Pandora Can Run...

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'nubie' said:
For the love of . . .

don't feed the troll/newb

Source means that you could build the game entirely and play it on your cellphone.

think of the Pandora as a cellphone with a bigger screen that can't make any phone calls.
Can your cell phone play any of these games you list?

If yes, then there is a possibility for your Pandora to play them.

noooo you feeded him :(

time for flamessssss :p
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Uh... doing a mod doesn't require the source code only and API or interpreter to program already built into the precompiled game

happeh trollin
Valve released *partial* HL1 source code (SDK), enough to make mods (like Sven Coop that I develop for) and compile the Server and Client dlls. The entire source code is not released, and what has been is pretty extensive to begin with. An SDK is not the same as a full source release (generally).
...mods don't require source code. They're just mods. Trust us - there's no source. You're not going to see HalfLife unless someone gets Valve themselves to port it.
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Vorporeal said:
...mods don't require source code. They're just mods. Trust us - there's no source. You're not going to see HalfLife unless someone gets Valve themselves to port it.

They did release some source code. I modify it and compile the hl.dll and client.dll binaries all the time. It's in c++, here is an example from cbase.cpp (from the SDK). Please see my post previous to yours.

Of course some mods are not "just mods". Sven Coop has new monsters, weapons, physics, sound system, etc. All of which required source code modifications (extensive ones too). We have tons of new files, not just mods to the existing ones. So I'm sorry, but I can't really trust you when you say "They're just mods. Trust us - there's no source" as that is clearly inaccurate. Download the SDK if you don't believe me (a number of sites has it hosted). It's really hard not to be snarky here when people make statements that are inaccurate while thinking they are the ones in the know. To correct someone else and be clearly wrong.

That being said, I already said the SDK was not enough for a port. He probably has the knowledge that the SDK is source code, just not that it isn't enough for a port. Hence why he probably doesn't listen to anyone who said that no code was released. Why would he trust anything else they said, if people already were wrong.

Also, see this pic if you want to see the code files on my HD:

* Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 Valve LLC. All rights reserved.
* This product contains software technology licensed from Id
* Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc.
* All Rights Reserved.
* Use, distribution, and modification of this source code and/or resulting
* object code is restricted to non-commercial enhancements to products from
* Valve LLC. All other use, distribution, or modification is prohibited
* without written permission from Valve LLC.
#include "extdll.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "cbase.h"
#include "saverestore.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "decals.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "functank.h"

extern "C" void PM_Move ( struct playermove_s *ppmove, int server );
extern "C" void PM_Init ( struct playermove_s *ppmove );
extern "C" char PM_FindTextureType( char *name );

void EntvarsKeyvalue( entvars_t *pev, KeyValueData *pkvd );
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There was also that partial HL2 source code leak, how complete was that? The hackers did release a playable but extremely glitchy build, all of this of course being super-duper illegal.
fischju2000 said:
There was also that partial HL2 source code leak, how complete was that? The hackers did release a playable but extremely glitchy build, all of this of course being super-duper illegal.

I think I heard the same.

For giggles, I downloaded the HL Source SDK (HL2). It has tons of source code in it too (including a linux SDK makefile). In fact, I can't imagine any of the Source Mods being made without the source code. Look at Dystopia or Garry's mod, those clearly are custom code mods. Same for all the HL1 mods I can think of.

//========= Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// menu.cpp
// generic menu handler
#include "cbase.h"
#include "text_message.h"
#include "hud_macros.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "weapon_selection.h"
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Why did all the "no source code" nay sayers not comment (or the "mods doesn't require source code" ones)? I am a big enough man to admit when my assumptions were wrong. Is no one else?

I don't know what feeble mods the rest play, but everything I've played is a code change mod. Go see Sven Coop (or any real HL mod) if you still think otherwise. No dick waving required, except by those who have nothing to add and just criticize like douches.

