Rot Season 1 Round 3 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Mar 16 2011

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john4p said:
^ You should try Donkey Kong. He is significantly faster than the rest (except Bowser - but that one is more difficult to control).

About the drifting: is the R-Trigger all you need or do you have to brake, too?
Yeah, my last two times were done with D.K.JR. My best lap time with him is 21" something, but that was the first lap, and I always need to let off the gas slightly in the first corner if I get a boost start, since the start position isn't far enough to the right to make that turn normally. If I did a lap that good after the first lap, it should be 20" something, but at the moment I'm running at about 22" for a normal good lap and 23" something for a bad lap. I think there may be something in trying to maintain the boost speed from the start - but I need to experiment more with that.

Yeah, drifting is just r-trigger while accelerating. Drift round 180 degrees and don't hit anything on the turn or the exit and you should get it. There's a borderine exploit which according to some reports involves drifting, jumping, hitting walls, all sorts, which I've not got my head around yet - but the normal drift boost just needs R and B.
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Thanks for the explanation. Tried it - but it doesn't seem worth the hassle. The technique is too difficult and unreliable to use for 5 consecutive laps in my opinion (drifting in SMK is way harder than e.g. in Colin McRae Rally).
Or maybe it's just not too beneficial on this specific track we're playing.
Mario Kart
1'56"83 Tickles

Seems like every time I get a half decent run going those four blocks decide to form a wall. Or I'll turn the corner and three of them will already be in the air, so I aim for the one on the ground thinking it'll move by the time I get there: but of course it doesn't. One time I tried to sneak under the outside one; it squashed me then I fell in the lava while I was floating about.

:angry: to those blocks :angry:
Tickles said:
One time I tried to sneak under the outside one; it squashed me then I fell in the lava while I was floating about.
Ouch! I've never had that happen, but I do hate it when they form a wall - usually on my second lap.
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euro48k said:
no scores for TNZS frontline?
Waiting for my Pandora to return, then I can guarantee some from me. :P
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> no scores for TNZS frontline?

I'll put up one to start the "I've got a higher score than that" process ;) Haven't had much time to play, will try to get some time this weekend.
67970 - Level 2:2

We should probably have a rule where you don't have to put up a screenshot if you're just posting scores to track progress, but if you want your score to be submitted you have to post a screenshot.

Good news - I'll be able to start competing tomorrow or Monday, as my new Pandora has been sent out today. Watch out, Mal - I'm coming after your score! :lol:
> Watch out, Mal - I'm coming after your score!

That's fighting talk!!! :)

Just to confirm the version of the game, if you jump to the top platform immediately on the right at the start, then fire to the left 4 or so times, a teleportal thingamiejig appears, and the first boss is the whale?

^ Your description doesn't ring any bells - in the version we're meant to be using, you start in a fairly blank area in front of a lion cage, and to the right from there are a few of those snail enemies and a couple of little platforms in mid-air. It looks like this at the start;


Anyway, I figured I'd get a start in MAME, with the handicap of using a keyboard on my Macintosh, so here's my first score submission. This is for The NewZealand Story, using the original Japanese release (known as tnzs in MAME4All, and tnzsj in MAME 0.106);

105090 (Round 2-4) (Superseded by a new score.)
Prometheus -- how many units is this? blast!

I wonder if our little league is growing or shrinking in participation terms? I'd like to think as we play, we pull in a few friends and it slowly grows ;) (inevitably you lose a few people, so you need enough growth to replace them, or even expand overall)

MK sounds like fun; I need to give it a try, but I will be absolutely terrible. (Really I stink in general, since I never allocate time ot play anything much :)

skeezix said:
Prometheus -- how many units is this? blast!
This new one will be number four, and hopefully the last! The first two fell to lethal-nub-death, and the third, whilst it had the old-type-nubs, actually went to LCD cable death. :lol: I can't wait, though - I've really missed it, and I've really been looking forward to properly participating in a round of the challenge here. :)

MK sounds like fun; I need to give it a try, but I will be absolutely terrible. (Really I stink in general, since I never allocate time ot play anything much :)

Did you not try out that TNZS PCB of yours yet? :P
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Jeff, you are clearly better-organised than me, although over the last week I have now had to actually start storing my PCBs in a dedicated box, because I finally have enough of them to necessitate it. :P
Prometheus said:
Jeff, you are clearly better-organised than me, although over the last week I have now had to actually start storing my PCBs in a dedicated box, because I finally have enough of them to necessitate it. :P

I saw your antistatic bag thread awhile back :)

I need to recheck.. last time I looked (6+ years ago), giant PCB sized anti-stat bags were like $5each; they used to sell them in boxes of 50 or so which was way cool, but just too much $$ for baggies. I keep PCBoards on old PC boxes .. those giant old Dell type boxes are really big and really sturdy, and most arcade PCBs fit sideways in the box just right, so can line up 15-20+ pcbs in a box with lots of buffering room for padding. .. but only a few anti-statics for me, so always makes me worry.

But with 20-30 year old PCBoards ,static isn't too much a concern I think; batteries melting, or batteries of death, eproms forgetting their bits, etc, I worry about :) (But I decided not to care about games with batteries of death, or put new batteries on when I get too much free time (hahaha), and melting batteries (nicd's) already melted long before I got them so I've already repaired those boards... and can reflash eproms (got an old DOS based reflasher years ago, works great to repair Galaga and Pacman and such). So I figure the old stuff will last...

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skeezix said:
I did locate the PCB

<edit out the rest, said too much :) >


You cut it just as I was about to say I'm extremely impressed by that level of analness :D
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skeezix said:
I saw your antistatic bag thread awhile back :)
I don't think I've ever posted one. :blink: Though, I've certainly posted in a thread of yours (the one about what we're doing with our Pandoras), showing a board or two in their bags there. :lol:

But with 20-30 year old PCBoards ,static isn't too much a concern I think; batteries melting, or batteries of death, eproms forgetting their bits, etc, I worry about :)
Yeah, that's the real concern. I've just recently started collecting CPS2 stuff, since the suicide-batteries aren't so much of a concern anymore (they can be replaced, or the board can be Phoenixed if they've already died). Fun times. :D

But now I'm off-topic - sorry about that! I'm just eagerly awaiting more entrants on The NewZealand Story side of things!
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well I couldn't so easily give up on smk

super mario kart

1´53´´01 MonkeyChops

but I don´t know if I can do much better than this. my best lap time isnt close to john´s. time to try my hand at tnzs.
I got a replacement Pandora in the post today, and accordingly I have a new score to submit for The NewZealand Story.

118290 (Round 2-4) (Superseded by new score.)
Now that I'm using the right version of tnzs, thanks for the screenshot to confirm :)

Had a quick play today, 130600 Level 2-2

Could def do a lot better, just wanted to post an update
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