Serial Porter
Here is Postal, the action game from Running With Scissors.
(screenshots are not up-to-date, gameplay is now fullscreen)
This game needs data from the original game to play. You can use either the Steam data or GoG data. Just copy the "res" folder and the ini file in appdata/postal or simply put the setup_postal_ exe file there if you have the GoG version (it will be autoextracted).
You need to configure the keys on 1st launch. You should also disable "mouse" and "X" control, has there are not working well for now.
History log
Build 01

(screenshots are not up-to-date, gameplay is now fullscreen)
This game needs data from the original game to play. You can use either the Steam data or GoG data. Just copy the "res" folder and the ini file in appdata/postal or simply put the setup_postal_ exe file there if you have the GoG version (it will be autoextracted).
You need to configure the keys on 1st launch. You should also disable "mouse" and "X" control, has there are not working well for now.
History log
Build 01
- Gameplay use 800x480
- Gamma boosted at start
- Compatible with Steam and GoG data