1. There is some code available for HL and HL2 (SDK), easily available.
2. No, neither are enough for a port. But modified extensively for Mods (and compiled by the mod community). I modify and compile HL1 (some binaries) frequently.
3. That is likely the source of the poster's confusion, and where many have gone wrong in their replies (with regards to HL and other SDKs where some source code is available).
Gruso said:
But it's all academic isn't it? Credit where it's due for your knowledge on the subject, but no one else needs to admit error. Because it can't be ported.

I believe someone shouldn't say something unless they *know* its true. And people did, with a sense of authority that is just a bit arrogant. Assumptions without actually looking into what they said (causing the issues with the original poster who knew more, just didn't know enough (he had some source code, just didn't know it wasn't enough)). He was dismissed by people who knew less and simply assumed things.

I warrant that is worthy of an apology. They didn't know what they were saying, nor how to explain it to him properly. They made knee-jerk posts, thinking they knew more, and were wrong.

Accountability. If you want to help a situation, do it right, and don't talk unless you know. Answer the *why* properly, or don't step up.

They may have been right in th big picture, but were completely wrong in the details. So of course he was confuse by broad statements on *why*, when that *why* was inaccurate. I wouldn't believe someone who gave me a *why* when his/her facts were completely wrong, yet spoke them as gospel.

BTW: Gruso, I completely respect you (from your posts.) Nothing personal, just a general distaste for those posters acting like they know when they don't.
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BackAssward said:
I believe someone shouldn't say something unless they *know* its true. And people did, with a sense of authority that is just a bit arrogant. Assumptions without actually looking into what they said (causing the issues with the original poster who knew more, just didn't know enough). He was dismissed by people who knew less and simply assumed things.

I warrant that is worthy of an apology. They didn't know what they were saying, nor how to explain it to him properly. They made knee-jerk posts, thinking they knew more, and were wrong..

I suspect it was more a "lie tho children":

After all, you didn't explain everything entriely eiyther - what is source code? What is C/C++? What does "Language" mean in computer terms? Compiling? In what way is the ARM architecture different to x86 architecture?

At the bare minimum, modding a game is modifying it - that can be as little as changing the sprite for a single item (say, a wall panel) or it can be as much as completely replacing all of the artistic elements of a game before you even get to code modification... then with code modification as well you have a whole new world of ways to modify a game. So at heart, a modification does NOT, technically, require source code - though some specific (presumably superior) mods do, that is not a requirement of the generic "mod".

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So because they didn't emphasize that the complete source code must be open, they are wrong?

I'm sorry, but what you write is the epitome of pettifoggery.
Monk said:
At the bare minimum, modding a game is modifying it - that can be as little as changing the sprite for a single item (say, a wall panel) or it can be as much as completely replacing all of the artistic elements of a game before you even get to code modification... then with code modification as well you have a whole new world of ways to modify a game. So at heart, a modification does NOT, technically, require source code - though some specific (presumably superior) mods do, that is not a requirement of the generic "mod".


To be honest, we weren't talking about modifying it in general, we were talking about "mods". If we want to be honest in the HL vernacular, a mod is exactly as I presented it (and we want to be accurate in the language of the subject we are talking). Also, it was stated that "mods don't require source code", using "don't" not "don't always"... so a point of fact is made there, that mod don't require source code, not that they don't "always".

Back to basics, we are talking HL. HL mods so far are code modifications (9 years later and counting). But even more basic, to say no source code has been released to someone who knows better, is just completely innacurate and that person should not act as if they know, when they clearly didn't even bother to check.
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Fishbong said:
So because they didn't emphasize that the complete source code must be open, they are wrong?

I'm sorry, but what you write is the epitome of pettifoggery.

They said the source code wasn't released nor needed for a mod. Completely wrong and out of their ass.
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...which has how much to do with porting the game to a different architecture?
Why do you have to make your points in a way that is completely irrelevant to the topic at hand? Maybe because they are irrelevant?
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