Pyra debian with systemd?

Why did you do that? I thought I broke my headphones!

Humans and true dinosaurs obviously never coexisted
evidence points to the contrary, but you are entitled to your opinion...
  • human foot with dinosaur in limebed
  • Ica stones (with sawtooth dorsal spine, only recently confirmed to be true)
  • Legends that describe, what can now be reconstructed as Dino's (from different places around the world. Some actually in our lifetime. African was shown different dino's and was able to identify it)
  • Dinosaurs found with non-fossilized blood, i.e. some DNA was recoverable... cant be too old, then.
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evidence points to the contrary, but you are entitled to your opinion...
  • human foot with dinosaur in limebed
  • Ica stones (with sawtooth dorsal spine, only recently confirmed to be true)
  • Legends that describe, what can now be reconstructed as Dino's (from different places around the world. Some actually in our lifetime. African was shown different dino's and was able to identify it)
  • Dinosaurs found with non-fossilized blood, i.e. some DNA was recoverable... cant be too old, then.
I expect reputable sources for all of this by tomorrow. Peer reviewed and such.
Wait... YOU don't carry a Linux disk around at all times? (Rescatux, a life Knoppix or OpenELEC or BERT?) Then what do you carry? Swiss knife? Screwdriver set? Portable Fire (lighter)? Medikit (band-aid)? Chewing gum (for when you forgot to brush your teeth)? safety needle? laserpointer? An elastic? a napkin? not even a Zombie Apocalypse Survival Kit?
I carry my Pandora. ;)

With some small modifications to the script is possible to take a disc image and make accesible to via mini-USB cable to a PC (the USB storage gadget driver has that ability). Meaning a PC can boot by using Pandora as a USB HDD. :cool:

Unluckily the USB CDROM gadget driver on Pandora doesn't work as a boot device due to a bug. But making a booteable USB HDD image is easy enough.
Someone called me a hipster once. .. I didn't really know what a hipster was at the time... but I took huge offense at being judged to belong to this group...

The truth is I detested 'the popular'... any products, fashion, thinking, or way of life that was expressed by the 'in' crowd became repulsive to me.

Why? Because I had a history of being teased and made fun of in school. It was always the popular kids... those f***ers. .

I was always the least popular, or very close to last.

Two times in my life I tried to turn it around... For one term before starting high school I behaved like a naughty kid and got some measure of popularity and acceptance.... It all evaporated in the first two weeks of high school.

Then, in the last couple of years of high school and the first few years after school I really did my best to 'fit in' with the party crowd... but it was a disaster. Deep down I despised the people I was hanging out with. .. They still made fun of me, but I tried to make light of it.

The worst worst part was that I had been teased for being a faggot in school.. when it started, I didn't even know what the term meant.
When I found out I was horrified... It was such a lie! I hated boys! I hated being one too.
So I grew to hate the party crowd with a passion because they all tried to 'help me' come out of the closet... I was never in any f***ing closet to begin with! And a friend I had had at school, who was a drug addict, and a leader of a lucifarian cult (I had no idea at the time), was going around telling people I was his... and I needed help to realize it.

Now, I apologise to all you people I have hated upon that remind me of him.

When I grow to hate a person... I hate everything that makes them what they are...

So all of you who like boys... I FUCKING hate you... but please don't take it personally. .. unless you try to 'help me' in which case I will fucking kill you.

So all of you who follow the left hand path... I fucking hate you! As much as I hate all the people who follow the right hand path...
I hate you because you are part of an exclusive club and I hate you for thinking yourselves clever and special.

I hate upon the witchblood because it's the 'in' thing. It's those fucking popular kids all over again. I emphasise 'kids' because my experience of what you people are like... is of sexually perverted, power obsessed delinquents who have no conscience to speak of... He was also a thief and a liar, thought himself terribly clever and superior to anyone else... A terrible representative...
... and if he is a measure of what humanity produces...

