Release Preliminary Minetest pnd

Seems like if you end this prematurely it wont run again without reinstalling the hotfix.Ive tried deleting the folder in the appdata but that does not fix it,is it creating files elsewhere?
Funny, I think I might be getting this issue too. What's the last few lines of your /tmp/pndrun_minetest.out?

I'm getting:

cat: write error:Invalid argument. (Meaning it can't find the "nub before" files)


terminate called after throwing an instance of "SendFailedException": what() Failed to send packet. (minetest server issue?)

Is this what you are getting?


@ZXDummy: It seems the map saving taking up space is already marked as a bug.
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Funny, I think I might be getting this issue too. What's the last few lines of your /tmp/pndrun_minetest.out?

I'm getting:

cat: write error:Invalid argument. (Meaning it can't find the "nub before" files)


terminate called after throwing an instance of "SendFailedException": what() Failed to send packet. (minetest server issue?)

Is this what you are getting?


@ZXDummy: It seems the map saving taking up space is already marked as a bug.
Ok, so the issue I was getting there is related to a bug in the nand image where the looback adatper won't respond. Fix is :

sudo ifdown lo

sudo ifup lo

Forgot to check for that first. :p

Also, I've been working on getting a newer version of Irrlicht compiled. I've got a copy of it running, but I'm now getting the flickering between game and desktop others have reported on.(the previous version didn't do this. Either a change I made or the fact I think I was using ogl-es1 before instead of ogl-es2.)

Maybe you guys can help me figure it out. Below is the latest version I have with new irrlicht. Especially if you are getting screen flickering, please run this and attach here your /tmp/pndrun_minetest.out.

EDIT:Don't go past the main menu if attaching the log or else all the calls will pile up resulting in a 20mb+ log. Use this link for version without tracing:

EDIT2:Holy Smokes! I get a laser light show if I change the screen resolution.
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Hello guys! This looks very interesting. I am very willing to collaborate on this one. I am the main dev of Minetest, and I don't own a Pandora (because of the price, I guess).

I think a large problem here is the current map format, which is old. I understand the flash storage of the Pandora isn't able to handle it as well as a PC. I have not planned to update it very shortly, but at some point of time I will. It might be feasible to do when I get to reworking the map generator (which could happen in a week or in 4 months). If you can easily set up some kind of a startup script and a virtual filesystem for it until that time, it would be awesome.

eyecreate: Can you list the changes you have had to make to the current version? Just throw me a patch or whatever. I might want to merge some of the changes upstream, or discuss something about it.

Aaand, I would like to know if there are any problems with memory consumption using the current range of configuration options.
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Is there a way to make the left nub look around, and the mining/placing use the shoulder buttons?
@Celeron55: Glad to see you notice this! I'll have to sort through changes, as I've been very sloppy on organisation and have just been trying to get a build working satisfactorily. I haven't made to many changes to minetest itself, but I'll try and get a patch to you sometime later this week after my exams are over. Haven't looked at memory consumption yet, as I've been trying to currently getting minetest to run with the latest opengl-es branch of irrlicht.(much thanks to hybrid on the irrlicht forums for his help so far.)

@Silent-Hunter:I've thought about putting mining of shoulder buttons, but will have to wait til I figure out how to either get the shoulder buttons to act as mouse buttons or implement an override on the mouse controls in minetest. Making the left nub looking around won't be hard, as that's how it was before I switched it around.(maybe I should ask which nub should look around before starting the game.) All stuff to work on next spurt I get.
Any progress on this?
I wish I could say so, but it seems I've found less time to work on PNDs recently with my new co-op job along with the fact it's been hard trying to get a working build of the newer irrlicht engine.(I did at one point disable textures drawing and the performance increased many-fold along with no crashing, but that's about it :p ) Otherwise, short-term I can try and see if using Seb3t's older engine that's in the PND on the repo along with a newer minetest fixes any of the issues. I'll try and fit it in sometime this week.

Also, at some point there will be a break where I won't have hardware to test on, as I've gotten signs of the PTOD and will have to send my unit to ED.
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Hello. I'm a bit curious on this port. I own a N900, and I'm adapting this for the Maemo 5 platform.

It's pretty much like the Pandora hardware and so on, so I'm simply making minor changes like replacing the links with symlinks and so on, and throwing in a few libraries. However, I've encountered a library that I can't find:

Does anyone know how to obtain this file? (I've tried compiling it, trying to find it in Debian repositories and so on, and can't find it.)

