aunching right from app listings
Currently: One must first enter the app details ( B ), from there one can launch the app (ENTER).
Suggestion: ENTER in any aipp listing launches the app right away. This way PNDManager gets closer to versatile launcher, with the freedom to launch apps from different sortings: By name (search), category, rating, recentness, etc. If the selected and launched app is locally installed, it gets launched, else you get a warning dialogue "The app is not installed." Ok (and dismiss) (X) | (Show me app) Details ( B ) | Install (Y)
This is a conscious decision. PNDManager is not a launcher. The launch functionality is very bare bones and intended for testing new PNDs, not running them as a normal use case. If I'll do a launcher it will be separate for many reasons.
Even if "launcher" is just a sub feature, it would be nice if it was available anywhere, at least secretly: ENTER works, but no hinting "ENTER to launch" icon there. If the selected app is locally installed, it launches, if it is a remote app, nothing happens. PLEAZE !!! :rolleyes: Honestly this is an egoistic wish. But as an interaction designer I can argue: Launching is necessary for the process "discover, install, test, consider to keep/remove" and not generally, thus within the detail vie, it is sufficing. Don't overload the UI with it. Nevertheless, if your pro users can access it with a direct key command, which does not interfere with the general logic or cause confusion, then why not give it to them?!