I recommend the extermination of humanity... or, the indefinite isolation of you creatures on this planet...

I've come to see that it is human nature itself that I despise... because we are all as sick as the sickest of us.
Humanity is a sick species and it spreads sickness wherever it goes. Anyone who wants to celebrate being human makes me sick. Humanity and human thinking is a disease...

But I've also come to see humanity as an expression of nature...
So it is nature itself that I despise. .. I despise the very fabric of 'reality' Because it allows and supports consumption. I detest how life is manifest. Survival of the fittest? Survival and amplification of everything I hate.

I am not a hipster.
I am not gay
I am not straight
I am not bi

Edit: I also hate the Beatles... not because the Beatles are worthy of hate... but he liked the Beatles and so therefor I can't stand them.

That's the way I work...
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Why did you do that? I thought I broke my headphones!
evidence points to the contrary, but you are entitled to your opinion...
  • human foot with dinosaur in limebed
  • Ica stones (with sawtooth dorsal spine, only recently confirmed to be true)
  • Legends that describe, what can now be reconstructed as Dino's (from different places around the world. Some actually in our lifetime. African was shown different dino's and was able to identify it)
  • Dinosaurs found with non-fossilized blood, i.e. some DNA was recoverable... cant be too old, then.
Geologic evidence AFAIK puts the extinction of most of land dinosaurs (flying types evolved into birds or went extinct as well) at the end of Cretaceous period of the Mesozoic era. First humanish apes came late in a period that started about 40 million years after that, in the Neogene period of the Cenozoic era. There is some evidence that tiny numbers of land dinosaurs made it to the beginning of the Paleocene period of the Cenozoic era, but even those are still roughly 65 million years from the first even remotely humanish apes.

So-called man tracks:
wikipedia said:
Some of the tracks were fake, carved by locals to sell during the Great Depression. These footprints do not represent the way human footprints would look in mud; they also do not accurately reflect the changes in the way giant humans would walk as a result of their size. Other footprints were genuine tracks, but showed features inconsistent with human footprints. Supporters of the human footprint theory claimed that the tracks showed authentic mud “push-ups” and that the time period for the human and dinosaur trackways had to be the same as the trails intersected. In 1986, Glen Kuban conducted research on the trackways. He found that most tracks formed a wide “V” at the end and showed grooves in places that were not consistent with those in a human footprint. Kuban determined that the tracks were made by bipedal dinosaurs with three toes. These particular tracks showed the dinosaur walking on the soles of its feet rather than on its toes, as is usually found in tracks. Evidence based in human anatomy also refutes the claim that the footprints are of human origin. The foot length measurements were used to calculate approximate heights of the humans; the pace and stride lengths do not match these calculated heights, making it highly unlikely that the tracks are human in origin. The measurements do fit the known values for bipedal dinosaurs.

Ica stones have been faked a lot. They can't be reliably dated, making them easy pickings for forgery. Famously, in the seventies:
wikipedia said:
In 1973, during an interview with Erich von Däniken, Uschuya stated he had faked the stones that he had sold. In 1975 Uschuya and another farmer named Irma Gutierrez de Aparcana confirmed that they had forged the stones they gave to Cabrera by copying the images from comic books, text books and magazines. Later, Uschuya recanted the forging story during an interview with a German journalist, saying that he had claimed they were a hoax to avoid imprisonment for selling archaeological artifacts. In 1977, during the BBC documentary Pathway to the Gods, Uschuya produced an Ica stone with a dentist's drill and claimed to have produced a fake patina by baking the stone in cow dung. That same year, another BBC documentary was released with a skeptical analysis of Cabrera's stones, and the new-found attention to the phenomenon prompted Peruvian authorities to arrest Uschuya, as Peruvian law prohibits the sale of archaeological discoveries. Uschuya recanted his claim that he had found them and instead admitted they were hoaxes, saying "Making these stones is easier than farming the land." He engraved the stones using images in books and magazines as examples and knives, chisels and a dental drill. He also said that he had not made all the stones. He was not punished, and continued to sell similar stones to tourists as trinkets. The stones continued to be made and carved by other artists as forgeries of the original forgeries.

