Pyra - too hot for you!

You guys really need to learn patience when carrying things out... if you had all 'believed' Evil Dragon... we could have had much hilarity together indefinitely... well, untill the *next* day of course.

*Er haha, I didn't fall for it! Look how clever i am... guys. I'm really clever see... guys? Guys? Big joke yes?*


Fun is spoiled now.
No more playtime together. Ever.
You silly billy little ones!

Edit: I'm so sorry, I was speaking out of turn... I feel so ashamed for making light of this heartbreaking news.

... I feel sick...
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That's a crazy coincidence because the CPUs of my two OMAP5 boards just had a short circuit caused by the Pyra OS.
It seems that hnc newest kernel have a problem :/ .
Hmm, hns kernel is the mainline one, afaik.
He's working on the board files, but as long as you didn't use the Pyra board file, I doubt something like that could happen.

Also, as his computer crashed, he couldn't even work on the kernel for the past few days.
So maybe it's a tweaked dts that killed both my boards and your Pyra ?
I can't believe all this work and money are thrown through the window TT .
So it isn't a joke?

This is just terrible!

I feel really sorry for all the prototype buyers... it sucks for everyone actually.

Damn it all! I should have known...

It was all for nothing.
So maybe it's a tweaked dts that killed both my boards and your Pyra ?
I can't believe all this work and money are thrown through the window TT .

Most probably, yes. Hmm... then it actually heated from a short circuit in the CPU?
Possible, if it reaches over 120°C, I can imagine the battery won't like it.
Dont forgett, EvilDragon lifes in a Country called "Germany" which sits in a timezone, where the first of april still last abouts 3 Hours and 35 Minutes from now..
So his Pyra should be ok..

Also: its ditnt burnt the last 2 Weeks, so why should it burn today??

Ditnt got any april jokes today, im glad..
This is unbelieveble: i curently carry my pandora in my Poket of my workpants, which is under the warm bed cover so its getting realy warm, and its still ditnt got any fire....

I think i ditnt want too look anymore on this board today until you make a new newspost..
Bee it the picture of the melted case, or something about the new parts you got from the case company..

Until then,
Good night and a happy 1st April..
All these years wasted...
... what an idiot I've been... telling everyone I meet how great the Pyra is going to be... now everyone is going to laugh at me... my reputation is ruined!

I've had it with you lot... What an embarrasment!

After all the nice progress news I posted during the last week, I'm sad that I got some news now that are not that well.

It seems the Pyra is getting too hot even when doing nothing... while just sitting around on my desk, it actually heated the battery that much, that started to burn.

Fire with a lithium battery is no fun, and the transparent case is now some nice melted blackened blob, the hardware itself is not recognizable anymore.

As I was sitting beneath the table when it catched fire, we managed to prevent a total burn of the shop, but this still is an issue.

We have no idea how to fix that, so it could very well be that this will be the last newspost you'll hear about the Pyra forever... :/

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,
We don't need no water let the motherfucker burn,
Burn motherfucker burn.
