Mega GP Mania
I hate to say it but..
profesionally maintained?
- dev requests to udpate data.. ignored (for lack of time, single admin and all)
- its down right now .. thats not professional
- massively out of date historically, since its crummy in a lot of ways; hence having a robot-person go through to udpate pnds, but doign so badly.. and also meanign devs don't own their own work in the thing, so can' tupdate anything anyway
- ignores all community driven standards; ie: the repo spec and so forth. If it added support for repo spec, all the existing tools would _just work_ on the pandora, like they do for repo; why not add the repo spec?
... etc
Thats the problem; goign on your own way is fine, this lets you do things differently and/or above and beyondf what standards allow; but ignore the standards and will fo the devs and community as well, is pretty 'bull headed annoying'
ie: sebt3 is one, mcobit is another, notaz another, etc.. the top devs are all annoyed and don't want their stuff there. Thats a hint
No one has anything against your appstop, but for its technical and philisophical letdowns. Why is it that notaz' app is still (or spent a year or two at least) with mispelling in the name, that he couldn't correct, and no one would do for him, for instance?
With it being so unprofesional historically, why would anyone believe the new one to be any better, when core points are still not being addressed. (repo spec being the big one.)
The main benefit to the dl.openhandhelds archive is that it supports non-pnd (ie: pdfs, zips, whatever.) I think milkshake really needs to add that to the repo, so that it could be central to all things.. take some design changes and probabyl some repo-spec changes, but its worth doing; right now, there must at least be repo and to cover all the bases (ie: think of things like UI skins, that are not executables.)
Taking the details from the pnd is the only way to fly; making the dev/uploader re-enter it all is asking for errors and out of sync problems.
If the info in the pnd is in error or sucky, the dev shoudl fix it, or people will down vote it.. self correcting.
You could argue many of the points you're making about the repo too.
What I'm suggesting, and what we have volunteers ready to do is maintain apps as well as the forum is maintained. Wikipedia style.
Your suggestion here is to just keep going with the mess we have? I don't think that's very professional or a solution in any way.