Legends are hardly hard evidence. Given a known existence of something, they may be used to track the spread of a phenomenon, but can't really be used to prove it by itself. Can today's drawings and stories be used as evidence what exists today?

The non-fossilized blood trapped inside a 75 million year old fossilized bone hardly proves it isn't old.
Ica stones have been faked a lot. They can't be reliably dated, making them easy pickings for forgery.

Yes, the Dinosaur stones are obviously fakes, but I gather that recently one (showing two sysadmins coming to blows over init systems) has been found to be authentic.

sexually perverted, power obsessed delinquents who have no conscience to speak of...
As in the days of Noach, so shall the end of times be... welcome to the End of Days...

I hate everything that makes them what they are...
Can't do that, I mean, parts and pieces are your own human-self, and that will bite you (in the persona, not the ego, so it will extra hurt). When that does, here's an exercise:
Sit down on a quiet spot. Hands with palm up. Choose a hand that you will gather all things you like about yourself. Concentrate all thing you like about yourself on top of that hand. Now do the same for the other hand, but concentrate on putting all the things you do not like about yourself there. Now, slowly join both hands. If done correctly, there will be a rejection to join them. Slowly and gently keep pushing your hands together. It is now up to you to decide: Either do not contaminate these two chi balls. Or mingle them.

clever and special

Did you solve the "odd one out"? Did you see which one was the "special" one? I loved it when I saw it.
...and ignore the smell. :D
.... and try to stay up-wind...
Can't do that, I mean, parts and pieces are your own human-self, and that will bite you (in the persona, not the ego, so it will extra hurt). When that does, here's an exercise:
Sit down on a quiet spot. Hands with palm up. Choose a hand that you will gather all things you like about yourself. Concentrate all thing you like about yourself on top of that hand. Now do the same for the other hand, but concentrate on putting all the things you do not like about yourself there. Now, slowly join both hands. If done correctly, there will be a rejection to join them. Slowly and gently keep pushing your hands together. It is now up to you to decide: Either do not contaminate these two chi balls. Or mingle them.
Ha, I know this one and did it quite a few times when I was a kid (and seldomly later on).

As for me, I don't get along with humans IRL, but I could never hate humanity as a whole because of two innocent and brilliant things it does create all the time and are vastly underrated by human flocks and their sick power hungry leaders:
music and games
Then come sit by the fire... it's cold at night and it's fun being around such diverse people like yourselves...

Can I politely request that the Vegans don't sit too close? We don't want to risk an explosion from their... pungent intestinal aroma, shall we say?
As for me, I don't get along with humans IRL, but I could never hate humanity as a whole because of two innocent and brilliant things it does create all the time and are vastly underrated by human flocks and their sick power hungry leaders:
music and games

Yes, I would hate to lose that quality that allows humans to be creative...

I think my big gripe is the class system.... While it 'appears' to separate the chaff from the wheat... driving those with the capability and ability higher and those who are a little heavy on the stupid sauce lower...
It puts, I feel, an unhealthy focus on certain qualities... so that instead of increasing human excellence... We have increasing mediocrity and I feel an incalculable loss of potential from individuals in the species that would flourish under a different system... or at least, be handled with more consideration. ..
I see very poor implementations of this... because the bottom line is its a race to the top, and every moment and penny lost trying to coax receptivity from a stubborn and difficult element. ... Is a moment and penny your competitors can use against you.

So much better to just pick the next best thing... a human who has gone through the proper channels... I.e. It has been properly programmed and conditioned and is ready to use.

Meanwhile, vast potential is just going to waste... and those at the top, who dictate how the system continues... are those of us who have given ourselves over entirely to ambition, deviousness, and preemptive strategy... based purely on observation of the planet and humanity over the course of this life, I conclude that those who run the show do not have the sensitivity and patience/compassion to bring the best out of humanity...

