PGS Windows 10 gaming handheld - GPD WIN competitor

How about funpain? If that isn't already a term, it needs to be (but maybe unrelated to scampaigns).
[doublepost=1484873567,1484873505][/doublepost]Fundpain is another interesting one.
that's possibly what ED is experiencing. (fundpain, of course, though, maybe also funpain.)

Whoa. This suddenly went dark and weird. So what you're saying is that ED is german and he's into funpain? I'm not willing to go there. Nope.
Funpain is not the same as masochism in my mind. Funpain would be something like playing a video game that you know will kick your ass, or almost like scratching an itch that hurts when you scratch it.
Back in my day we called it "enjoying a challenge". I guess we are all just masochists.
If you enjoy losing, then yes, that matches the definition of masochism.
However, most people don't enjoy losing, they enjoy winning against a difficult opponent, which is what I think you were trying to get to.
Yeah, pretty much knowing you will lose, but trying anyway. A good example of the other end of the spectrum was on ST:TNG when Riker wanted to challenge the champion of a game I forgot the name of. He knew he wouldn't win, but he wanted to play against the guy anyway. Riker didn't strike me as the masochist type. (I can probably provide a video showing that scene.)
Riker didn't strike me as the masochist type.
You say that as if masochism needs to be something that's always on and applies to everything across the board.
If you enjoy getting beaten at a game but not by a whip that's still defined as masochism, it's just different. Masochism isn't even defined as sexual pleasure, it's literally just any sort of "pain" that you enjoy.
He wasn't enjoying the pain or humiliation of defeat (he isn't a Klingon). He made it clear that he just wanted the experience of playing against this person that was the best, even though he knew he was going to lose. Not entirely unlike choosing the highest difficulty level for a game, knowing your skills aren't at that level, just to give it a shot and see how long you last, or otherwise doing something way beyond your ability, especially something that will be hard on you, for the sake of enjoying doing it. Funpain. Perhaps I see it as the inverse of masochism, doing something, especially for fun, despite the pain/unpleasantness.

I knew you meant the non-sexual (yet not entirely accurate, as the term does originate from the sexual aspect, based on the stories of the author that gave it his name, and is misapplied when otherwise used) understanding of masochism. Although the first thing some people think of regarding Riker is sex, I meant more generally. He liked a challenge and being underestimated, but he always tried to have the upper hand, or to keep an ace up his sleeve (and don't get me started on David Xanatos). I can't recall any instance where he took any sort of joy in being defeated. Encountering himself when returning to the location of the transporter accident and meeting the real man, or when seeing him try to deal with past mistakes. Sure, it may not always be on, but I don't recall it having ever been on in his case.
Can anyone give a TL;DR? Because I thought we were discussing PGS here, and I have no idea how we came to this point :D
Can anyone give a TL;DR? Because I thought we were discussing PGS here, and I have no idea how we came to this point :D

Well, it's like this:

PGS released an announcement of a new scam, my shed got dragged into the discussion, and as a consequence the finer points of deriving pleasure from pain and discomfort are now being hammered out.

You're welcome.
Because sending money to PGS might qualify as masochism and/or funpain (I still think they are different, everyone else is probably correct that they are the same).
I believe it's not the pain of losing a bunch of times that is enjoyable about playing on hard but winning against long odds. It's not the x times you lose you enjoy it's finally winning.
That is still distinct in my head, I think it has a different term associated with it that I can't think of atm. What I have in mind as funpain is about enjoying the experience, not the eventual triumph (although striving for it kinda fits). Even in my Riker example, he only got one chance to play the guy (yet Data got two, and took a serious hit to his confidence after the first game). I really need to get that clip.