GP2X Psx4all Src?


Still Fresh
Mar 25, 2008

i downloaded psx4all source code from but it seem that this version is far slower than the latest released psx4all (about 40%) which can be found here:,0,0,0,71,2542

Am i doing something wrong to compile it (i used the makefile provided) or is it because the HLE is "broken" (seem to not working actually) in this version and if someone know, why?

I ask this because i want to make the rendering code to run on the 940t via gpu940 but working on a slower version of psx4all is kinda useless... so if the author or someone which worked on can tell me why theses sources seem slower than the last released version of psx4all, it would be greatly appreciated. (i already have gpu940 working with psx4all right now, seem ok at the moment, about 2fps gained with only flat/gouraud shading implemented)
have you tried contacting zodttd about it?
maybe he would give you the last version or would even help ya with the work.
definietly interesting work you do there, keep it up^^
I tried to get a new code from Zodttd, without answer yet. I think he is not interested in Wiz or is busy. If you like I can pass you the code that I'm using, but is based in the github version. I'm investigating on it and will be released soon. If you see something interesting please say to me. ¿How do you know that HLE is broken? All the games that I tested works good, slow but good.
If you like I can pass you the code that I'm using, but is based in the github version.

I use the same code then, except if you did several modifications. :)

¿How do you know that HLE is broken?

Well, loading any game without bios crash and the fact that it is very slow comparated to the last binary version released.

I should maybe wait till a version using opengl come out for the wiz...
The source code we have is using a mini lib wrapper in SDL library. I think the last binary version from Zoddtd is using the minilib from Ryleh, and this is the performance gain. You can try to substitute the minilib module in the folder gp2x_sdl. This can be a lot faster.

i already have gpu940 working with psx4all right now, seem ok at the moment, about 2fps gained with only flat/gouraud shading implemented

Wow!! This is a lot of work. The GPU engine in the second cpu.

Well, loading any game without bios crash and the fact that it is very slow.

Yes, this don't works for me too.
The source code we have is using a mini lib wrapper in SDL library. I think the last binary version from Zoddtd is using the minilib from Ryleh, and this is the performance gain. You can try to substitute the minilib module in the folder gp2x_sdl. This can be a lot faster.

I had problem compiling with the minilib, some code for the second core generated errors on the compiler that i couldn't get rid off, will re-try soon but i doubt it add 40% of gain.

Wow!! This is a lot of work.

In fact, not really, :P i use with the opengl wrapper.
QUOTE (Grz-)
i use with the opengl wrapper.

The opengl gpu code is working? I was thinking that is not completed.
Then I can compile this to use the opengl-es library in the Wiz.

P.D. The code is using 16 bpp mode, I think that can be faster if you use 8 bpp mode.
But the gpu drawing code must be changed. Mame4All an other emus uses 8 bpp mode.
The opengl gpu code is working? I was thinking that is not completed.

It work but not completed, like i said only gouraud shading is actually done and a bit of transparency.
I can pass you the code if you want but it's not much interesting actually.