What a great start - prepare for the next level!

Hey, I work for TI. I wonder if I can get them to send me there.

That would be nice, and bring a Pyra if you have one! I wonder why TI are sponsoring it this year; maybe since they ship Debian on BeagleBoard/Bone and other things (and obviously, it will be on the Pyra, and maybe GolDeliCo's OMAP5 eval boards).
I don't build them, GC builds them and usually delivers them in batches of 100 - 200 to me.
We'll then ship them.
Don't know how it came in my mind that you build them. Good luck for the final stretch!
@EvilDragon When will your TI contact has a prototype to work on the 3d acceleration? When the other prototype will be shiped? Or did I understand this wrong?
so im going to be a noob here and ask, when is the estimated construction is going to start?
just getting antsy lol
It will start once all components have been ordered and arrived and all tweaks and everything are worked out. It is better that it is made right rather than made quickly.
It will start once all components have been ordered and arrived and all tweaks and everything are worked out. It is better that it is made right rather than made quickly.
I know. I just want it so bad
Pyra Prototype... Notaz has said he had no interest in an x86 handheld in the past...

My guess the other prototype orders should be shipping soon...

Oh okay, well then to me they are both in the "haven't shipped" category. The device isn't "shipped" in my opinion until consumers have one. Prototypes are nice though, and it sounds like Pyra is way out in front. Look forward to hearing more about timelines soon.
I might also submit the Pyra for our "TI in it" segment of our internal newsletter. It won't reach many people, but it's definitely the right demographic.
Well I sent an email to the person who runs TI In It with some info about the Pyra and links to the press kit, wiki, and tech specs. I'll let you know if they decide to run it (they might want to wait until it's in production though).
I think it's: You can pay 400 now and then pay the rest using your voucher from link when your pyra is ready to ship.
However my voucher exceeds the 345 euros amount so I'm not sure how that works. Ed will have to confirm though.

Nevermind - I had misinterpreted the context of 'voucher'.
Oh okay, well then to me they are both in the "haven't shipped" category. The device isn't "shipped" in my opinion until consumers have one. Prototypes are nice though, and it sounds like Pyra is way out in front. Look forward to hearing more about timelines soon.
I think GPD might be a little quicker when they finally get to the mass production phase. They already have their funding, while ED only recently opened preorders for the Pyra. It is actually kinda hard to tell who is out front. GPD also has more people working on the Win, and they can throw more manhours and money at any issues that come up. It is quite possible that a big problem could be fixed on the Win quicker than a minor problem on the Pyra.

@Grench you removed your post before I could reply. I hope ED's health doesn't suffer from his "heart being two sizes too large". :P
here the fixed (hope last revision) of some documents of presskit...thanks to @PowerGod and my friend roberto for all the help.
Included there a zip file with the .odt (for anyone that want to improve it).


Hey, I work for TI. I wonder if I can get them to send me there.

I might also submit the Pyra for our "TI in it" segment of our internal newsletter. It won't reach many people, but it's definitely the right demographic.

If you do, please try to meet Gunnar Wolf: http://gwolf.org/node/4068 (if the link doesn't work, http://gwolf.org and look for a post titled "Pyra, PocketC.H.I.P. — Not quite the same, but...")