Rot Season 1 Round 2 - Submit Scores Here - Deadline Feb 28 2011 (Last

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Yes I'm playing Hard Corps, only played as the guy so far. How far are you getting Caine? I can't figure out the boss after the jumping bikers.
Tickles said:
Yes I'm playing Hard Corps, only played as the guy so far. How far are you getting Caine? I can't figure out the boss after the jumping bikers.
Almost the end of Level 4. Do you mean the virtual zone at the end of level 3?
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Caine said:
Almost the end of Level 4. Do you mean the virtual zone at the end of level 3?
I meant the small one before that, but I've got it now. That virtual zone goes on forever, eh? What's with the tetris blocks? Any chance of some personal space? :P

I really like this game because it's virtually all boss battles, and good boss battles at that; not too easy, not too hard. You need a few goes to work out a strategy but once you've got it you can beat them pretty easily every time and concentrate on the next one.

I tried out the other characters too: the robot is useless, too short and the weapons are rubbish; wolfman seems ok, but when he switches to the charge weapon I always get killed before I can change it back; I really like the girl though, great weapons. I'll probably stick with her now.
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Well, sitting in a hotel room by myself has paid off. I got this score about 40 minutes in and played another 2 hours and couldn't beat it, this game is tough!


156,400 MonkeyChops
Tickles said:
Booking a hotel room so you won't get disturbed? That's dedication.
Heh, I wish. Stuck away from freinds and family for a week for training.
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Tickles said:
I tried out the other characters too: the robot is useless, too short and the weapons are rubbish; wolfman seems ok, but when he switches to the charge weapon I always get killed before I can change it back; I really like the girl though, great weapons. I'll probably stick with her now.
Haha. Yeah, the first weapon upgrades in level 1 is the point I die the most :D You first upgrade weapon A then get Weapon D, Fang starts charging and an enemy hits me. I like Sheena's arsenal as well but it is quite weak. She has a great slide as well.

You haven't updated your score at all, what is your current max? You should be around 150.000 if you reach that far.
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Contra - Hard Corps

107,865 john4p score improved

Caine said:
Hey, don't improve too much! You're going to threaten my score if you keep this up.
Don't worry, you should be safe. I'm not very good at games where you die by a single hit.

edit: Well, Tickles might catch you...
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Caine said:
Haha. Yeah, the first weapon upgrades in level 1 is the point I die the most :D You first upgrade weapon A then get Weapon D, Fang starts charging and an enemy hits me. I like Sheena's arsenal as well but it is quite weak. She has a great slide as well.

You haven't updated your score at all, what is your current max? You should be around 150.000 if you reach that far.

Got just past One Eyed Joe's helicopter thing in the shaft but then he got me on the next bit. Which way do you go after stage one? I always go to the research centre - although only because I figured out how not to die going that way first and stuck with it.
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Tickles said:
Got just past One Eyed Joe's helicopter thing in the shaft but then he got me on the next bit. Which way do you go after stage one? I always go to the research centre - although only because I figured out how not to die going that way first and stuck with it.
Ouch, you're getting awfully close there. This is going to be a competition after all :)

I also choose to go to the research centre. It seemed to be easier, though I have no idea which area provides a better score.
I can clear it all the way up to level 6 now, but I have yet to do so in continue-less run.
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Damn, I suck; got all the way to 55000 Parodius with no lives lost, then bam, 3 of them down in like 20 seconds :(


skeezix 57500


edit; lol, I guess Eight Bit and I are quibbling over 100 points :(
Finally! Managed to get a fairly decent run and finished stage 4 and stage 5 up to the final boss (unfortunately I performed a slide just a second too soon).

New high score: 243.840 (contra)
Whoo, finally got past the second penguin thing for the first time - only to fly into the first piece of scenery I could find!

Parodius Da!
118100 Levi

I'm still having trouble with the clowns. Looks to me like if you go in there with a maxed out ship their rate of fire increases to something stupid. Shame you don't have the option controls you do in gradius V, but then I suppose the standard PC Engine pad doesn't have enough buttons!
I'm getting past clowns with the dude that has the spread shot and the punch missle. I get to that point with 2 or 3 options and my shields up, then they aren't too much of a problem. The problem becomes switching to the tail gun to kill the dudes that roll in during the dancing girl scene. When I got my high score, I made it though the dancer with all my power ups. Yea, tough damn game!

71,100 didnt give this much time, not as enyoyable as i thought it might be. Maybe another go on the weekend...

88,800 - mihcael

Getting better but i still haven't passed the dancing lady
I'm not improving at Parodius. I equaled my best score of exactly 80000 once and came pretty close a few more times. But I rarely get past the dancing girl and when I do I get killed by the eagle in American colours.
232,813 Tickles

I can't believe how long it took me to work out how to avoid the giant spinning laser at the end of stage four. By the way is anyone else starting to get really annoyed with the talking bits between stages? My Pandora's buttons take more abuse during them than any other part of the game :lol:
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