Release PNDstore

Well it is a great program. Good coding and precisely what Pandora needed. Your code doesnt allow for this and the fact its wiping out MY SD cards, merely means 99.9% of users are getting the functionality expected and simply that I currently aren't, due to some other weird bug or conflict affecting just me. Thats not your programing. Though perhaps you should get a job with Symantec to help FIX the PSN from the inside :lol:

Its happened to 3 SD cards. The first a 16gb Adata that I mentioned was solid on 2 prior Pandoras from the first month they began shipping. The 2nd 2 cards are 32gb class 10 models that MrLoon promoted the cheap deals for. They both passed H2testw fine and otherwise seemed fine until I used PNDstore.

I was able to restore the wiped out partition earlier fairly fast with untaring a HF5 tar onto it and this time it booted properly with the autoboot.txt that SD installer had created freshly for that HF5 install just wiped out.

I've only had time so far (got 5 five kids) to create wifi, visit Sebt3's archive via the PandoraBookmark site and grab Pnd_run-installer which I ran from the desktop. I then rebooted a number of times. Deleted the PNDstore appdata directory and freshly put PND store on the desktop from card 1.

Currently I cant get it to run now though and just get 'Mounting the PND failed issues' so these tmp/pndstore.out files are from that and not following a wipe out. It reboots fine after these failed attempts to run it.

Just realised in the mayhem of kids that I've forgotten to re-test it under HF5 without for an intended wipeout to grab the file. I will do this.

Anyway heres the 2 outputs (will edit them in from the Pandora in a moment)



PND_ARGS : -p /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop//PNDstore-0.3.pnd -e -b pndstore -a --working-dir=.

PND : /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop//PNDstore-0.3.pnd

PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs

APPDATADIR : /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/appdata/pndstore




ARGUMENTS : --working-dir=.


[17h22m16 START ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[17h22m17 INFO ] Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop0" "/mnt/pnd/pndstore"

[17h22m17 INFO ] Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/appdata/pndstore=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/pndstore=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/pndstore"

[17h22m18 SUCCESS ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[17h22m19 START ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) ==========

[17h22m19 ERROR ] /usr/pandora/scripts/ line 409: ./ Input/output error

[17h22m19 FAILED ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) ==========

[17h22m19 START ]=== uMount the PND =================================================

[17h22m21 INFO ] cleanup done

[17h22m21 SUCCESS ]=== uMount the PND =================================================


Return code is : 3



PND_ARGS : -p /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop//PNDstore-0.3.pnd -e -b pndstore -a --working-dir=.

PND : /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop//PNDstore-0.3.pnd

PND_FSTYPE : Squashfs

APPDATADIR : /media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/appdata/pndstore




ARGUMENTS : --working-dir=.


[17h58m49 START ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[17h58m49 ERROR ] mkdir: cannot create directory `/mnt/pnd/pndstore': Input/output error

[17h58m49 INFO ] Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop2" "/mnt/pnd/pndstore"

[17h58m50 INFO ] mount: mount point /mnt/pnd/pndstore does not exist

[17h58m50 WARNING ] : mount faild, re-tring

[17h58m52 INFO ] mount: mount point /mnt/pnd/pndstore does not exist

[17h58m52 ERROR ] The PND File-system is not mounted !

[17h58m52 INFO ] +++++++

[17h58m52 INFO ] Loopback devices :

[17h58m52 INFO ] /dev/loop0: [b301]:45 (/media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop/PNDstore-0.3.pnd)

[17h58m53 INFO ] /dev/loop1: [b303]:34526 (/usr/pandora/apps/op_wifi.pnd)

[17h58m53 INFO ] /dev/loop2: [b301]:45 (/media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop/PNDstore-0.3.pnd)

[17h58m53 INFO ] Are mounted on :

[17h58m53 INFO ] For these Union :

[17h58m53 ERROR ] The Union File-system is not mounted !

[17h58m53 INFO ] +++++++

[17h58m53 INFO ] Loopback devices :

[17h58m53 INFO ] /dev/loop0: [b301]:45 (/media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop/PNDstore-0.3.pnd)

[17h58m53 INFO ] /dev/loop1: [b303]:34526 (/usr/pandora/apps/op_wifi.pnd)

[17h58m54 INFO ] /dev/loop2: [b301]:45 (/media/PANDORABOOT/pandora/desktop/PNDstore-0.3.pnd)

[17h58m54 INFO ] Are mounted on :

[17h58m54 INFO ] For these Union :

[17h58m54 FAILED ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================
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peelie: Huh. That's new. Let me know if that still happens in the repo version, because I have no idea what could cause that.

MarioPandio: That second one looks like a permission error on your SD card or something. Maybe out of loopback devices? The first one I don't understand. Maybe a memory issue?
I just uploaded version 0.3.1, a bugfix release, to the repo. It fixes a potential bug with failed upgrades, and also makes searching work correctly. As long as focus is inside the list of packages, hit Ctrl+F or just start typing, and it will find package titles that match.

milkshake: There were still errors, but fewer this time. I give the details in your beta test thread.

