Pandora Rebirth Competition - The Winners :)

I know, many pandorarianer often forget about other consoles, but the rest of the open handheld scene would enjoy your games, too. :-) Especially games made with glBasic & Co should easily been ported.

Schwerkraft will be avaible for Caanoo, Dingoo, Wiz and GP2X soon™.

But nevertheless congratulations to all winners and the winners of the hearts. :)

greetings, Ziz
Congratulations all, I honestly have no clue how you developed this great software in time, but all of them came out really great, thank you all for putting in the effort for our precious little Pandora :)
To the winners, Congrats. All three prizes are up for grabs. Since there are multiple people who worked on these, winners who want prizes please PM me. First place gets choice, others get what are left.
Also, what was that about tv-out cables I just read there :rolleyes:

??? Tv Out cables???

To the winners, I've begun contacting some of you, so as soon as I can figure out to whom which case is going, I'll contact more winners. Working from the top down. Also, I'm going to throw in some schwag new items I'm stocking at

Congrats again!
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