They are unfit to rule, but they don't care about the waste... All they care about is making themselves more powerful and fortifying their positions.

Humanity is too dependant on the inefficient wasteful class system... I don't see how to fix the problem without a series of 'partial' disasters. ..

Partial because we need the system to break down again and again.

Partial because if it's total, those in power will just recreate the system on a smaller more focused scale.

I'm basically suggesting the world be thrown into partial anarchy.

Of course this will be like living in the dark ages again for most.. and it could be many thousands of years before humanity is again under review to determine if they may escape their little planet.

I am taking the position of both external/ and semi integrated observer... sharing my 'human' experience with those in a position to deal with humanity.

It's not just my experience that counts... There are many thousands of review 'units' that have lived semi normal human lives... For a proper review we need perspective from every significant station, and every class.

So don't worry, humanity will be dealt with constructively and with patience...

What you do need to worry about, is ambitious individuals who make self serving decisions. ... You need to worry about the race to the top... and if it is wise to be a part of the race at all.

To be clear: with all that humanity is achieving under the current system, it is only a fraction of what 'could' be achieved. ..

What would make a huge difference, is those with power working fearlessly to extend that power to others, as opposed to holding it to themselves competitively.

And rather than the arrogant self-obsessed 'having power over others' position... have instead the humble and selfless 'power to uplift others' position.

If we have to use a pyramid... then turn it on it's head.

If you're selfish and you know it
Go to school!
If you're selfish and you know it
Do not rule!
If you're selfish and you know it
And you really want to show it
If you're selfish and you know it
You're a tool!
Well, I don't know about your country but in ours School is a mechanism for those that have aptitude and ability to think beyond the basics needed for survival to be educated up and out of their social class. This has two benefits - people end up where they're best fitted, and anyone who is intelligent enough to cause problems in the lower classes can be moved into a class where they will be less likely to stir things up.

That sounds awful and controlling, but it really isn't. Not all people are created equal, and some people really are better suited to emptying bins for a living and will never be physicists or programmers or doctors.

Our main problem is that we don't adequately reward those who have the skills we need - just the skills we think they should have. So technical and intellectual pursuits are remunerated at a higher rate than those who can empty bins for 8 hours a day (which is back breaking, hard work - I know, I've done it), or manufacture in heavy industry (again - been there, done that). That causes dissent, and in turn causes those in those high-flying technical jobs to look down on those that do the essential manual work as something to be despised.

And that's wrong.

But what about the creatives? Those whose real abilities lie in music or the graphical arts? Again, they have the chance, through school and other provided pursuits (out of school classes, night schooling etc) to learn and develop those skills. And it works - those with real talent end up earning millions with their art. People who think they are artistic may whine that they're impoverished, but in reality they just don't have that skill and maybe would be better off doing something else.

Now, we also get a lot of people complaining (especially nowadays that the internet has provided everyone with a soapbox of their very own) that they don't fit into the system, that they are disadvantaged by it - but that's their fault, not a fault of the system. The system puts people where they should be, and advances society in doing so. People who don't "fit" do not do so because of errors in that system, but errors in themselves. They reject their intended position because they believe they are creative (they're not) or they believe they're technically brilliant (despite there being no evidence of this) and so they whinge and whine that it's unfair.

Very occasionally, one of these malcontents will turn out to be revolutionary. A future inventor of a union system which guarantees better conditions for those in the workforce, or a political dissident who gains popularity and changes things for the better for everyone - and the system makes allowances for this because without those bright sparks causing change we'd stagnate.

But the one thing those malcontents have in common is that they love their peers and they see how the system can be changed to benefit those that they love, and so they turn their particular genius to getting it done. The one thing they do not do is hate everyone around them. People who think that way are damaged beyond repair, for they can neither benefit themselves or those around them.