Just wondering how I can get the quake games and other fps´s to work with the mouse when I plug one in? The games seem to stay with the nubs, even when the nubs are set to joystick in the settings menu....
As a topic it's been brought up many times, but since the original ports of the Quake series, no real updates have been forthcoming...
I too prefer the Pandora's nubs for the quakes games. They just seem to fit right.ive had a quick play about with this earlier for 5 minutes with a couple of wireless mouses but didnt have much luck. personally i prefer the nubs on all 3 quakes anyway so it doesnt affect me. Good luck though, if anyone gets it working a post would be nice for the less technical users out there like myself.
I too prefer the Pandora's nubs for the quakes games. They just seem to fit right.
As do the mupen64 games.
I just think the right nub more than suffices as a mouse with those games... IMHOI too prefer the Pandora's nubs for the quakes games. They just seem to fit right.
As do the mupen64 games.
I guess I've never had the opportunity to experience this as my right nub was faulty ... Making the games utterly unplayable for me. My Pandora is currently in RMA land. Still, I think the option of configuring your controls should be mandatory. And a FPS without mouse support is downright blasphemous in my humble opinion... Realy.. honestly... After all, isn't the intention of the Pandora to prove that you don't need a laptop? We need mouse support damnit! *rant*
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? work ok for me, i have however swapped my nubs around so the right nub is the scrole and the left nub is the r/l clicks that might help?