I bet it would make many users of N900 happy. :)

Thanks in advance.
Hello. I'm a bit curious on this port. I own a N900, and I'm adapting this for the Maemo 5 platform.

It's pretty much like the Pandora hardware and so on, so I'm simply making minor changes like replacing the links with symlinks and so on, and throwing in a few libraries. However, I've encountered a library that I can't find:

Does anyone know how to obtain this file? (I've tried compiling it, trying to find it in Debian repositories and so on, and can't find it.)

I bet it would make many users of N900 happy. :)

Thanks in advance.

Got soulaxe with same Q by PM.

File here also:

This is actually the whole pthread libs, not just -stubs.
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Many thanks for the help, eyecreate. :)

Those are exactly the missing libraries.
@celeron55: Think you can help me figure out a few messages that have popped out of the minetest I built today with an updated Irrlicht engine? Some things sticking out to me are:



These seem to possibly be causing certain images/sprites to not be loaded.



  • pndrun_minetest.txt
    3.2 KB · Views: 660
Hey, eyeCreate.

I'm also working on getting minetest on the N900, and I'm having trouble getting Irrlicht to compile with opengles. I checked out its ogl-es branch, modified the makefile to point at the includes and libraries for opengles1, but even after an error-free compilation of both Irrlicht and minetest, it still gives me "No OpenGL-ES1 support compiled in." and terminates.

So I guess what I'm really asking is: what did you do to Irrlicht to make it work?
Hey, eyeCreate.

I'm also working on getting minetest on the N900, and I'm having trouble getting Irrlicht to compile with opengles. I checked out its ogl-es branch, modified the makefile to point at the includes and libraries for opengles1, but even after an error-free compilation of both Irrlicht and minetest, it still gives me "No OpenGL-ES1 support compiled in." and terminates.

So I guess what I'm really asking is: what did you do to Irrlicht to make it work?

You might have more luck with the source I posted, it's also stripped from double calculations.

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Hey, eyeCreate.

I'm also working on getting minetest on the N900, and I'm having trouble getting Irrlicht to compile with opengles. I checked out its ogl-es branch, modified the makefile to point at the includes and libraries for opengles1, but even after an error-free compilation of both Irrlicht and minetest, it still gives me "No OpenGL-ES1 support compiled in." and terminates.

So I guess what I'm really asking is: what did you do to Irrlicht to make it work?

You might have more luck with the source I posted, it's also stripped from double calculations.

Much thanks! Too bad tomorrow my Pandora is being shipped back for repairs so I won't have a physical device to test on. I'll definitely try your port, though.

EDIT:I decided to try and get a build working before tomorrow, but it seems your source has problems linking to some Gl library. undefined reference to `glPointSize'

Haven't yet found out why, as I added -lGLESv2 to the LDFLAGS like in the copy I was working with. Maybe you have an idea.

Hm, it seems using the gles-2 version has an issue due to me relying on structure I put into my version of irrlicht that must not be in yours. Will have to work on this this week.
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If you want to compile GLESv2 you need to change it so in IrrCompileConfig.h under include folder.

Just search for "Pandora" and then comment out GLES1 and enable GLESv2.

There are too makefiles in source folder Makefile (which is GLESv2) and Makefile.gles1 which is for GLES1

Keep in mind that GLES1 is faster at least in Pandora (due to fixed pipeline being usually more optimized on driver) this is not case for modern GPU's however.

If you still have no luck, you might want to check this out, Irrlicht for Android I used some fixes to the OpenGL ES renderers from there, since the svn ogl-es branch is pretty much broken.
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Cloudef: are you going to send your patches for Pandora into the upstream codebase so Pandora support will be 'normal' in the future?
Hey, eyeCreate.

I'm also working on getting minetest on the N900, and I'm having trouble getting Irrlicht to compile with opengles. I checked out its ogl-es branch, modified the makefile to point at the includes and libraries for opengles1, but even after an error-free compilation of both Irrlicht and minetest, it still gives me "No OpenGL-ES1 support compiled in." and terminates.

So I guess what I'm really asking is: what did you do to Irrlicht to make it work?

You might have more luck with the source I posted, it's also stripped from double calculations.


I still get the same error after getting it to compile for opengles1: "Could not create surface for OpenGL-ES1 display." Any ideas?
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