Did you ever fix the flickering problem? I thought it might be because the FPS is displayed in the window title, as it flickers every time the FPS changes.
I can't remember what I've done at this point, but I know the flickering is still there. I will look into it once Cloudef gets an improved Irrlicht released so I can make sure I'm fixing the right problem in right place.
I can't remember what I've done at this point, but I know the flickering is still there. I will look into it once Cloudef gets an improved Irrlicht released so I can make sure I'm fixing the right problem in right place.
I am not certain if you are aware of that Irrlicht has there own openGLES implantation located here <--SVN. It is a bit out of date but I may be of some assistance in porting Minetest over to Pandora.
I am not certain if you are aware of that Irrlicht has there own openGLES implantation located here <--SVN. It is a bit out of date but I may be of some assistance in porting Minetest over to Pandora.
This is what I started with, but I've been hoping the changes Cloudef has put in(and hopefully will put in) will fix some of the issues by being optimized for the Pandora specifically.
I am not actively working on this. Decided I wasn't sure how much further I could go with the time I had without Cloudef's help optimizing the Irrlicht engine. If I had more experience on this level of programming and/or had the time to learn how to debug graphics performance issues, I'd have worked on it. If Cloudef does end up making further Irrlicht changes, I can pick this back up and see if I can also make some of the control options/changes too.