Some GamesCom Retro-Area pictures

I want an antenna like that for my Pyra for 3G, is it hard to do?

It should be pretty sraight forward, but for 3G you would need a different antenna.

Also the antenna doesn't really seem to solve the Pandora's wifi issues.
The Pyra 3G/4G antenna lives in the front left corner of the base - under the Z key more or less.

I suppose if someone wanted to desolder or cut out the 3G antenna and put a socket in it's place, that would be doable - but the connection would be on the left side of the front.  Not overly convenient.  Very few phones have jacks for external antennas anymore.  I used to have a Motorola clam shell that did, but I never used it that way.

The WiFi chip on the Pandora wasn't up to expectations.  The Pyra is expected to be MUCH better.
The Pyra 3G/4G antenna lives in the front left corner of the base - under the Z key more or less.

I suppose if someone wanted to desolder or cut out the 3G antenna and put a socket in it's place, that would be doable - but the connection would be on the left side of the front.  Not overly convenient.  Very few phones have jacks for external antennas anymore.  I used to have a Motorola clam shell that did, but I never used it that way.

The WiFi chip on the Pandora wasn't up to expectations.  The Pyra is expected to be MUCH better.
Looks like adding a U.FL connector might be pretty simple right next to the antenna, though I doubt you would gain a lot from it. Wireless can be very tricky at times so it might even reduce the signal quality (while still increasing the signal strength).
Here's some retro and non-retro pics.

I'll make a hi-res .zip archive later.
 Great photos Linux-Swat, now i have to ask. in the fourth picture of the bridge with all the padlocks, whats that all about?? I have seen it before in a youtube video from Serge Rameli who is a Photographer in Paris but he didnt explain it either....
Lovers all over the world now have the bad habit of attaching them to bridges.
Yup. They're even doing it to a small footbridge in Carroll Creek Park in Frederick, Maryland, USA.

Personally, I think they should be fined for doing it. It damages the bridges.
In cologne it is a pretty recent tradition and was made popular by some Carnival song by De Höhner.
The problem is, it can cause the bridge to collapse from too much extra weight. It already happened once.
Charges should be...

Littering, 1000EUR fine (for throwing the key in the river) AND 40 hours of community service.

Defacement/vandalism, 5000EUR (for applying a substance (lock or paint = same) to a civic structure) AND 200 hours of community service.

Community service should be served cutting locks off of bridges.

Start enforcing that properly and the number of locks appearing will be cut to a fraction inside of a month.

Reality is, though, I don't see them doing anything like that.  The love-lock myth is fantastic for tourism and the local governments are making piles of cash off of it through hotel taxes and restaurants.  So, they'll shake a naughty finger at the practice - but in most cases turn a blind eye.
As long as it more than pays for the upkeep to the bridges, I don't see a real issue. What they should do, is tax the businesses selling the engraved locks, and use that to hire someone to cut them off once a month.
As long as it more than pays for the upkeep to the bridges, I don't see a real issue. What they should do, is tax the businesses selling the engraved locks, and use that to hire someone to cut them off once a month.
Can't really do that.1. People would be enraged. The idea is that the lock stays there "forever". They would stop putting their locks there altogether.

2. That would be a really strange tax. I would oppose that, we have enough strange taxes. Really a bad idea to add even more.

Something they could do is just ask (without any laws, no enforcement) the owners of touristic businesses to pay for the upkeep of the bridges, if they don't get enough money the locks will be cut down. Regularly. I'm sure that would be enough to keep people from adding them when they know they won't stay there.
People have no right to put the locks there in the first place though, so they really should expect them to be cut off.