For me there is no device that is comparable, so I'm still very interested!
So do I, I am/was interested on Pyra because, although it was outdated years ago, it was no comparable, for example its size was near like a normal NDS and there isn't nothing like that with usable keyboard plus gamming controls (for me keyboard is more important). But the problem with Pyra is that
nobody can't buy it or order it now; time ago it was a "promise" although further and further away with years, but now it isn't even a promise, so
I can't compare it with products we can buy or order and receive in weeks or months. Sorry, but although I am here from a lot of years ago (2015), patiently, I am realistic.
On other side, if we could forget we can't buy nor order Pyra, it is the fact its soft/firmware state is really bad, and most problems can't be solved because of OMAP4 SOC. For example it can't suspend (or as you call it). One point of having a pocket computer with you is you can use it instantly from your pocket, you don't need to wait for it to boot and load OS+apps. Pocket computers worked like that -instant on- from begining of time.
I have owned a lot of pocket computers, as I began on 8-bit pocket computers (in fact I own HP pocket computers with 4-bit Saturn CPU; this Saturn CPU is very special as it is a 4-bit ALU and data bus design but with some 64-bit registers and 20-bits address), and all of them could be suspended and lasted enough time (some of them a lot of months, even years on one battery set). It has been that way since the begining with first pocket computer, being¹ it Sharp PC-1211 from 1980 or other pocket computer from early 80's.
A pocket computer which can't suspend? What? How do yuo compare that with other pocket computers?
It would be OK for a traditional pocket console but it isn't for a pocket computer and Pyra is a pocket computer, it isn't a Game Boy.
¹: I don't consider Sharp PC-1211 a pocket computer but a programmable calcultaor, because you can't escape from its limited BASIC environment. For example Sharp PC-1500 from 1981, and others, are real pocket computers because you can escape from BASIC and access CPU machine code for example with POKE/CALL BASIC commands, so you are not constrained by BASIC language calculator environment but only by hardware limitations.
On comparision with other pocket computers can say I didn't like old GPD Win, for example 1st model didn't have backligted keyboard, keyboard wasn't good, and it had other points I didn't like. But last model, GPD Win Mini 2024, seems interesting: backlighted keyboard, and it seems good; its the size of like a Nintendo 3DS XL and similar to my PinePhone with keyboard. It is 2.9 cm larger and 2.2 cm wider but thinner than Pyra: 2.6 vs 3.2 cm. So I think it is pocket size. On other side its display go from corner to coner, while on Pyra there is a lot of wasted space on display lid. And now its display is landscape native, while old GPD Win and Pyra are portrait native (and that has its bad implications specially on games).
Sincerely I would like to see Pyra on market (real market, a Pyra you can buy/order and receive like you receive a GPD) with next ARM CPU board, so it coud get good support (and suspension or as you call it), but watching our and ED journy all these years (since 2015), I don't expect it.
I would like to be wrong, and I would celebrate it and probably order a Pyra (if problems are solved enough and I don't have then other "modern" pocket computer then).
PD: BTW I dislike PinePhone+keyboard a lot because firnware/SO state. I have never used a computer with so bad state on those facets. And I think Pyra is even worse on them.