Rot Season 1 Round 6 (Final Round) - Submit Scores Here

Caine wrote...
> Apparently so... Well, that was a hollow victory

I was hoping to get more time to play - I really enjoyed both New Zealand Story and also Willow. Had started some Ivan Ironman Offroad Racing, but work caught up with me again.

Am def interested in taking part in the next compo...
John had me very worried at the end of round 5 when he almost beat my Tetris score. I played quite a bit more during that evening in an attempt to improve on it, but I couldn't. Fortunately for me, neither did he.

So, with 100 points in both round 5 and 6, it's safe to state that I'm the winner of the first season. Scores: 20, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, so 500/500... I should have started playing Willow earlier :P .

For me, it was a very enjoyable season with some fantastic games along the way. My favourite round was the race against Tickles playing Contra in round 2. Thunderforce was a great game as well, but some opponents would have made it more enjoyable. I do recommend playing the game if you haven't yet.

I hope that during the next season, more players will keep participating in the later rounds as it makes the games and the competition much more exciting. Thanks to all the competitors for a great time.
MonkeyChops said:
Since my pandora is out for repair, my other hobbies have take more of a driver's seat lately. Namely brewing beer, I blame you David, for bringing it up ;) . I had planned on submitting a score but without my pandora, I find it hard to make time to game on my desktop. I've also been dragging my feet on starting next season, maybe I'll make a sign-up thread and see how many people are still interested first. <_<

I'll be transferring my oatmeal stout to the secondary today and adding a bit of cold-extracted coffee to it. It'll sit in the secondary for at least another month and then we'll bottle it. So about two more months until this one is ready to drink.

I'm planning on doing a Dragonmead Final Absolution clone very soon, and maybe a rice ale after that. Even if you do blame me for brewing I know that actually means that you are thanking me, because how could brewing be a bad thing, right?

I'd play a second season. I'd make a point of setting aside more time to do this.
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I didn't get any time to play the last round, unfortunately.
I really enjoyed playing this first season even though I generally had the lowest score. I discovered new games and played a couple of old favorites.