Linux n00b needs help with xkbset!


Oct 15, 2008
Hi everyone. Well I got my Pandora the other day and I'm pleased =]Unlike a lot of these poor people my pandora is (as far as I know) in perfect working condition. However, I'm having some major difficulties with the OS. I followed this little guide by TheDarkSpectrum48K here: as perhaps a little too desperate to get the icons that allow me to switch between mouse and joystick.. I found it when I was reading about a guy on the forums who managed to get 2 little icons, a mouse and control which supposedly acted as scripts which would convert the nubs between mouse and joystick with shortcut keys. I would have found this useful for operating the mupen64 menu before loading a game and it would have solved the not being able to use the nub as a joy stick in quake 1.

So.. what now, should I continue trying to make this work or wait till the pro's figure it out in the next hotfix?

Also.. how do I revert this back to normal, it seems the only thing I achieved was to have the clock on the task bar (along with other elements that usually go on the right) squished against all the content on the left leaving a blank space to the right.. which just looks messy.
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I'd just wait until the next hotfix, which does not look to be too far away.

If you want to 'revert to normal' as you put it, a reflash would probably be the most straightforward way. It'll wipe all of your settings from the NAND and replace them with the defaults.
It should be mentioned that (i think) I'm running hotfix 4, should up just go and flash with hotfix 5?
Definitely. Apart from the fact that that you want to rese some settings, HF5 contains some rather major stability fixes IIRC.

Ok.. how an earth di this one go unnoticed.. now there is barely any sensitivity on the left most part of the right nub! it makes left clicking a nightmare and makes freelook in my games a no go!

Not only that but now my character rotates while looking around in quake 3! what is going on here? I feel like downgrading to hotfix 4 so this will go away...

EDIT: never mind, a restart seems to have fixed the problem \o/
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Hi everyone. Well I got my Pandora the other day and I'm pleased =]Unlike a lot of these poor people my pandora is (as far as I know) in perfect working condition. However, I'm having some major difficulties with the OS. I followed this little guide by TheDarkSpectrum48K here: as perhaps a little too desperate to get the icons that allow me to switch between mouse and joystick.. I found it when I was reading about a guy on the forums who managed to get 2 little icons, a mouse and control which supposedly acted as scripts which would convert the nubs between mouse and joystick with shortcut keys. I would have found this useful for operating the mupen64 menu before loading a game and it would have solved the not being able to use the nub as a joy stick in quake 1.

So.. what now, should I continue trying to make this work or wait till the pro's figure it out in the next hotfix?

Also.. how do I revert this back to normal, it seems the only thing I achieved was to have the clock on the task bar (along with other elements that usually go on the right) squished against all the content on the left leaving a blank space to the right.. which just looks messy.

Not sure if I've read this correctly but Quake 1 should work fine on the nubs as movement (left) and look (right) if you simply switch nub mode to joystick before hand.

Blue Protoman also came up with a tool to make this (plus which stick does what) automatic, prior to game launch ( http://boards.openpa.../page__p__49157 ) and now the new Nub Configuration Tool ( http://boards.openpa...on-alternative/ ) included in HF6, also allows for profiles to be saved and launched prior to loading up a Quake PND or similiar. There you can also tweak the nub sensitivity and handling.........

Sorry I've just cum and need to sit down.

Admittedly I have only used Quake 1 but this should work and be reversible, not requiring any reflash to get out of afterwards.
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If I read that post which you linked correctly, that is about changing the mouse button functionality yet in your original post you talk about switching the nubs between mouse and joystick mode. If you are indeed concerned with mapping of mouse buttons then please ignore this post, otherwise read on.

To switch the nubs behaviour either use Menu->Settings->Nubs or download my replacement configurator which will be included by default in the next hotfix.

My version also provides a command-line interface to quickly change preferences from scripts. You should be able to assign some keyboard shortcuts to it by using Menu->Settings->Keyboard->Application Shortcuts.

E.g. Create a joysticks profile:

  • Type joysticks (or some other name) in the pulldown box
  • Select joystick for both left and right nub.
  • Click save profile

Create a keyboard shortcut for the following command:

/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/nubmodeconf.pnd" -e "" -b "nubconfigurator" -a "-p joysticks"

Make sure to replace /media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/ with the proper location of the nubmodeconf.pnd file on your system.

Next, create another keyboard shortcut for the following command:

/usr/pandora/scripts/ -p "/media/mmcblk0p1/pandora/menu/nubmodeconf.pnd" -e "" -b "nubconfigurator" -a "-p Default"

This will allow you to utilize your assigned keyboard shortcuts to quickly switch nub configuration.

You can also just leave out the -a "-p <profilename>" part to launch the configurator itself instead.
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Sorry about the late reply.. What i wanted was to use the anaolgue sticks as joysticks so that i could use them to play quake 1, so your thing should work? i tried the link that mariopandio gave me and it doddn't work.

Totally unrelated problem here... but how do i close this darn mupen 64 program once i load a rom? i tried pressing the pandora button but it won't let me quit!! i have to hard reset!

Also i can't get the sound to work, and the audio manager won't respond..

Thanks for the replies btw.
Ahh it turns out i was using an earlier build which only included the gui interface and not the seperate loader.

The sound not working was a result of a dodgy rom (I think it was one which i messed with at one point)

Btw, Conker's bad fur day works, but there is some HORRIBLE vertex scattering going on... the geometry seems to be acid driven.

Pretty nice emulator so far, i really hope we see full speeds and less artifacts!
Sorry about the late reply.. What i wanted was to use the anaolgue sticks as joysticks so that i could use them to play quake 1, so your thing should work? i tried the link that mariopandio gave me and it doddn't work.
If quake has proper support for joysticks then yes it should work. I don't have any Quake version installed, so I cannot verify. Give it a try and see.

Just fire up the default nub configurator (Menu->Settings->Nubs) and set the mode of both the left and the right nub to joystick. Finally, launch Quake and try it out. If it works you can (if you so desire) download my program to simplify and speed up changing of modes.