, ok?
I was stressed too, and I'm not the only one... shit happens all the time, just be cool as usual.
This came up 1st when I googled for "nice funny picture" :) so... cheers!
edit: removing message (kept if anyone wants to see it again)

pfah, was trying to be nice .. but dont' want to be part of this drama :)
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yeah, I'll probably hang out and remain in the community.
Hurrah!  **hugs**

I've my own theories of what happened and who did what, but I don't think it's helpful to anyone to post them.  I'll just say neither side was perfect, but hey, every forum needs a bit of drama every so often.

Regarding therapists, and nothing else, I thought everyone in America had one since the 90s?
Listen...I don't really like the idea of someone attempting to psychoanalyze me when I can't see their credentials, okay?

I say this not to be mean or start a fight...but you must understand the culture that surrounds mental illness in the United States.

Suggesting to an American that they need generally a very insulting thing to say...because of the stigma which surrounds mental illness in this country.  I do not know if this stigma exists in other cultures.

THIS!!   This is exactly what needs to change in the US.  Seriously.  This is what leads to school shootings.  If someone has issues then they need to get help.     That anyone would be looked down on for admitting they need help or seeking it is abhorrent in my view.

- Neelix
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Geez, if someone would tell me I need a therapy, I would probably put up a huge grin and nod :D

It that really THAT crazy in America? :eek:
Geez, if someone would tell me I need a therapy, I would probably put up a huge grin and nod :D

It that really THAT crazy in America? :eek:
Well, maybe you did not hear about bombs in Boston... Crazy is a proper word right now, sadly.

Beside, you need therapy. :D
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Geez, if someone would tell me I need a therapy, I would probably put up a huge grin and nod :D

It that really THAT crazy in America? :eek:
It is, I make it by with a fine crafted beer. I'm fortunate to live in a state that makes some good brew. I may have had several tonight already.
Well, maybe you did not hear about bombs in Boston... Crazy is a proper word right now, sadly.
Yes indeed. Sadly.
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okay, let me un-hide what I said up there and then ditched. It really does apply I think, and now I'm done on this topic :)


I'm not getting drawn into your drama world, trust me ;) I'm one of the nicer peopel you will ever meet, online or otherwise. I've been running bbses and doing the net long before there was a popular internet; I'm one of the guys who helped set up the net around in my parts. I've done more IRC and email and boarding then most will ever in their life :) So I like to think I'm pretty level.

"<therapy>" was a gag, after I wrote the post, it started to sound like a Frasier episode, so I wrapped it in 'therapy', since I ended up giving _myself_ therapy there. Or both of us. Generally, when someone puts html-like tags around somethign, its an obvious gag. I didn't suggest you need therapy. And I'm not some 'distant non-American'.. I'm Canadian, an hour north of the border.

But you miss the point and tried to turn it around again; I was suggesthing that you claim to always have all this drama around, and its obviosu you do since we can see it.. and suggesting its not all other peoples fault; its yours too. But you reply to my post, and all you do is point fingers back out, away from yourself :)

So, I'll say again.. and I do not mean to offend, only to help; feel free to ignore the helpful advice, or mull on it. But do consider.. some of this is your behaviour too. But you are trying to be cooler and calmer, so thats good.

Anyway.. still friends, right?

Don't over-react again, be the bigger person :)



So that explains why darkborn said what he did; but I only said that bit, since Kumaki assumed I was some distant person who doesn't understand Americans. (Instead, I'm very nearby, and don't understand Americans ;)

This is quite simple .. but an example, so I can make it hard to undrstand since its late :) .. Theres a piece of street that about 20 of us have to park on every day, for a few minutes, in a rush (dropping kids off at school.) Theres spots for 2 cars, but this person loves to rush in and park in the middle, using up both spaces. Its unmarked, just empty street, but normal sensible people park in the front half or the back half, since theyr'e considerate. Likewise, a couple times I've seen .. the actual spots at the school, marked, and one empty; a little loop goes by them, maybe a half dozen spots total; you go in one, out another way, with a one-way direction marker. A few times, I've seen peopel spot an empty parking space and then go into the IN-side, and then this person we know, she zips in the OUT-side and jumps into the empty spot, cheating the person who'd followed the rules to get it.

Then she wonders allowed why people ignore her, or get miffed at her; she just _doesn't get it_; she's a perfectly nice person, but has this one character flaw; she's a little inconsiderate. Because its real life, and a little thing, and somthing that will not be a problem soon (schools out, everyone moves on), no one points it out to her, but a dozen people have gotten annoyed at her, and talk about it out front of the school.

Kumaki is a little like that; we all are.. we all have our flaws. She looks outwards, doesn't see th einward side of the issue.. since its not a big deal; its a little thing. But its enough to cause drama, here, now; but because its the net, some people will nicely call her on it, others will be total dicks about it. In RL, people are nicer or quieter, but here.. everything goes. Which is a shame, but whatever.

Yeah, so, I'm sleepy now, I hope this comes out in the way its intended.. helpful and amusing or goofy at least.

Kuamki, we're all friends here. But if someone says 'everyone is otu to get me!', theres probably a little bit of reason for it :)


Sheeeeit, just found out about Boston.

*shakes head*

Theres a few crazy peopel in the world, always will be. It breaks my heart to tell me kids about them.. that once in awhile there is someone dangerous or crazy out there, that we have to keep our eyes open. The world isn't all ponies. Wish that it was :/

(@jeff I was joking when I said "I feel distant... non-American" you know it, right?)

Ah, I remember the good old days of hakmanwhoeverhewas, and Prom keeping the palce tidy. Its not like it used to be, you youngsters have it soft, y'know that?

Nah back in my day it were all different, we had...

So joking about testosterone induced stuff is ok now, but oestrogen problems are a nogo???

Listen...I don't really like the idea of someone attempting to psychoanalyze me when I can't see their credentials, okay?

I say this not to be mean or start a fight...but you must understand the culture that surrounds mental illness in the United States.

Suggesting to an American that they need generally a very insulting thing to say...because of the stigma which surrounds mental illness in this country.  I do not know if this stigma exists in other cultures.

THIS!!   This is exactly what needs to change in the US.  Seriously.  This is what leads to school shootings.  If someone has issues then they need to get help.     That anyone would be looked down on for admitting they need help or seeking it is abhorrent in my view.

- Neelix
But THAT is the prevailing view in America.  If you need mental help, you are weak, pathetic...something to be despised and loathed.

And, Skeezix:  I did not take offense - at no more than a very mild offense...I I know you did not mean it offensively.  But I did want to tell you that many Americans would react very violently to what you said.

As it is, I DO see a therapist every so often - and this is because I find it useful to have a sounding board...who can look at a situation dispassionately - because she is not intimately involved in it...and sometimes she can give me a different perspective on the situation that I could not see...because I was too close to the situation.
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