I hoped I had fixed all memleaks in 0.8.1 already, but maybe I missed something. Do you have a way to run out of ram fast?
It takes a while, maybe half an hour or more on my 512MB Pandora. One unixy solution would be to re-exec the program with certain arguments for each game! I did that in my
rescue game, but it caused a few problems on Pandora, worked ok on PC Linux.
I wonder how it can clear the savefile, that should not be possible. Maybe starting it twice could cause some weird behavior
I'm guessing it might be due to some weirdness with pnd_run, and the appdata union getting unmounted and mounted at the wrong time. Maybe you could keep a flag that says the savefile was not found in the first place, and in that case when saving use O_EXCL or stat to make sure you are creating a new file as expected, not overwriting a better one.
Here are three levels that caused a crash in either the editor or play or both:
I edited 7a from 7b by hand in vim to try to fix it, but it still crashed. 7b and 10 came from Sean in the editor.
Is it OK to make X/Y change the value by +-10, instead of typing the number? (it's a bit easier to implement
Sure, that sounds good - you're the boss!
There are probably levels that are just impossible on insane - it would be good to know which ones are possible, so feel free to share that info
Ok... so far, tutorial 1-4 are possible, and my son's "level 4" is possible.
I think I did some others on insane, I forget which at the moment.
I'll try to do them all, and let you know which ones are too hard for me.
Then maybe you can give those more starting energy, if no one else can do them...
or leave them as-is - it can be a good challenge to fight a losing battle, like Leonides and the 500 Spartans!
I've got a couple suggestions to make things difficult for you _wb_
* A high-score / achievements file. Scores can be recorded for each (level, difficulty) setting, and sorted by (remaining cells, energy, time elapsed). If no one beat the level yet, the longest time survived is the winner! We could enter our names too, hopefully using the keyboard and not like in MAME.
* I also would like a log / replay function, to record how I beat the level and play it back!
Could save these for each entry on the high score table, and the previous game.
I guess it wouldn't take much space, something like a midi event log and gzip it.
Would have to record the random seed (if the engine is stable) or else each random number chosen.
If the game logic changes I guess the replay logs would not work, an alternative might be a frame-by-frame record of what's where. Well don't worry about this I guess, unless you're really bored.