Pyra - too hot for you!

When an 'innocent' doesn't understand why something happened / is happening... the experience is very cruel, Evil even...

the great danger is that innocence can become lost forever this way... and in it's confusion, the lie becomes reality... innocence becomes evil...

... in innocence that lie, that pain spreads exponentially...

all because of a misunderstanding

... and if the lost cannot find their way home... for the pain is blinding...
Death becomes a blessing.
An end to all things becomes an act of love...

This is no joke. It is very very serious.

Break the Evil spell my friend, and you will find that you never lost your innocence to begin with.

The pain is what you yourself created... you will never escape it, so long as you create it...

Are those death metal lyrics?
I'm a little late to the party but... I nearly spat my tea on my laptop reading that...I had to read almost three pages of posts to calm myself down and reassure myself. I knew something would happen for april fool's. Guess I should have checked yesterday :D
pyra_preorder_steve.png @FaeMinx: Wait, you didn't see the preorders yesterday go through the roof?
View attachment 28173 @FaeMinx: Wait, you didn't see the preorders yesterday go through the roof?
Oh I'm not actually getting a preorder...

General Pervasive Deception WINs! (if you fall for it)

My goodness, can't you chaps put 2 and 2 together?

**I'm just kidding of course... why on earth would I be working for GPD?

If anything...
everything works for me | *I'm serious*

Whatever you think I Am... you are wrong.