Advanced Member
Oh wow, you got me totally wrong. Never ever would I create something that mitigates usability and/or usefulness for something as artificial as "lifestyle" (I even hate that word. Industrial all the way.). If a feature (or any change) can't be tailored to be at least as usable and useful as its more common and familiar equivalent, it stays out.Oh my god I created a monster :blink:
Please, I beg you, please don't do this, this exactly describes my horror vision of a gui destroing any last remnant of usability by including fancy styles, graphics and a lot of unused space. [...] GTK was ment/developed to create applications which are intended to help people in their "real" work, not fancy livestyle apps.
Which is the kind of introductory information that can also be displayed via screenshots (see "Guidelines for content developers" behind the spoiler in [1]). I imagine you might probably soon find yourself wanting fewer truncated descriptions that at the same time contain more information about the PND. Otherwise they may not add much benefit compared to a plain list in many cases, unless developers artificially kept the descriptions of their PNDs short in the first place. Which would not be an ideal solution since the developers would have to know about this weakness of PNDstore. Also, this would artificially limit the length of descriptions for every potential other PND management software that offered the same PNDs. It would be better if we could introduce a separate short description.I do not want any real "shopping experience". I simply want a list of available pnds with a little more information than just the title - hence the idea of having two lines per list item -> title, and the first x characters of the description.
Aside from the fact that despite its name beauty-get is not a "lifestyle" software, you got that right. Tempel had already commented on this.a) This will be really, really hard to realize unless tempel switches to another gui - framework. GTK was ment/developed to create applications which are intended to help people in their "real" work, not fancy livestyle apps.
See "Thoughts on loading" and "Server-side(?)" behind the spoiler in [1].B) The possibility that most of the users will have a slow connection to the repo is very high for various reasons (3G Connection, the currently not so performant built in WLAN, lousy internet connection in general, etc.), so tempel has to deal with high loading times, and cacheing mechanisms to reduce that.
Also, have a look at the key concepts ("key ideas") of the beauty-get concept.
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