Rogue For Gp32

I like the save function to reset the gp, biggrin.gif if not ppl will save always before each time they will use an unidentified object or when starting a combat. It's a classic feature in all roguelikes.

Well although that seems like a good idea...
Could you make it so it does save sometimes (so batteries don't run out - causing you to have to start over again)...

I think it does help that battery life being on a lower clockspeed. How low can you get it before gameplay seems slow (check how long it takes to save/Quit etc...)
59MHz and also only 1 save is fine for me. If all appz running at 133+Mhz refuses to work due to low battery, Rogue still works. And I think, there is not so much power consumption difference between 59 and say 44MHz.
I think you're right, it's nice to see no cheating in games like this, even if you didn't want to cheat with the saves the temptation would be there ;) I'm glad it's running at a low clock speed too, I love games like this even more when you know they are lightweight
Well, it's perfect! You can even move diagonally now! Well done, and thank you again for a superb port! :)

Edit: Wow ... you sure can see the food now! Hot Pink = super visibility! :lol:
Actually I'm progressing slowly with Rogueclone (starting January I went on holidays, and then I got a GC :D). It stores options now but still have some bugs. I'll release a new version as soon as I have it ready.

Which keymap would you like?
A better question: What commands do you use more often?

Greetings and thanks for the support ;)
would be nice but could get damn confusing, I think the button mappings are pretty well thought out really. Had a few games last night and it's still great fun, seem to have lost some skill though :huh:
I just second Gruntfuggly's request ... I am left handed and using Left shoulder + joystick doesnt work for me well. I'd preffer B for run, Left for searching. That 'd be enough.
OK - L and B are now swapped. Maybe it's easier to play for a begginer. Will be published on the next release :P.
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Just thought of two more things to add to the change log...

1) A way to redisplay the last message - I'm always missing them.
2) A way of scrolling the display, or at least an option to temporarily switch to the smaller resolution font, so that you can see the results of a 'show items' scroll without having to visit the whole map.
