Pandora Can Run...

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Still Fresh
Apr 5, 2009
Milan, Italy
pandora can run this games?
Half life 1
will rock
serious sam 1
risen 3d (doom with 3d models)
duke nukem 3d
shogo mobile armor division
another thing with armstrong if i use the no$gba to emulte the ds will it work?
Thanks a lot

a another thing can it run blender or maya 8.5
It's too bad nobody's come onto the forums asking about these before.
Because, you know, then you could have searched, or looked through the port request thread, or read the part where it says "ports require source" in giant letters...

however, consider this:

1. Ports require source
2. No DirectX

Half life has long since been declared impossible to port without considerable help from Valve.
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maby just search some info...
if a source code of a game is available, and the pandora has the specefications of the minimum requirements of the game, it can be ported, and can be run on the pandora.
all those old 3d games like duke nukem 3d will run with soem emulators or descent ports.
can it run maya or no$gba? ehhm...i dont wanna help you anymore. search yourself. please lock this topic down!
Confirmed: Pandora can run, it will be shipped with detachable legs for if someone tries to steal it...

Edit: To lock the topic we need Username to post here.
I know that half life supports opengl so why the pandora can't run it?
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wiimario said:
I know that half life supports opengl so why the pandora can't run it?
Because it is compiled only for x86 processors. To run on the Pandora, it would need to be recompiled, and since the source is not available, that cannot happen.

In the future, please use the portability flowchart to determine if a program is capable of being ported to the Pandora:
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half life is owned by a company that wont likely ever make a port to the pandora the hardware is too diferent to make it possible the only way that it has a chance is via the port made to the dreamcast but i wouldnt get ur hopes up
'wiimario' said:
and quake 2/3?
Have you even bothered to read the main page? quake 1 till 3 are allready playable. Please do some searching first, because you are asking for a flamefest this way
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'wiimario' said:
I know that half life supports opengl so why the pandora can't run it?
because unless Valve come into the picture and try and make it run, and they would need some kinda of incentive to do this, we wont ever have the code to make it happen. short of recreating the entire game from scratch, its just very unlikely to happen.

without a doubt the pandora has the legs to run the software but (unless i am way out here) we couldnt emulate another system that can run it at a playable framerate, and to do it any other way would require the source code which as everyone else has said, isn't available.

edit: man i am just way too slow
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'wiimario' said:
I know that half life supports opengl so why the pandora can't run it?
I am continuously amazed by the confusion between x86 and ARM cpus.

Here you go, one more time:
Most computers have x86 CPUs (Intel, AMD). Most cellphones and other handheld devices have ARM CPUs.

Windows for desktop computers (XP, Vista) require an x86 CPU. Software that runs on Windows also requires an x86 CPU. Although Windows CE (Windows Mobile) can run on ARM CPUs, software made for Windows XP or Vista and x86 CPUs cannot run on Windows CE.

Linux can run on just about any CPU on earth, but not the closed source software that runs on linux (adobe flash player, doom 3, quake 4, etc.).

The Pandora has an ARM CPU. Thus, it can run Linux and theoretically Windows CE (although this is unlikely). Neither one can run software made for Windows and x86 CPUs.

In order to a certain piece of software on the Pandora, it must be ported (or at least compiled for ARM). This requires cooperation from the original developer(s) or for that piece of software to be open source.
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'wiimario' said:
I have a mod for half life so I think that the source code was just released
well you think incorrectly then.

why when they can and do still charge people to play the game through Steam, would they out of the blue change their business model to release the source code for it? there has been absolutely no indication of this happening so either drop it or do some serious research and come back with something worth adding.
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I what is a source code :angry: :angry: I'm doing a mod for quake 2 :angry: :angry:
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wiimario said:
I what is a source code :angry: :angry: I'm doing a mod for quake 2 :angry: :angry:

I hope you meant "I know what is a source code", if not get your flamesuit ready. ;)
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For the love of . . .

don't feed the troll/newb

Source means that you could build the game entirely and play it on your cellphone.

think of the Pandora as a cellphone with a bigger screen that can't make any phone calls.

Can your cell phone play any of these games you list?

If yes, then there is a possibility for your Pandora to play them.
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'lulzfish' said:
Half life has long since been declared impossible to port without considerable help from Valve.
Since HL1 is based heavily on the Quake I engine, (Valve just refuses to release the source) I would probably say

Half life has long since been declared impossible to port, with considerable help from Valve.
Instead. :)
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