Beta Pndstore

Esn said:
If it's really important to empty the appdata folder, maybe the new installation could do that automatically?
I actually figured out a workaround for this yesterday. I posted about it on the other boards, but forgot to mention it here. I also finally fixed the bug that sometimes prevented it from working on its first run.

Esn said:
Another suggestion for a potential feature: maybe if you're updating a PND, there could be a checkbox for whether you want to archive the old version in some folder such as /pandora/oldpnds. I already do this sometimes (because new versions can be buggy), but it would be a handy feature to have built-in.
That isn't a bad idea. I'll try to make that happen eventually, but there are other core features I'd like to get to first (like handling appdatas and ovrs).

Installing old versions from the repository isn't currently possible. The repo archives old versions, but they're not made available through the repository specification. And, though I might be wrong, I think that the need to install an old version of a package is rare enough that you might as well just go to milkshake's repo with your web browser.
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With no further bug reports for a long while, I've finalized the 1.0 release and uploaded it to the repo. And that's probably the last you'll get out of me for the next little while, but I'll get on GUI improvements eventually.
I'm getting an error running "Update lists", I can only see part of it on the status bar (it doesn't seem to end on the pndrun log):

"Could not process TypeError("int() argument m...")
That would imply a problem with milkshake's repository. However, I'm not seeing that error here, so it can't be milkshake's problem. Or maybe it was a temporary issue that's since been fixed. I can only suggest making sure you're connected to the internet, then trying again. Let me know if the problem persists.
Tempel said:
That would imply a problem with milkshake's repository. However, I'm not seeing that error here, so it can't be milkshake's problem. Or maybe it was a temporary issue that's since been fixed. I can only suggest making sure you're connected to the internet, then trying again. Let me know if the problem persists.

That was the error I got before I changed that one line in your script! :)
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EvilDragon said:
That was the error I got before I changed that one line in your script! :)
What the cabbage. Okay, I pushed v1.0.1 to the repo with that fix included. Hitnrun, I hope that fixes your problem, but I don't understand how it's a problem, so who knows?
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Tempel said:
That would imply a problem with milkshake's repository. However, I'm not seeing that error here, so it can't be milkshake's problem. Or maybe it was a temporary issue that's since been fixed. I can only suggest making sure you're connected to the internet, then trying again. Let me know if the problem persists.

Yes I'm sure the internet is working, must be something ED is talking about. It is still giving this error to me.
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Tempel said:
EvilDragon said:
That was the error I got before I changed that one line in your script! :)
What the cabbage. Okay, I pushed v1.0.1 to the repo with that fix included. Hitnrun, I hope that fixes your problem, but I don't understand how it's a problem, so who knows?

No, same error, it finds all the packages on the system (where I can confirm pndstore version - and after that I get this error.
Am I doing it right, I just loaded the program and pressed "Update lists", there is nothing to configure besides this right?
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Alright Hitnrun, I think I got it figured out. If your first list update failed (such as with network problems), then subsequent updates would never work. Clearing out your appdata directory will fix this; version 1.0.2, which I just uploaded to the repo, will make sure that this bug doesn't reappear. Thanks for finding it!
To elaborate: that will search by title, but it only searches from the beginning of the title (so typing "noth" will not bring you to "Wesnoth"). Proper filters, like by categories or descriptions, are on my todo list. But you'll either have to patiently wait until I get to it, or try coding it in to PNDstore yourself. I'm always looking for people to contribute :)
Tempel said:
Alright Hitnrun, I think I got it figured out. If your first list update failed (such as with network problems), then subsequent updates would never work. Clearing out your appdata directory will fix this; version 1.0.2, which I just uploaded to the repo, will make sure that this bug doesn't reappear. Thanks for finding it!

This fixed it. Even after upgrading to .2 I had to delete the appdata, after this is started working.
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meandu229 said:
KungPhoo said:

can you please add a search function?
There is a simple search, Click in the main area(select a app) then start typing
I guess if there's a GUI change done at some point, it wouldn't hurt to make it more obvious that there's a search function. It's not the first time I've heard users be unaware of that feature.

