Can't change nubs mode


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010
Hello, I have got this problem: every time I boot my pandora nubs are stuck in joystick mode which didn't happened before. Then if I open nub configurator I can cahnge them to mouse mode and write settings, it seems to work but as soon as I close the window they return to joystick mode.

Sp I can't use them as a mouse which my preferred setting. I really don't know where the configuration is stored exactly and why it cannot be changed when I have done it a thousand times before. Any idea?
Are you saving the setting to a profile named Default ?  I'm assuming that's the one it uses on boot time.
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remove batteries for a few minutes, I got that too a few months ago, after a firmware upgrade.
I have only got the profile default.

Tried to remove battery several times and problem persists. How long you left the battery out? I will try to leave it out all night and see what happens.
nah, not that much, I think a minute or two.

It seemed like after every exit of a software the nubs resetted to non-mouse mode.

This was my method (iirc)

Try loading default, then changing it to mouse+keys and then saving it over default.

Also create one extra profile yourself. Dont be lazy, move the settings a bit, this way you can see changes in your settings (for example, use scrolling modus for both nubs, save that, read that, then put back to mouse mode, save again, read that).

Then, press: reset nubs, read nub settings, tweak settings, saving twice (once to your profile, once to Default), reboot. then get back into Nub configuration. It should now be mousemode...

You may also want to check permissions and corruption in:

/etc/pandora/conf/nubs.state (should contain lines with "mouse" and "mbuttons", and some numbers. permissions is -rw-rw-rw from root:root and date was the boottime)

/etc/pandora/conf/nub_profiles.conf (should contain the name of your new extra profile and a single line with "mouse" and "mbuttons")

you can cat these linux settings to peek the modus: /proc/pandora/nub0/mode (and others in that parent directory)
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Thanks FBnil seems that file nubs.state was somehow damaged. I solved the problem erasing the file and it has been created correctly at boot.