Psx4gp2x Beta Testers Thread


Solving your premature emulation since the Tapwave
Dec 2, 2005
Hi everyone,

I'm sending out about 10 beta's of the new GP2PSX version in progress. GP2PSX will most likely be renamed to psx4gp2x, as it's a part of the psx4all series. If you're in the beta, you'll be receiving a PM any moment now.

New features:
- This release uses a work in progress version of Unai's GPU. It's still early in development, so there will be issues. Unai is working hard to balance features he want's in the GPU with bug fixes that are needed.
- Interlacing / Progressive Interlacing. This feature add's more performance at the cost of quality of image. More about these features below. These features currently replace the frameskipping feature. Frameskip will be added in the very near future.
- Menu system. The menu system is accessable in-game by pressing STICK PUSH + SELECT.
- L2/ R2 are now back to being VOLUME DOWN / VOLUME UP. :)
- In-game overclocking is available when psx4gp2x is loaded. Be careful not to overclock too far or instability or possibly damage to the GP2X can occur. If you're new to overclocking, try 250MHz. If things run as well as they did at the default 200MHz, try 266MHz. 266MHz is what I can reach. Try the next one up until instability occurs then go down by one notch.
- You can now switch the game you're running during a game. Use the in-game menu.
- A bunch of game fixes.

The current issues with the beta that are already known are:
- The menu system flickers. This will be fixed.
- There are two GPU options, interlacing and progressive interlacing. Interlacing draws every x number of lines. Enabling progressive interlacing on top of interlacing, allows the emulator to fill in those missing lines next frame. There are some issues with progressive interlacing, and at times, interlacing. It seems with progressive interlacing, sometimes it appears as if its not drawing in all the lines, but in reality the frames aren't syncing. Also note that progressive interlacing will reduce the quality some some games by a large amount.
- Expierementing with interlacing and progressive on/off is needed for each individual game.
- Saving / Loading of game profiles (settings) aren't done yet.
- Some polygons in games, such as FF7, might be missing. Others might have strange bands of color textured on them, such as FFT.
- The menu system, which was done in about 2 hours, is very ugly. A lot of the text isn't even placed at centered positioning. There's still a lot of key combination's, but now they're all on one screen, and can be accessed in game.

There's a lot more to come.

For beta testers: Please try out this version and give any feedback you feel is worth posting. If you find a bug not mentioned above, it's definitely worth posting! :)
Some good feedback would be reports of settings used in specific games, and how they perform under them.

Time to send out those PMs for beta testers...

I could theoretically test beta than everyone else.
*Runs away before anyone else says this*

I theoretically donated once... technically it was to myself, but does that count?
Eep... bad pun.
I'm really really hoping I'll get a PM soon...
Please please please! :P

Oh well, it's good that things are still progressing. :)
EDIT: Well looks like I'm in the club ... or something. :D
Well I sent out a whole load of PMs. I actually now have more than 10 beta testers. In reality, 2 would be enough. But I want to give those a chance to try out some of the stuff being worked on. I expect this beta to get a lot of bugs sorted out, since there's a lot of them. Unai is working with his beta testers for getting the GPU to where it needs to be for an official release. So if you didn't make it into this beta, wait a bit, as there might be a beta 2 seeing how much there is to do.

Goity, hackgrid, and mcx, would it be ok if I put you in for beta 2?


P.S. In the beta are 2 GPE's. One is called 2dfix. That version hasn't been tested by me. It supposedly fixes something wrong with 2D games, but Unai had mentioned it might break MDEC movies, so I kpet them seperated.
Try 2DFIX first, if it messes up, try the regular version and see if its any different.
zodttd posted on May 13 2006 at 07:04 PM said:
Well I sent out a whole load of PMs. I actually now have more than 10 beta testers. In reality, 2 would be enough. But I want to give those a chance to try out some of the stuff being worked on. I expect this beta to get a lot of bugs sorted out, since there's a lot of them. Unai is working with his beta testers for getting the GPU to where it needs to be for an official release. So if you didn't make it into this beta, wait a bit, as there might be a beta 2 seeing how much there is to do.

Goity, hackgrid, and mcx, would it be ok if I put you in for beta 2?


P.S. In the beta are 2 GPE's. One is called 2dfix. That version hasn't been tested by me. It supposedly fixes something wrong with 2D games, but Unai had mentioned it might break MDEC movies, so I kpet them seperated.
Try 2DFIX first, if it messes up, try the regular version and see if its any different.

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes!!!! Thanks alot!
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Remember, the menu is ugly!
The GPU might not work properly in some games, so try with interlace off after trying the default settings. Could also try just interlacing without progressive. That will give more speed than just having everything off, but text will be hard to read.

When posting results of games...put in the post what settings you used. Example:
OC - 266
VSYNC - 22
FPS - 14

Oh yeah, also aware that it says VSincRate. Unai's doing, not mine. ;P

Suprised you didn't want in the beta DyanMight. If you're interested in beta 2, definitely let me know. :)
I just tried ridge racer on it, Runs pretty slow on all settings.

But the shocker was how well Wipeout 1 ran, on interlace3 really impressive, no doubt playable.

I'll do a vid up asap.
zodttd posted on May 13 2006 at 08:04 PM said:
Goity, hackgrid, and mcx, would it be ok if I put you in for beta 2?

Of course, thank you! :)
I hope you've already got a GP2x user who can overclock to 319Mhz like i can ^^
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Worms / Worms World Party might run decently. I too would love to test it.

All those who wish to be in Beta 2: Send me a PM with BETA2 as the subject.
ok, first report.
i tried raiden project a bit and the menu is a LOT smoother, but it keeps crashing on me, no matter if i use 2dfix or not.
ps: what do the different interlaceing modes do? 1/2/3/7?
ok, got it, numbers of pixels per interlanceing line

seems like i cant overclock as far as i usaly can, even 266mhz crashes, 250 works through, normaly i can run at 275mhz without problems.

raiden project
OC - 250
VSYNC - 20-23
FPS - 22-23

vsync and fps rate seem to be the same 90% of the time.