A Commando
This thread works as the bug / feature request tracker for PNDManager (part of PND management suite). If you have bugs to report or features to request post them here. I'll update the first post to contain up-to-date information on queued work.
Fixed in
- PND launching while shutting down PNDManager to free resources
- Filter buttons
- Sync at startup
- Show "installing" notification when download is completed
- Show restart notification after upgrading self
- Partial upgrade dialog
- Add option to force full sync at given intervals, default to always to get latest additional info
- Consistent filtering/sorting for all package views
- Option to backup old PND versions on upgrade (pndman support exists)
- Reverting to a previously archived version of a PND
- Hide installed packages from latest updates
- Sort installed items by install date
- Attempt to keep correct install date when moving between sd cards by matching PNDs based on id and version
Fixed in
- Added mouse visibility setting to settings view
- Added version number to settings view (title bar)
- Fixed settings view being a part of the view cycle
Fixed in
- Added a settings view for common settings
- Added a setting to flip OK/Back buttons
- Added a way to delete comments without using the touch screen
- Fix all size handling parts (like available space display) to handle >4GiB sizes correctly
- Queuing bugs fixed
- A bug regarding symlinked PNDs fixed (symlinking a PND to scanned directory used to make stuff not work)
- UI polishing
- Added custom devices option to config, which can be used to regard specific directories like SD cards. The config takes a comma-separated list of paths. I've found adding /tmp very useful for testing out stuff. (launch pndmanager once first to get an empty option to the config, then edit)
- Installed-view should try to retain cursor position after PND deletion
- Left/right work as page up/down in installed-view
- Enter executes PNDs from installed-view
- Queued items now don't appear in multiple sections at installed-view
- Show free disk space in install dialog
- Disable install/upgrade-button if selected/installed disk has insufficient free space
- Fix crashing on sync
- Fix progressbar not hiding on completed download (and other issues related to the same underlying issue)
- Fix deadlock when closing PNDManager which randomly caused failed unmounting
- Fix crashing when repo credentials are not set
- Fix issues with some special situations
- Fix comment view scrolling
- Better memory efficiency
- Faster installs
- Fixes in repository interface
- Fixed comment duplication bug (and probably a host of other not-yet-encountered ones)
- Updated screenshots
- Deleting own comments
- Download queuing with variable max parallel downloads (default 4, can be changed from settings.cfg)
- Thread-safety fixes
- Some smaller bugfixes
- Term change: "author" to "maintainer"
- Shorter delays when installing/syncing
- Better error messaging
- A new Qt 4.8.5 build with NEON-optimizations, bringing a more fluid user experience
- Higher download max speed (around 1.7MiB/s)
- New libpndman with bzip repo list support and several bugfixes
- Actually working sync failure notification (no more infinite animation when not connected to network!)
- Noticeably faster delta syncs to repo
- New bottom bar
- Upgrade bug fixes
- Big backend changes to pndman and qtpndman, should make downloads more reliable
- Repo client API support
- Comment read/write
- Rating
- UI enhancements
- Miscellaneous bugs fixed
- Bug: After uninstalling a foreign PND install button shows up
- Make categories view items react to mousedown instead of click to increase responsiveness
- Add spinner to indicate activity
- Disable some buttons based on context (like launch when an application is starting/running)
- Bug: Crashing after sync (probably, hard to reproduce reliably)
- Bug: Two syncs required to see upgrades
- Bug: Updates don't show up until next time PNDManager is started
- Threaded syncing (no stuttering when syncing)
- Faster filtering (no need to add enter-pressing)
- Move launch button to the right
- Various optimizations
- Key presses leaking from a running PND to PNDManager? Should be impossible.
- ListView based "installed" list (faster startup and filtering)
- Faster model updating (less freezing when installing/removing/upgrading)
- Bug: Old PND not removed on upgrade if file name does not match
- Option to sort installed items by update time
- PND launching with PNDManager running in the background
- Always do full syncs
- Change button layout: Y = install/upgrade, A = remove
- Make empty search clear search results, not show all packages
- Show cursor in text boxes
- Option to enable verbose output from pndman
- Fix preview picture browser stutter
- Touching the screen more responsive in categories view
- Bug: Additional info and full description not shown for installed applications
- Bug: Home view does not update on sync
- Better icon (from repo comments)
- Separator between description and additional info
- Make Esc quit
- Remember install location choice
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