Out of curiosity, Tempel, do you have a "to-do" list? Would you be willing to share it?
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Sure thing. This is the PNDstore section, copied and pasted out of my big todo list. I've been considering moving this to Github's issue tracker; it's more collaborative in nature, but I haven't had much need for that collaborativeness yet. Note that, since I am the target audience for these notes, they might not make much sense if you're not me.

    solid backend and command-line stuff before HF6
        -what should happens if multiple PNDs with the same ID are found?
        -error handling in PackageInstance.install
        -handle broken package downloads (related to above?)
            -like if package has been removed but it hasn't been sent in the update
        -check size on download?
        -have upgrading detect and rename .ovr files
            -also .ovr removal with package removal
        -what happens to display if some info (title, versions) is None?
        -fix upgrading to store old file without .pnd in the name?
        -store appdata dirs for installed packages
            -then implement appdata removal
            -and package moving
        -incorporate libpnd's limited-depth searching thing
        -option to archive old packages after upgrade
        -parse license elements
        -extra options to list-upgrades?
        -update tests for update_remote to use more advanced repo
    better GUI can wait longer
        -sort packages by status (and others)
        -threaded GUI and progress bars
            -cancel button for current action
            -reinstate warning dialogs?
            -more efficient treeview updating
            -queue actions rather than blocking on the second
        -info pane
        -keep focus on list item even after install/remove/upgrade
Thanks! It's true that some of them aren't very comprehensible to me, but that's okay. As for "collaboration"... well, here are some things that I'd like to see as a user, in order of priority:

-have checkboxes beside PNDs so you can install or uninstall multiple ones at the same time. Currently, having to do it one at a time significantly slows things down. Would be much quicker if I could select a whole bunch all at once, press "start" then go wander off to do something else instead of having to wait by my Pandora for it to finish so I can start the next one.

-have the PNDs be sorted by alphabetical order of the title, with no exceptions, ignoring upper/lower-case letters (the Xfe file manager can do it, why not other programs?)

-be able to sort PNDs by category

-be able to access the description of a PND by pressing a button, or in an info panel

-automatically recognize potential duplicate PND entries and give user the option of "merging" them (so if there's a new version of a program that's currently recognized as a separate entry, you can choose to "merge" them, and now you'll see as if there's an update available for a program that you currently have. Or if it's the same version, it'll just show it as up-to-date). These almost always have the exact same title (down to the capital letters), so that would be an easy way to find them. This problem is a very common one.

-be able to sort the table by the icon on the left (to quickly separate installed PNDs from uninstalled ones)

I'm glad to see that some of those are on your list already.
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Esn said:
-have checkboxes beside PNDs so you can install or uninstall multiple ones at the same time. Currently, having to do it one at a time significantly slows things down. Would be much quicker if I could select a whole bunch all at once, press "start" then go wander off to do something else instead of having to wait by my Pandora for it to finish so I can start the next one.

I've been thinking about this one. I was thinking of allowing Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple packages at once. This avoids the need for checkboxes, thereby saving some screen space. Would that be an acceptable solution, or do you think checkboxes would be more useful?
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Well, you don't need a new column for the checkboxes. You can just use the existing one on the left. Right now, any programs that are not installed just have a blank space in the leftmost column. Put clickable checkboxes there. For the programs that are installed, make it so that clicking on its green icon will make it turn grey (so that you can uninstall multiple programs also).

Install/remove should be combined into one button. I don't think there's any reason to have two buttons there; any given item on the list can either be installed or removed, not both.

I think that checkboxes would be preferable because they're more comfortable for the user. The Pandora's mouse buttons (assigned to the right nub) are notoriously finicky and random, and ctrl-selecting a bunch of files in a file manager (whether Thunar or Xfe) has always been very awkward for me. It's why I asked ED to allow an easy way to switch the right-nub and ABXY assignments in Hotfix 6, but I don't know if he's going to do that.

If you only allow ctrl-selecting, make one wrong move, and all your selections are lost, and you have to scroll all the way back up again and remember what you selected. While with checkboxes, you'll be able to scroll through the list at your leisure and check off the items that you want to download or update. You can even check off some items, go do something else, then go back to PNDstore and check off more items. But with ctrl-click, you have to know what you're going to download/update all at once, because you must keep a button pressed the whole time.