I have to say that the Linux goodness of the Pandora is actually edging out everything else for me, and I can wait until batch number 2 or 3... mainly because I'm flat broke and "need" to buy a SlingCatcher at some point.
I'm pretty sure it'll all be golden in time for my birthday in February, a good excuse to spend money.
Why linux? Well, I was dual booting Ubuntu on my lappy until it commit suicide after an update, it would be nice to run it on another machine that I could use for forum-whoring, IRC, Facebook, blogging and MSN at night. It's not a netbook alternative, it's everything I want a netbook to be and more.
I voted do nothing since I'm just waiting to re-pay, but I also intend on getting a second if things align well for me and can manage to get a second from the first batch or still have the cash by the time pre-orders start for the second batch.
"Enough to buy one" would technically be the same as having my complete support. So it's kind of an "all of the above" answer. I wouldnt buy one if I didnt trust them enough to feel like they're going to deliver it. especially after getting my money back. I mean if it were a scam they'd have found a way to get the money rather than telling the bank to refund it and we'd be out all of our money instead of a few bucks due to transaction fees.
I'm glad to see that for the most part, the community completely trusts the Pandora team, as I do. Even in their stony silence, I think I can see their good intentions: not wanting to upset their customers with news of any kind, good or bad, that would lead people to draw false conclusions and then blame then when they didn't come true.
Also, am I the only one who though "Rick Roll" when I saw "Quick Poll" as the topic?
Actually this poll has a point, and yes it has a non-descriptive title. it's to see how all the chaos in ordering and stuff have affected the Pandora's community and also to see how many people missed preorders, and what caught their eye in the Pandora.
try to catch one of the last in batch #1 - Just got the money together or I would have ordered sooner.
All of the Above - Damn tooting.
Completely - Never any doubt in my mind that they will get it right
Gotta wonder, though, about those who answered "Not getting one, don't trust 'em, etc..."
If they're not interested in the Pandora, what are they doing on the forums? If I weren't interested in something (say, using hamsters for waterpaint-based art), I would rather be spending my time reading up on stuff that I am interested in.
- I'm waiting for the 2 batch because maybe the first units will have a less complete OS and I'm new in Linux so I guess that a stable version will be more simple as starting point.
- Emulation is my psicological motivation to buy a Pandora (in this way I can be happy also without the support from the community....homebrews... ).
- I don't completely trust the Pandora Team but I'm pretty sure that this project will be completed.