Edit: There was a show-stopping bug in 0.3.1 (confound my lack of a Pandora!), so now 0.3.2 is up.
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0.3.2 doesnt work i get



PND_ARGS        : -p /media/PANDY/pandora/menu/App//PNDstore-0.3.2.pnd -e -b pndstore -a --working-dir=.

PND             : /media/PANDY/pandora/menu/App//PNDstore-0.3.2.pnd

PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs

APPDATADIR      : /media/PANDY/pandora/appdata/pndstore

APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat

PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>

EXENAME         :

ARGUMENTS       : --working-dir=.


[09h25m37   START ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[09h25m37    INFO ]   Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/pnd/pndstore"

[09h25m37    INFO ]   Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/PANDY/pandora/appdata/pndstore=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/pndstore=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/pndstore"

[09h25m38 SUCCESS ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[09h25m38   START ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) =

[09h25m38    INFO ]   ./ line 2: ./PNDstore: Permission denied

[09h25m39  FAILED ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) =

[09h25m39   START ]=== uMount the PND =================================================

[09h25m39    INFO ]   cleanup done

[09h25m39 SUCCESS ]=== uMount the PND =================================================


Return code is : 1
meandu: That's an odd one. "Permission denied" presumably means that it doesn't think the program is marked as executable. It's marked as executable inside the PND, which probably means that something went wrong to change it when the PND mounted. Maybe try redownloading and trying it again.
ive tried a few times no sucess downloaded from r.o.o

edit:request when updating a pnd can the new pnd replace the old one with the same filename i can see this being conusing as the package then doesnt match the filename but I use .ovr files and it gets annoying having to rename the file each time or you could look see if there is a ovr file and then change the linked over file to the new name
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I hope I don't make a fool out of myself (again) by not getting something but, as of now, I can't update my pnds via PNDStore anymore.

I click on "Update lists" and the process seems to work as usual, but after the info - pane shows "Updating local package list...", the gui updates itself and after that the message "Could not process " ("A Package does n..." appears in the info - pane for a few seconds.

Hint anyone ?
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I hope I don't make a fool out of myself (again) by not getting something but, as of now, I can't update my pnds via PNDStore anymore.

I click on "Update lists" and the process seems to work as usual, but after the info - pane shows "Updating local package list...", the gui updates itself and after that the message "Could not process "'> ("A Package does n..." appears in the info - pane for a few seconds.

Hint anyone ?

As the message says, this appears to be an issue with the repo itself rather than with the PND store... normally if you load you get a page full of unformatted repo data. Currently, the data appears to be there, but there seems to be a mime type failure and it is presenting in the browser as a file to download instead.

last time this happened it was because some blank lines got added to the .php file by the editor milkshake used to update it. perhaps the same has happened again?

Incidentally, this illustrates another issue I'd like to raise - I find that messages appearing briefly on the status bar is far too easy to miss, or it can get truncated. I'd much prefer the notifications to appear in a dialogue box, as they did previously.

Something else to note is a warning I found in the pndrun_pndstore.out file

./PNDstore:26: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.threads_enter is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.threads_enter instead


./PNDstore:28: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.threads_leave is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.threads_leave instead




I found it! the full error is:

RepoError: An application does not have any usable language

The culprit is the recently added SpeedCrunch PND which lacks a description.
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I can confirm the error. I downdated back to pndstore0.2.2 then a message popped with the same error message, now you are able to read it completely:

The following error were detected in update_remote: Could not process RepoError('A package does not have any usable language.',)

Edit: Ah, I read your edit. Yes - the only application after SpeedCrunch (Liquid War 5) is showing up. So time to remove SpeedCrunch. :-)

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0.3.2 doesnt work i get



PND_ARGS        : -p /media/PANDY/pandora/menu/App//PNDstore-0.3.2.pnd -e -b pndstore -a --working-dir=.

PND             : /media/PANDY/pandora/menu/App//PNDstore-0.3.2.pnd

PND_FSTYPE      : Squashfs

APPDATADIR      : /media/PANDY/pandora/appdata/pndstore

APPDD_FSTYPE    : vfat

PND_CPUSPEED    : <unset>

EXENAME         :

ARGUMENTS       : --working-dir=.


[09h25m37   START ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[09h25m37    INFO ]   Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop1" "/mnt/pnd/pndstore"

[09h25m37    INFO ]   Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/PANDY/pandora/appdata/pndstore=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/pndstore=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/pndstore"

[09h25m38 SUCCESS ]=== Mount the PND ==================================================

[09h25m38   START ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) =

[09h25m38    INFO ]   ./ line 2: ./PNDstore: Permission denied

[09h25m39  FAILED ]=== Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) =

[09h25m39   START ]=== uMount the PND =================================================

[09h25m39    INFO ]   cleanup done

[09h25m39 SUCCESS ]=== uMount the PND =================================================


Return code is : 1

Have you tried clearing out the appdata directory? I started getting this error for some reason if there was an existing pndstore folder within appdata/pndstore.

