Azure Dreams at 266MHz (No sound):
Loads fine, first main menu VsyncRate: 26.7; FrameRate: 26.7
Loading screen ~FR = 15
During the beginning speaches VsyncRate: ~19, FrameRate: ~9-10
But it just randomly freezes every once in a while.
Azure Dreams at 266MHz (Sound):
Froze after the opening screen
Azure Dreams at 250MHz (Sound):
Loads fine, first main menu VsyncRate: ~24; FrameRate: ~24
Loading screen FR = ~9-14
During the beginning speaches VsyncRate: ~14-15, FrameRate: ~7-8
Sound is pretty good so far.
More speaches: VsyncRate: ~13; Framerate: 5-7
Sound still pretty good, just a little slow.
Next scene: VSR: ~10; FR: ~5
Characters walk really slow (You're not controlling them)
FMV: FR = ~3-4
Opening credits: VSR: ~10-16; FR: 3-6
Sound pretty glitchy
In town: VSR: 10-14; FR: 3-6
In tower: VSR: 5-11; FR: 3-6
Save Menu Both ~15
Azure Dreams at 250MHz (No Sound):
Loads fine, first main menu VsyncRate: 43; FrameRate: 43
In tower: VSR: 27-31; FR: 3-8
And that's all I can do for now; Have to get ready for work. I was surprised it even worked at all, so I can't wait until there's more progress and maybe Azure Dreams will become much more playable.