I'm working on a 2D tower defense type of game specifically designed for the Pandora. It is already in a playable state (except that it doesn't have any menu yet, just starts immediately in level 1). I'm now looking for people who want to help with the game. License will be GPL.
Game features: (already implemented)
- 2D tower defense
- no fixed enemy path: the enemies take the shortest route to the destination (this route changes when you build towers; there always has to be one remaining path)
- towers have hp, some enemies attack towers (you can also repair towers)
- some enemies can swim (go through water); some enemies can fly (fly over towers)
- one enemy type is "berserker": it cannot go over towers but will attack whatever towers are in its way until it or the tower dies, taking the shortest route a flying enemy would take
- one enemy type is "crazy": it can go in random directions sometimes
- currently only one tower type, can be upgraded 4 times
- by default, a tower attacks anything in its range. You can put towers in different modes, e.g. to focus on fast enemies, strong or weak enemies, aggressive enemies, etc.
What is needed:
- every level can have its own tileset (32x32 tiles for the terrain and towers; enemies are no tiles) and background music; currently the tiles are placeholders and the music are very short loops, it would be nice to have at least one nice tileset and a few background tracks
- sound effects (there are some placeholders but they suck)
- more levels; making levels is not difficult (there is no map editor but it's just editing a simple ASCII file)
- a theme/story: for now it is just "enemies" and "towers" and "lives left"; would be nice to have something more interesting (maybe something that doesn't sound too war-oriented, e.g. the enemies being bacteria invading your body and the towers being antibodies or something like that would be nicer)
- a name for the game
- some playtesting to make sure everything is somewhat balanced and the learning curve is smooth
- suggestions for new enemies / terrain types / towers / game mechanics
What to do if you're considering to help:
Reply in this thread or send me a private message. I will give you the current dev version of the game (probably just a .tar.gz). You can then take a look at it and decide if you want to help.
As soon as something fun to play comes out of this, the game will be released as a PND on the repo. After the initial release, there will probably be updates with new level packs etc.
Game features: (already implemented)
- 2D tower defense
- no fixed enemy path: the enemies take the shortest route to the destination (this route changes when you build towers; there always has to be one remaining path)
- towers have hp, some enemies attack towers (you can also repair towers)
- some enemies can swim (go through water); some enemies can fly (fly over towers)
- one enemy type is "berserker": it cannot go over towers but will attack whatever towers are in its way until it or the tower dies, taking the shortest route a flying enemy would take
- one enemy type is "crazy": it can go in random directions sometimes
- currently only one tower type, can be upgraded 4 times
- by default, a tower attacks anything in its range. You can put towers in different modes, e.g. to focus on fast enemies, strong or weak enemies, aggressive enemies, etc.
What is needed:
- every level can have its own tileset (32x32 tiles for the terrain and towers; enemies are no tiles) and background music; currently the tiles are placeholders and the music are very short loops, it would be nice to have at least one nice tileset and a few background tracks
- sound effects (there are some placeholders but they suck)
- more levels; making levels is not difficult (there is no map editor but it's just editing a simple ASCII file)
- a theme/story: for now it is just "enemies" and "towers" and "lives left"; would be nice to have something more interesting (maybe something that doesn't sound too war-oriented, e.g. the enemies being bacteria invading your body and the towers being antibodies or something like that would be nicer)
- a name for the game
- some playtesting to make sure everything is somewhat balanced and the learning curve is smooth
- suggestions for new enemies / terrain types / towers / game mechanics
What to do if you're considering to help:
Reply in this thread or send me a private message. I will give you the current dev version of the game (probably just a .tar.gz). You can then take a look at it and decide if you want to help.
As soon as something fun to play comes out of this, the game will be released as a PND on the repo. After the initial release, there will probably be updates with new level packs etc.