Rot Season 1 Round 4 - Submit Scores Here

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NO! I don't play basketball
Jul 16, 2008
Dates -- we're going with two rounds per month and for ease of remembering -- first half/second half of month.
Season 1 Round 4 is second half of month. (It can be awkward with the long months, but better to end mid-week, rather than end with a short round, and a really looong round to follow.)

Reply with your:

1) Game choice - pick one of the two games, your strongest one!
2) Score for the game
[Game Name]
[Score] - [Your Name]

119,750 - MonkeyChops

so Scorekeep can copy and paste

On updating your score -- be sure to edit your original post instead of (or in addition to) making another post, makes it easier for the Scorekeep to tally things up. If you like, bold the latest score and strikeout the old ones if you make a list, otherwise just wipe out your old score and put in the new one.

Games to submit scores for this round:

1) Golden Axe | Beat 'em Up | Arcade | High Score | wiki pic clip


2) Smash TV | Shoot 'em up | Arcade | Top Score 1 Credit | wiki pic clip

Scoring: Regular scoring, order scoring into 5 buckets with each bucket an even size.
(Not vicious Scoring where each game will be scored separately, and for each game only 1 person can be #1, 2 people can be #2, 3 people can be #3, 4 peopel can be #4, the rest all being #5.)
-levi, let me know if you'd rather have vicious scoring

Rules: No continues and no cheats and no save-states for your score submission (for your training runs, do whatever you want.) Use default dip switch settings and 60hz versions when possible.

Season 1 master post :

Golden Axe screenshot:

Smash TV screenshot:

100 256.0 Caine
 80 85.3  john4p

100 819,990 Jack Attack 500
 80 496,030 MonkeyChops 
 80 333,160 Jasio
 60 285,240 mr.miyagi
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Thanks for putting this thread up, Monkeychops. I'm happy with normal/fair scoring I think. Vicious (I assume you meant that rather than 'Vision' above) is better if there was scope for scorekeep to cheat, but given we're just playing for fun/boasting rights I reckon fair scoring is better for us.

I think I'll be playing Smash TV, as I think I've got a copy of that on some Midway games compilation on the xbox (with it's stupid d-pad, doh!). And also because I'm a huge fan of Robotron 2084, but never got very far with its spiritual sequel.

Out of interest, do you have any plans on how to score Golden Axe yet? Should strength or score be the most important criterion?
I think strength is the game's main score.

Golden Axe:

stage 7
score 110.5
strength 85.3
Damn. That was too easy. Updated my score.

john4p said:
I think strength is the game's main score.
Yes indeed, it is.
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fixed misspell, to be fair I cut and pasted most of that post from skeezix's other post but we can cut him some slack with all he does around here :D

After some research, I found that john4p is correct. The strength is the calculated from the score. Hence we will go with strength as the ultimate score for this game and rank everyone from that. The rank system it uses is based on how well you do on average per stage. This could be good to use as a tie breaker should the case arise. So it would be good to either post your rank with your strength or post a screenshot of your strength/rank.

Strength = (SCORE/(DIED+1))+30

Also I found the formula for the score itself and how to exploit it. This should boost everyone's scores. If I was hardcore I'd hold this for myself but that's not the spirit of this league :)

(Score = (0.5+0.5a)*b*c)*m

stage 1-2 = level 1
stage 3-4 = level 2
stage 5-6 = level 3
stage 7-8 = level 4
stage 9 = level 5

b=type of enemy
normal enemy = 1
big enemy = 2
Death adder = 8

c = the way you kill enemy
remove energy = 1
drop off screen = 2 (possibly for throw kill also, not sure)
remove energy then drop off screen = 3

if you kill the enemy twice = 2
if you kill the enemy 3 times = 3
and so on...

This info was pulled from this clip:
and this site:

Don't get mad at me if the info is wrong, I've not tested it yet. As for the multiplier, it's not mentioned in the website and the youtube is about the genesis version, so it may not be possible in our version. Time will tell. It's also vague in just how exactly it works, does it multiply your score right when you get it (probably) or at the end of the level/game? If it multiplies when you get it, it would obviously be best to do it later when you have more points to multiply and do it as many times as possible. This should be interesting... :)
Just found that video myself as well. The way I understood it, that formula is score per enemy. The multiplier would then be granted just for the points awarded for a single enemy.

As I've finished the game, the only thing left for me is to improve my score by trying this. What a sick scoring scheme. This is NOT going to be fun :(

[edit]Strength = (SCORE/(DIED+1))+30
This part is most important. Don't die! If you can't finish the game without dying then work on that first. Boosting your score is of little relevance if it gets halved (unless you are sick enough to get a times 3 multiplier on all enemies :P).
ah ok, it's a per enemy score formula, that makes more sense. duh :P
This would have been an interesting way to play:

levi, perhaps we need to close voting polls a week before the round starts to really research ways to score the selected games. Also, I think you should put the deadline for voting in the title of the voting poles.

