Rot Season 1 Round 5 - Submit Scores Here

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NO! I don't play basketball
Jul 16, 2008
Round 5 is here, and it looks to be one of the best rounds yet! Only one more round to go before season's end, time to put your gaming hat on!

Dates -- we're going with two rounds per month and for ease of remembering -- first half/second half of month.
Season 1 Round 5 is first half of month. (It can be awkward with the long months, but better to end mid-week, rather than end with a short round, and a really looong round to follow.)

Reply with your:

1) Game choice - pick one of the two games, your strongest one!
2) Score for the game

[Game Name]
[Score] - [Your Name]

119,750 - MonkeyChops

so Scorekeep can copy and paste

On updating your score -- be sure to edit your original post instead of (or in addition to) making another post, makes it easier for the Scorekeep to tally things up. If you like, bold the latest score and strikeout the old ones if you make a list, otherwise just wipe out your old score and put in the new one.

Games to submit scores for this round:

1) Tetris DX* | Block Puzzle | Game Boy/GBC* | Ultra Mode [3 min Time Attack]* | wiki pic* clip* | john4p
*Altered to reflect revised pick and scoring
[edit] start on whatever level you want to start on (hint: pick level 9) :)


2) Root Beer Tapper | Bartender Simulation | Arcade | High Score | wiki pic clip | Prometheus

Scoring: Regular scoring, order scoring into 5 buckets with each bucket an even size.
(Not vicious Scoring where each game will be scored separately, and for each game only 1 person can be #1, 2 people can be #2, 3 people can be #3, 4 peopel can be #4, the rest all being #5.)

Rules: No continues and no cheats and no save-states for your score submission (for your training runs, do whatever you want.) Use default dip switch settings and 60hz versions when possible.

Season 1 master post :

Tetris DX screenshot:

Root Beer Tapper screenshot:
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We are playing Tetris DX Ultra mode starting at level 9, right?

I've never been really good at this game. My friends used to kick my ass all over the place. Only recently have I been playing it more frequently. The TGM series has made me a whole lot quicker, but my block placement is still quite bad.
[edit] Ok. Scratch that. I can't make that claim with the scores I'm getting. Claiming I'm not good because I can't compete with Grand Masters is not fair.[/edit]

Anyway, let's get this round started.

Tetris DX gbc, ultra-mode, starting level: 9.

Tetris DX, ultra-mode, starting level: 0.
I started at level 1

Tetris DX

9,560 MonkeyChops

[edit] sorry, I meant I started at level 0

Tetris DX

76,850 MonkeyChops

I'm not telling what level I started at :ph34r:
MonkeyChops said:
I started at level 1
Oh, we need to decide on what to do then as it's going to make a massive difference in scoring (as the last two posts already indicate).

In this post you suggested to start playing marathon mode from level 9 onwards, so I assumed to same for ultra mode (which is also my own personal preference as I can't stand low-speed Tetris).
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I suggested that for marathon mode to make it harder so that each play through didn't take so long. With ultra mode, it's timed so no worries. Only real difference is that you have to hold the down button to make it drop fast. It actually may be harder starting from level 0 as you _have_ to be fast but the pieces are dropping slow. Since levi didn't specify, either did I in the op of this thread, in which case, people would assume to start at the beginning [level 0]. I can edit it into the op if everyone would rather play from level 9, but it may be to late for that. My preference is to just start at level 0 [corrected above].

For next round I want to really discuss scoring for each game prior to the round to avoid any confusion and then, I'll clearly spell it out in the "submit" thread. It would be great if players with more time to play, possibly like you caine, could take the time to play through a bit of each picked game prior to the round beginning to really nail down the best scoring procedure. This would be especially important if a game was picked in which we need to score with achievements, like an rpg.
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Actually, I only started playing yesterday as my time is limited as well. Though, I don't mind exploring the scoring mechanisms a bit for future rounds.

Only real difference is that you have to hold the down button to make it drop fast.
That's not a difference. I was doing that in level 9 as well :D

Damn. Now I wasted 2.5 hours of precious spare time on getting that high-score :(
levi said:
I thought I'd leave it as an exercise for the players to discover what level works best for them, but I'm fine with specifying a level if you guys want to.
Scoring is quite different in each level. Therefore leaving it up to the players means anyone not playing level 9 is guaranteed to lose. I.e. It's not an equal playing field (making a tetris at level 9 is 12.000 points which beats the highest score posted at level 0).

I don't really care about which level is played, as they are all too slow for me anyway. However, since I switched to level 0 now as well, I suggest we all stick to that unless the majority of other players have been playing level 9 (or some intermediate level).

Just don't keep changing the rules please.

[edit]Just checked in the harddrop community.
Naturally, they play starting at level 9, but with players like this that was to be expected.

So, how hardcore do we want to be? :P
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@ Levi: When you put it that way, given the choice, people would eventually figure out that level 9 is the best place to start not 0. My bad guys. I'm cool with whatever, I defer to levi. Your call buddy. In all honesty, I don't think many people have played yet, so what ever the choice, I don't think it will disrupt much. Let me know levi, and I'll put it in the op.

I'll be playing it on my computer if we make it official that we are starting at level 9 since I have to send my pandora in for repair today. :( Maybe I can find my old gbc, or better yet I'll just dust off the ds and download a gbc emu for it, no worries. :)

@cain, I played through a few times last night at level 9 and your right, it's still pretty slow and you still need to hold down the arrow to speed it up if you want a good score. Although my best was only 76,850. You must have got pretty lucky with the 4-in-a-row blocks. I know when I got near 10k on level 0 that it was all tetrises except 1. My main hurdle is always getting the 4-in-a-row blocks to make my tetrises with. I can build all day without spaces but if you don't get the 4-in-a-row blocks, you end up settling for 2 or 3 rows at a time to stay alive. Which in the long run ruins your total score. Seems there is a fair bit of luck with this method of game play. Still challenging and fun though :D.
MonkeyChops said:
I know when I got near 10k on level 0 that it was all tetrises except 1. My main hurdle is always getting the 4-in-a-row blocks to make my tetrises with. I can build all day without spaces but if you don't get the 4-in-a-row blocks, you end up settling for 2 or 3 rows at a time to stay alive. Which in the long run ruins your total score. Seems there is a fair bit of luck with this method of game play. Still challenging and fun though :D .
Yeah, that's basically the point. Always drop, stack and get lucky. Personally I hate normal tetris for two reasons. The low speed and the potential of unfair block sequences due to randomness (e.g. the sequence of death consisting mainly of S and Z blocks). Only after learning about TGM (which solves both), I started to enjoy the game.

I did update my level 0 score to about 16.000 though and all my scores are in that range now, so it's not just luck.
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16K, nice! yea its a combo of skill, speed, and luck. Apparently I need to work on my speed :D
I think since no level was dictated that whatever people choose if fine. But obviously you'll have to pick 9 to get a top score. edited the op to reflect that. Now I just need to fire up the ds... :)
Thanks, that's good to know. Now I can stop refining my level 0 score and focus on level 9.
Just dropping in to say that I'll be giving Root Beer Tapper a shot later. :D
MonkeyChops said:
You'll have your work cut out for you, Jack's an animal :D
So do you pal. I will not relinquish my lead easily.
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MonkeyChops said:
You'll have your work cut out for you, Jack's an animal :D
Indeed, so I see! I can't even get close to that, and right now I'm not sure that I've got the time to. :lol: If I can get a worthy one, I'll try to post a score, though.
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