Launching right from app listings
Currently: One must first enter the app details ( B) , from there one can launch the app (ENTER).
Suggestion: ENTER in any app listing launches the app right away. This way PNDManager gets closer to versatile launcher, with the freedom to launch apps from different sortings: By name (search), category, rating, recentness, etc. If the selected and launched app is locally installed, it gets launched, else you get a warning dialogue "The app is not installed." Ok (and dismiss) (X) | (Show me app) Details ( B) | Install (Y)
Installed apps - Sort option "by install date"
I think I already suggested this once, but once again here:
This feature would help the process "discover, install, launch, test, decide to keep/remove".
If a user tends to install mostly most recently updated apps, then the sorting "last updated" mostly suffices this process, as the newly installed apps will be on the top of this listing.
But if a user installs a series of apps for a certain interest field (search term, category), s/he may install apps with very wide spread update-timestamps. The sorting "install date" would aid here.
At the next program launch PNDManager should leave the entered search term in the screen "Search", so that one can continue from where you left.
Rationale: The effort to clear the search term is less than to memorize and retype the last term.
Commenting - Text operations keys conflict with GUI operation keys
While you are in the text field you cannot use L-shoulder as SHIFT for capitalizing letters and R-shoulder as CTRL for text related commands such as copy/paste nor X as page-down for jumping to the end of your text block, as all these keys are already assigned to GUI functions.
If you accidentally click X, and then return to the comment again, your comment is lost. The workaround to copy from the comment field and paste into another application such as a text editor as a backup does also not work due to an Pandora OS / XFCE bug:
Clipboard content of closed app gets tossed instead of being accessible to other/later started apps
- Keep typed but yet unsubmitted comments (as local drafts). If you return to such a comment screen later, your drafted comment is still there for continuation and submission.
- If you are in the screen "Comments" temporarily deactivate the navigational shortcuts (L + R), as these are quite relevant for typing (shift + ctrl). The X is okay, because probably you really intend to abort the comment, and if comment drafts work (suggestion 1) you do not loose your typed text, but can resume anyway. For text navigation A/B (Pg-Up/Down) and the arrow keys are sufficient, as comment text is at most a few lines, so you can get over not having Y/X (home/end).
Rating > Additional input method > Assign rating by pressing numeral key 1/2/3/4/5
As soon as you enter the "Rating screen" pressing 1/2/3/4/5 assigns that amount of stars accordingly. B then confirms.
User submission features - GUI feedback if API key wrong
I was mislead by: "Edit settings.cfg in appdata and insert credentials to enable features that require logging in." I had interpreted "credentials" as "username/password".
Had tried to submit ratings and comments, but it always failed. Kept wondering. Then I realized that in settings.cfg I filled the variable apiKey with my repo password, but not an API key! Checked pndrun_pndmanager.out, which showed:
_pndman_api_handshake_check 8: Client hash and server hash missmatch.
Then I created an API key in the web repo, and used that one. From then on it worked!
- Please change the instruction to "… insert username/API-key …" to spare other users that confusion.
- Please throw a handshake error message in the GUI, not only to pndrun_*.
Upgrade all > Behaved strange while updating "Pidgin IM"
I had successfully used that feature multiple times, but when Pidgin was among the update candidates, it behaved buggy.
All other apps were upgraded without problems, but Pidgin's upgrade (from to v2.10.6.1) did not work.
Sometimes no progress bar was shown, sometimes it was shown, and sometimes it was shown with negative and strange numbers, and numbers in- and de-creasing randomly...
I resorted to manually download the PND to the SD card.
Download progress not shown under certain filter conditions
Very very minor bug! Just reporting for completeness. Seems to be a problem with refreshing:
- Go to "Installed".
- Enter a search term, i.e. "clock". You get a listing with apps names containing "clock", in my case "PyClock" and "alarmclock".
- Go to "Search". Search for "clock". Install an app containing the name "clock", which you yet not have. The download starts. In my case this was "PandoraClock" (~16 MB).
- Switch back to "Installed". The app currently downloading shows no progress (although it IS downloading). Clear the filter by using the BACKSPACE key, and retype the filter "clock". Only now the download progress is shown.