Thanks Chops for taking the lead; you want to take over 'admin' (not that that role does much :) by chance?

RL has taken a big twist for me of late (I'll post the news soon), but I think I'm going to be very very busy for awhile. (Good news, excitign news, but _WOW_ news)

I'm definatey going to try and get a score in for this round (Golden Axe? And the other is Smash TV? man, too awesome :)

But garg, what did I just get myself into... ;)

MonkeyChops said:
levi, perhaps we need to close voting polls a week before the round starts to really research ways to score the selected games. Also, I think you should put the deadline for voting in the title of the voting poles.
I did originally do that, but I felt that once the poll was closed and I needed people to express opinions on scoring methods and suchlike, the fact the thread was past the deadline put people off - so I moved the deadline inside the post. However, even after doing that, people didn't seem to care much how we scored stuff, so I shortened the post-vote period to just a few days. However, Tetris seems to be an exception to that, with you lot already working out how we should play it ;)
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@skeezix, I can take over while you are busy. Will you be busy for 9 months by chance? :D What needs done besides updating the season 1 master post and making new "submit score" posts?

@levi, Maybe after the deadline is up for voting you could make a new post for scoring suggestion. I really like the way marpirc scores Golden Axe, it's to bad we already started the round.
I'm a bit worried about spamming the forum with multiple threads given I could have one for the vote, one for any tie-breaks and one for scoring method suggestions. So I've tried to keep it all in one thread. It'd be less of an issue if threads were stickied while they were active, but I don't have rights to do that here.

Re scorekeep, I'd appreciate it if the high score tables were updated at least two or three times during the round, making it more competitive (although we tend to be doing okay by ourselves). But as you say, just posting the scoring threads, scoring them at the end and updating the season score post is the essence of scorekeep's job.
MonkeyChops -- yeah, check the role post:

Admin really just does pinning and I was doing the 'official posts', since I got mod for this forum, so I could edit the posts nicely and stuff. But really, things like that could be done by anyone as long as theres a body or two doing it, so it doesn't get forgotten. (I was clever enough to get ScoreKeep and GameKeep early on, those being the ones with a bit more work and responsibility :)

I hope we can keep ROt going since I'm not important to it, it seems awesome so far :)

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I also think ROT is awesome, so count me in. MC Admin :D

So for the pinning and unpinning, do I need to ask a mod or is there a way for me to do it myself for just the rot forums? How will I edit your official posts?

btw - congrats again on becoming a professional father :)

@levi, it's your call but it seems to me that a new post for the winners of the vote would be beneficial because:

  1. There would be no confusion of who won
  2. There would be no confusion of the vote being over
  3. It would create a thread who's main purpose was to announce the games to be played for the upcoming round and discuss nuances of versions, scoring, and general information for said games.
  4. It would draw attention and possibly excitement to the next round and with it hopefully discussion about the winning games.
If I have the ability to, I'll pin the vote thread and then unpin it and lock it when the vote is over. Then I can pin the vote winner discussion thread.

As far as spamming the forum goes, we are really only talking about 2 threads per round. The vote and the discussion threads. The tie breaker scenarios should just be handled internally imo.
MonkeyChops said:
As far as spamming the forum goes, we are really only talking about 2 threads per round. The vote and the discussion threads. The tie breaker scenarios should just be handled internally imo.
Don't you mean 3 threads? Voting thread (determine which game), Discussion thread (how to score, strategy discussions, misc.), Scoring thread (actual scores only). At least that is what we have seen so far.

[edit]By the way, for a scoring thread very few scores are being posted here. Are people still playing?[/edit]
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well, yea 3 total. I was referring to post that levi would be making. Sorry for the confusion.

People seem to wait till that last minute to post their scores, especially if their current score doesn't beat the current high score. With that in mind, Caine, could you hold your jaw-dropping-I'll-never-beat-that scores till a bit later in the rounds, I think your scaring people away :P /joke
MonkeyChops said:
With that in mind, Caine, could you hold your jaw-dropping-I'll-never-beat-that scores till a bit later in the rounds, I think your scaring people away :P /joke
Yeah, sorry about that. I was surprised myself how quickly it went this round with Golden Axe.
I guess all those hours I spent playing it as a kid are not easily erased from my muscle memory :P
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Can't get Golden Axe To work in mame for some reason so I tried with Smash Tv instead.

This is my 10'th time trying +/- 10.000.000 :P and managed to get: 285.240 points.
Smash TV
333160 - Jasio

I really don't like Golden Axe so I tried Smash TV. Thank you for making me discover this game. It's great fun.

I just wish I had a Pandora to play it on. The Dingoo is just not good enough for this game (and many others). I had to scale the screen down to make it fit and the frame rate was rather low. I payed it on my laptop too. Nice graphics and really fluid but with my crappy joypad I was dying a lot. ;)
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