The culprit is the recently added SpeedCrunch PND which lacks a description.
Excellent detective work, thank you! This is technically against the repo spec, so I've let milkshake know. He just needs to make it have an empty description field rather than missing the description field entirely. But it's also reminded me that I should make repo parsing more robust. It's easy to become complacent when the only repo source is a well-formed one :P .

Incidentally, this illustrates another issue I'd like to raise - I find that messages appearing briefly on the status bar is far too easy to miss, or it can get truncated. I'd much prefer the notifications to appear in a dialogue box, as they did previously.
I only moved them to the statusbar because it was easier with the threaded GUI. I had thought that the change wouldn't really matter - errors are rare, and how much do end users really care if one old PND is ill-formed? But since they are rare, maybe errors should be moved back to dialogue boxes.

Have you tried clearing out the appdata directory? I started getting this error for some reason if there was an existing pndstore folder within appdata/pndstore.
I have no idea why that would work, but I'm glad it does. Thanks for solving that too, Neelix.
Incidentally, this illustrates another issue I'd like to raise - I find that messages appearing briefly on the status bar is far too easy to miss, or it can get truncated. I'd much prefer the notifications to appear in a dialogue box, as they did previously.
I only moved them to the statusbar because it was easier with the threaded GUI. I had thought that the change wouldn't really matter - errors are rare, and how much do end users really care if one old PND is ill-formed? But since they are rare, maybe errors should be moved back to dialogue boxes.

At the very least while the system is still in development, I certainly feel it essential to be able to capture the errors. From a users perspective, though I like being notified of the outcome of an action I've initiated (successful or otherwise) in a way that will still be visible when I get back should I be called away while it is in progress, so for that dialogue boxes are ideal. Perhaps have them enabled by default with an option for 'don't show this message again.'

Have you tried clearing out the appdata directory? I started getting this error for some reason if there was an existing pndstore folder within appdata/pndstore.
I have no idea why that would work, but I'm glad it does. Thanks for solving that too, Neelix.

I've been talking it over with sebt3 and I now have an answer for that too. Basically its a filename conflict. In the PNDstore PND you have a script called PNDstore and a folder called pndstore. While these are different names in linux based file systems like squashfs, they are considered identical in the FAT based file systems which most appdata folders would be stored in. So when combined with a similarly named file in the appdata folder (for example if the PND folder structure is duplicated in the appdata folder, which may well be standard practice as of HF6) they conflict with each other. The answer would seem to be to rename one or the other. :-)

- Neelix
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Hi, PND Store does not run. please see my output of /tmp/pndrun_pndstore.out:

{ App start }


Traceback (most recent call last):   

  File "./PNDstore", line 6, in <module>     

    from pndstore import options   

  File "/mnt/utmp/pndstore/pndstore/", line 6, in <module>     

    import shutil, os, locale ImportError: No module named shutil 


{ App end }

hi had a crash when updating list:

[ START ]--- Mount the PND ----------

Mounting : mount -t squashfs "/dev/loop3" "/mnt/utmp/pndstore"

Mounting the Union FS : mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs="/media/PANDORA1/pandora/appdata/pndstore=rw+nolwh":"/mnt/pnd/pndstore=rr" none "/mnt/utmp/pndstore"

[sUCCESS]--- Mount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) ----------

./PNDstore:26: GtkDeprecationWarning: gtk.threads_enter is deprecated, use gtk.gdk.threads_enter instead


./PNDstore:27: GtkWarning: gtk_list_store_get_value: assertion `VALID_ITER (iter, list_store)' failed


./PNDstore:27: Warning: unable to set property `text' of type `gchararray' from value of type `(null)'


./PNDstore:27: Warning: gtype.c:4177: type id `0' is invalid


./PNDstore:27: Warning: can't peek value table for type `<invalid>' which is not currently referenced


Segmentation fault

[ FAILED]--- Starting the application ( --working-dir=.) ----------

[ START ]--- uMount the PND ----------

[ START ]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the Union to be available ----------

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/utmp/pndstore': Device or resource busy

[ START ]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

[sUCCESS]--- Waiting the PND mount dir to be free ----------

rmdir: failed to remove `/mnt/pnd/pndstore': Not a directory

cleanup done

[sUCCESS]--- uMount the PND ----------
Oh no, a segfault. I was so glad to have not seen any of those so far, since those will be tougher to debug. Just to be certain, was it on "Updating local package list" when it crashed, or was it still in the middle of "Updating remote package list"? Most likely you have one PND that's breaking it; if the problem persists, try removing any recently installed PNDs to figure out which is causing the fault. Then, if you can find a culprit, please let me know.