Prince Harry Dressed As Nazi

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Boris Johnson: Cuddly Conservative
Dec 27, 2003
Stoke-On-Trent UK
I'm sure you've seen the pictures. What do you think about it-is it disrespectful to the Jewish and minority people, or just a bit of fun?

I can see why people are angry, but I personally find it rather damn amusing. To be a Prince and dress up as a Nazi takes some guts, but it does beg the question; what the hell did he think would happen?
I thought it was funny, but only because it disgraced the British Monarchy even further, I have a real problem with any monarchy, but the British one just likes to justify my views.
I'm not offended by it, and I think you have to be pretty sensitive to be offended by it. However, obviously it was going to be a big deal. He has advisors doesn't he? Surely one of them would have been able to warn him that this would have made big news in the British press. It shouldn't though.

Clearly dressing up as someone at a fancy dress party means you wholeheartedly support them and their way of life. That's why we burn people who dress up as Dracula at Hallowe'en, the heathen blood-sucking murderering scum. Seriously, the reaction to this has been ridiculous. Had he dressed up as Saddam Hussein would the papers have such a big problem? What about Osama Bin Laden? I'm guessing they'd have taken it as a joke and barely commented.

Look at this: (taken from here.)

by Sarah Palmer, British, living in Kentucky, USA

It is not simply a matter of political correctness; thousands of people died in horrendous ways at the hands of the Nazis.
This is what :rolleyes: was made for.
Lol what a plank, find it funny, just wondering whether he gives a shit.. getting caught with pot, drunk and fight ing with photographers.. nice one, guess you can't call him boring .. maybe he'll turn into his grand father in later life with his amusing gaffes!

More to point he has a hell of a lot of people looking after what he does, did his body guards, palace offials not think of telling him, that it might be a bad idea somone in his position always in the public eye, going out dressed as a Nazi.

Im waiting for him to getting get caught with his pants down with two hookers and a nose bag full of coke :lol:
Oh yeah and the reaction to this will probably cause every fancy dress party to have approximately 17% of its party goers dressed in an SS uniform for the next few months.

edit: "You can't come in here dressed as a Nazi!"
"I'm not, I'm here as Prince Harry B) "
Its better to ridicule the evils of the past than to fear them. Besides, I'm pretty sure there are thousands of guys his age that would go to fancy dress parties as a Nazi, why should he act any different?
<-- This always reminds me of C3P0 and R2D2 even though I can plainly see it's not...

oh, and prince harry? yeah. amusement. he's only young, but surely the daft git knew it would cause a stir...

looking forward to more comedy gaffes in future :)


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<-- This always reminds me of C3P0 and R2D2 even though I can plainly see it's not...

C3POs' and R2D2s' historical background are Don Quijote and Sancho Panza ...

Besides, I'm pretty sure there are thousands of guys his age that would go to fancy dress parties as a Nazi, why should he act any different?

What? :blink:

Surprised no-one's mentioned how many of his family are German yet...

So its all about family tradition? ;)
Don't confuse Wehrmahct's Africa Corps with any brownshirt... Them were brave men, fighting for the wrong cause.

Hum, if he had dressed as Devil... Would christians have gotten miffed? I mean, that guy is responsible for way more death and destruction than the Third Reich.
Jarska333 said:
Don't confuse Wehrmahct's Africa Corps with any brownshirt... Them were brave men, fighting for the wrong cause.

You can do horrible things with the best intentions, thats not the question. We had a big discussion about a traveling exposition in germany called "the crimes of the wehrmacht". Later that expostion got bombed by neonazis ...

Jarska333 said:
Hum, if he had dressed as Devil... Would christians have gotten miffed? I mean, that guy is responsible for way more death and destruction than the Third Reich.

The "devil" is to abstract. He rules the seven planes of hell and has no direct influence on the material plane. Slightly better question: Would christians have gotten miffed if he dressed as Nero? (bodycount to be ignored) I don't know. But I think thats also uninteresting. Interesting is: How can one be so dumb and ignorant? Why was no one at the party able to tell Harry that he is improper clothed? Instead they take a pic of him and sell it to the newspaper ...

The dress was not funny, the party theme was not funny. This is not about joking or fascination for the darkside. Hatred is our enemy and not a fallen friend.
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Im glad everyone on here takes a laided back view, people have blown this so out of proportion. Just coz hes wearing a costume doesnt mean he really fancies growing a cheeky little tash and checking head measurments.
I think the people who are pissed off about this should put some costume suggestions forward seeing as tho it was a Colonies & Natives fancy dress party...........
Hes gona get shit whatever he wears
Its better to ridicule the evils of the past than to fear them. Besides, I'm pretty sure there are thousands of guys his age that would go to fancy dress parties as a Nazi, why should he act any different?
He's a member of the royal family. Think about it.
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I sure as hell wouldnt want to be him or any other "celebrity", the media watches your every step for the moment you f**k up. Nobody is perfect. British media think they are saintly and above everyone else. What is really REALLY scary is they have the power to elect governments and put people on pedestals and equally knock them into oblivion.
If you actually think about the number of people that had the opportunity to say something prior to him arriving at the party, but didn't, it is actually quite shocking.

Unless, that is, he managed to sneak out of Clarence House (or wherever the hell he is living) unnoticed, jumped in a taxi driven by a non-talkative taxi driver, went to a fancy dress shop run by a blind woman, got a taxi back with the same driver, managed to sneak back into Clarence House, get changed, sneak back out again, get another taxi to the party and get inside without anyone noticing.

I kind of suspect that wasn't the case...

I sure as hell wouldnt want to be him or any other "celebrity", the media watches your every step for the moment you f**k up. Nobody is perfect. British media think they are saintly and above everyone else. What is really REALLY scary is they have the power to elect governments and put people on pedestals and equally knock them into oblivion.
This is the real world. Everybody is a fuckup and we like to rip others apart to make our failures seem less.
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It doesn't offend me in the slightest but you do have to wonder about his sanity when he decided on this costume.
According to one newspaper his friends are rallying round trying to find out who sold the picture to the papers, obviously he didn't expect it to get out. So maybe he was trying to stick two fingers up at the world and the rules he has to follow as a member of the royal family in a private joke. Again though he's an idiot to think that this wouldn't get out somehow.
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